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Taming of the Shrew Induction and Act I Quiz Introduction to Drama.

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2 Taming of the Shrew Induction and Act I

3 Quiz Introduction to Drama

4 Journal Write What are your views on love and marriage? How do you view the roles of women and men in love relationships? Who should ask whom to get married? Out on a date? Is love necessary for marriage?

5 Read Induction s.i+ii p.3-13 Discuss the role of reality vs. dreaming (all but 1B)

6 Day 2

7 Warm Up If you had to list the traits (physical, personality, etc.) of your perfect mate, what would they be? Try to be as specific as you can. What traits would your parents list if they were choosing the perfect mate for you. Again, try to be specific. What are the pros and cons of an arranged marriage?

8 Marriage is a Serious Business Love and marriage in Elizabethan times was completely different that it is today. Marriage was a practical matter between two families in the interest of wealth and social status. Bride’s family often paid a dowry to the groom as compensation for the financial responsibility of taking her into his household. Betrothal contracts Never personal choice Fate of a family could rest on whom the daughter married

9 Researching the Role of Women (20-25 min.) Time Period Medieval Elizabethan Victorian 1920’s 1950’s 1960’s-1970’s 1980’s 2000’s Customs Marriage/Courtship Property Ownership Education Employment Clothing Personal Appearance Standard of Beauty What women thought What women wrote

10 Day 3

11 Role of Women Presentations Each group will share their research from their time period Keep track of presentations on your worksheet What conclusions can you come to based on the information presented in the groups? Turn in your charts for participation points

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