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CEOS Calendar 2008-2009 Item 26 GISTDA. Nov 2008-2009.

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Presentation on theme: "CEOS Calendar 2008-2009 Item 26 GISTDA. Nov 2008-2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 CEOS Calendar 2008-2009 Item 26 GISTDA

2 Nov 2008-2009

3 Activities and Meetings CEOS Plenary SIT Virtual Constellations SBAs Working Groups GEO related Activities Others

4 CEOS Plenary Nov 11-12, 08 22 nd CEOS Plenary CSIR George, South Africa Nov 2-4, 09 23 rd CEOS Plenary GISTDA Phuket, Thailand

5 CEOS SIT  Jan 27-28 SIT Workshop Silver Spring Maryland, USA  March 3-5 SIT-23, NOAA Florida, USA  Sep 9-11 SIT-24, EUMETSAT Darmstadt, Germany

6 CEOS VCs  April 20, 2008 OCR VC Steering Group Meeting Hang Zhou, China


8 WGISS  May 11-15 WGISS-27, CNES Toulouse, France  Sep 28 – Oct 2 WGISS-28, CSIR Pretoria, South Africa

9 WGCV  Nov 27-28, 08 CEOS/WGCV SAR Cal/Val Workshop, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany  Dec 9-10, 08 WGCV IVOS subgroup meeting JAXA, Tsukuba, Japan  May 26-28, 09 WGCV-30 Plenary INPE/São José dos Campos Brazil  Aug 11-13, 09 WGCV, IVOS subgroup meeting Univ.of Lethbridge, Canada  Sept 14-18, 09 CEOS/WGCV Workshop (TBD)

10 CEOS WGEdu  Feb 4-6 WGEdu Remote Sensing Workshop, Bangkok, Thailand  April (TBD) WGEdu Meeting Norway

11 GEO related Activities  Nov 19-20, 08 GEO-V Plenary Bucharest, Romania  Dec 1-3, 08, Earth from Space-The Most Effective Solutions, Moscow, Russia  Dec 3-4, 08 -CEOS-GEO Coordination Meeting Geneva, Switzerland -Dec 3-4, 08 GEOSS User & Architecture Workshop XXV, Valencia, Spain  Feb 8-11 GEO ADC Co-chair, Full Committee, Kyoto, Japan  Feb 11-13 Workshop on “Developing on Agriculture Monitoring System of Systems, Beijing, China  May 4-8 33 rd (ISRSE), Stressa, Italy  May 11-15 GEO ADC Full Committee, Stressa, Italy (TBC)  Nov 16-20 GEO_VI Week, USA (TBD)

12 Others  Nov 17-20, 08  Pecora 17 Conference, Belgium, Brussels  Nov 17-21, 08 SPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing Conference,Noumea, New Caledonia  Dec 1-12, 08 UN FCCC COP14, Poznan, Poland  Dec 2-6, 08 Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference, Guangzhou, China  Feb.(TBD) Data Democracy Workshop, Thailand  April 6-9 Joint Scientific Committee, WCRP JSC, Univ MD, USA  April 20-22 IOCCG Meeting, Hang Zhou, China  May 4-8 33 rd (ISRSE), Stressa, Italy

13 Others  June 3-12 WMO Executive Council, Geneva  June 3-12 52 nd Session, Vienna, Austria  July 13-17 IGARSS-2009, Cape Town, South Africa  Aug 29 – Sep 5 3 rd World Climate Conference, Geneva, Switzerland  Oct 12-16 International Astronautical Congress, Daejeon, Korea  Oct 26-30 CGMS-37, Jeju Island, Korea  Nov 30 -Dec 11  UNFCCC COP15, Copenhagen, Denmark

14 Can be simply Updated through On-line Calendar


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