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Dean of Students Office. This is a “clicker” presentation, so you will be participating throughout the presentation. It is important to remember: Your.

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1 Dean of Students Office

2 This is a “clicker” presentation, so you will be participating throughout the presentation. It is important to remember: Your answers are anonymous We are not here to judge The goal is to have a discussion Overview

3 What TV Show Best Describes you? 1.Scandal 2.Duck Dynasty 3.Law & Order 4.Game of Thrones 5.The Voice

4 Student Conduct Academic Integrity Student Support Student Involvement Outreach Crisis Management Creating a Culture of Care

5 Are you a residential or commuter student? 1.Residential 2.Commuter

6 Student Code of Conduct at UNCG

7 Members of the UNCG community are expected to ensure a campus environment conducive to peaceful and productive living and study. Five Core Values Honesty Trust Fairness Respect Responsibility Community Responsibilities

8 If my roommate had cocaine in our room, I would report it. 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree

9 Possession is defined as: Having actual knowledge of a substance Consumption of a substance Being in such close proximity to the substance that someone more than likely knew that it existed UNCG’s Definition of Possession

10 Conduct Scenario Jeff is visiting some friends in Cone Residence Hall. His friends, none of whom are 21 years old, are all drinking beer and having a great time. Jeff decides not to drink but wants to stay and hang out. Because the group is so loud, the RA on duty comes to ask the group to quiet down. By then, the smell of alcohol has filled the room. The RA asks if the residents have alcohol and the students admit that they do.

11 Should Jeff be charged with possession of alcohol under UNCG’s Code of Conduct? 1.Yes 2.No

12 Conduct Scenario Abby has been having problems prioritizing her school work and extracurricular activities. She’s been buying Adderall, a stimulant commonly prescribed for someone with an attention disorder, from a friend to help her concentrate. Because it’s a prescription medication and not illegal, Abby does not think she’s abusing a substance. She only uses them so that she can finish all of her assignments and still maintain her commitments.

13 What do you think Abby’s sanction would be if she was found with the Adderall? 1.Warning 2.Probation 3.Suspension 4.Expulsion

14 University Drug Policy Highlights  Schedule I & II Possession (ex. LSD, Heroin, Cocaine, Oxycontin) – Minimum of Suspension  Schedule III through VI Possession (ex. Marijuana, Ambien, Vicodin) – Minimum of Probation  Selling, Trafficking, Distributing  Minimum of Expulsion for Schedule I & II  Minimum of Suspension for Schedule III through VI

15 Which of the following is NOT a Violation of Responsibility? 1.Violation of University policy or law regarding alcohol 2.Violation of University policy or law regarding drugs 3.Misuse of access privileges to University premises

16 If the UNCG Police were taking all of our names down for underage drinking and I noticed they weren’t asking for ID’s, I would lie about my name. 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree

17 Downloading or sharing music and movies through programs like FrostWire or other bit torrents is a violation of the Code of Conduct. 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree

18 Digital Millennium Copyright Act File sharing is not illegal in and of itself, however using it to share copyright protected files is illegal From ITS: 1st Offense: internet access for personal computer is suspended until an orientation with IT is completed 2nd Offense: loss of internet privileges on a personal computer for 3 years From Dean of Students Office: 1st Offense: Conduct Warning 2nd Offense: Conduct Probation

19 Important Points to Remember The University’s jurisdiction covers violations that occur on AND off campus Code of Conduct applies from enrollment through graduation Conduct violations stay on your record for eight (8) years Parental notifications may occur in situations where students receive probation for drug/alcohol violations OR if there are concerns about a student’s safety

20 Academic Integrity & UNCG Students

21 Academic Integrity Overview Each member of the academic community is held accountable for his or her actions Members of the UNCG community are expected to submit their own work while upholding academic honesty A violation of academic integrity is an act harmful to all students, faculty and, ultimately, the University.

22 Academic Integrity Violations Cheating Plagiarism Misuse of academic resources Falsification Facilitating academic dishonesty

23 Turning in the same paper for 2 assignments is NOT an Academic Integrity violation. 1.True 2.False

24 You read several articles online for a research paper. You do not include specific quotations from all of the articles but use the thoughts and ideas as guidance to construct your paper. NOT citing your sources is an Academic Integrity violation. 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree

25 If your professor does not say specifically that you are unable to work in groups, then you will work with friends on an assignment. 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree

26 Possible Consequences for Academic Dishonesty University-related sanctions Inability to withdraw or drop course Inability to grade replace Suspension or expulsion from the University (second offense) Recommended sanctions from the faculty “F” in the course “0” on the test/assignment Educational Sanctions Educational Resolution Program (1 st offense)  Reflection Papers  Community Service  Workshops and Tutorials

27 Important Points to Remember Faculty members may NOT just decide to give a cheating student an “F” without adhering to the Academic Integrity process Faculty must notify the student and request a Student- Faculty Conference During the conference, students are NOT required to enter a plea at that time Academic Integrity violations may stay on your conduct record for life Online courses are held to the same Academic Integrity standards as face-to-face courses

28 Student Support

29 Last week, you broke your leg in a car accident while driving to class. You’ve already missed four days of class due to your hospital stay and immobility. The Dean of Students Office can be a resource for you as you determine what your plans will be for the semester. 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree

30 A close friend of yours has always been someone who is positive, fun, and gets along with everyone. Over the past few months, you’ve noticed that your friend has been drinking a lot, never seems to be happy, and has talked about not coming back to school next semester. Unfortunately, there is really nothing you can do. 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree

31 Possible Signs of Distress Unprovoked anger or hostility Expression of hopelessness Sleeping too much or too little Social isolation Unusually low self-esteem Major change in behavior/mood Abuse of alcohol or other drugs Suicidal thoughts

32 Campus Resources Dean of Students Office Counseling Center UNCG Police Office of Accessibility Resources & Services (OARS) Housing & Residence Life Student Success Center Writing Center

33 Sexual Misconduct

34 True or False: Your friend tells you that she had sex with someone but does not remember because she was passed out after taking too many shots. Your friend was raped. 1.True 2.False

35 Consent Clear, knowing, and voluntary approval given by words or demonstrated actions to engage in sexual activity (e.g., Sexual Violence, Sexual Contact, Sexual Exhibitionism, or Sexual Exploitation). This decision must be made freely and actively by all participants. Silence or lack of resistance does not imply consent. A previous relationship or prior participation in a sexual activity between the parties does not indicate current Consent. Consent to one form of sexual activity does not imply Consent to other forms of sexual activities.

36 Sexual Misconduct Resources Strictly Confidential: Student Health Medical Services Counseling Center Sexual Violence Campus Advocate Family Service of the Piedmont (off-campus) Mostly Confidential: Dean of Students Office UNCG Police Title IX Coordinator


38 My current classification is… 1.First-year 2.Sophomore 3.Junior 4.Senior 5.Graduate

39 I now have a better understanding of the Dean of Students Office and its services. 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Disagree 4.Strongly Disagree

40 What of the following is NOT one of the 5 Core Values? 1.Honesty 2.Respect 3.Fairness 4.Justice 5.Trust

41 Which of the following is NOT an on-campus resource for students? 1.Dean of Students Office 2.Counseling Center 3.Alcoholics Anonymous 4.Office of Accessibility Resources & Services 5.Writing Center

42 Which resource is considered “Strictly Confidential” for reporting sexual misconduct incidents? 1.Dean of Students Office 2.Counseling Center 3.UNCG Police


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