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Sustainable Development combines the use of resources while preserving the environment, not only taking in concern the present but also thinking about.

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2 Sustainable Development combines the use of resources while preserving the environment, not only taking in concern the present but also thinking about the future impact of human actions. This concept is very important since it’s not only protecting the environment but all the human evolutions and development, also concerning the economical and sociopolitical parts.

3 “Carbon dioxide generated by power plants may find a second life as a working fluid to help recover geothermal heat from kilometers underground. Such a system would not only capture the carbon dioxide and keep it out of the atmosphere, it would also be a cost-effective way to use the greenhouse gas to generate new power. Backers of this as-yet-unproven concept secured a big endorsement and much- needed cash with the U.S. Department of Energy's recent award of $338 million in federal stimulus funds for geothermal energy research. Some $16 million of the funds will be shared by nine carbon dioxide-related projects led by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and other national labs, Sunnyvale, CA-based combinatorial chemistry firmSymyx Technologies, and several U.S. universities.Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratorySymyx Technologies The idea: Carbon dioxide that's cycled through hot regions kilometers underground can efficiently bring heat to the surface, where it can be used to generate electricity. The likelihood is that the process would leave lots of carbon dioxide underground, and thus out of the atmosphere, according to Symyx project leader and materials scientist Miroslav Petro. "You're sequestering CO₂ and at the same time generating power from it." The concept was first proposed as a way to improve systems that pump water deep underground to fracture hot rocks, then bring the heated water up via a second well to generate power, and then cycle the water back down. The technology has been thwarted to date because it's so difficult to fracture rock to get at the geothermal heat and sustain its flow. The European Union's Soultz-sous-Fôrets project in Alsace, France, the most advanced such project worldwide, has taken 20 years to reach just 1.5 megawatts of power generation (enough to supply roughly 1,500 homes). And the process has antagonized nearby communities because of the small earthquakes sparked by the aggressive fracturing required.” - From www.technologyreview.comsmall earthquakes sparked by the aggressive fracturing required

4 Carbon Dioxide also known as CO2 is a chemical compound composed of two oxygen atoms covalently bonded to a single carbon atom. Too much CO2 won’t allow the excess of solar radiation to be reflected back to into space which will raise the surface temperature creating the well known effected called global warming.

5 Geothermal power (from the Greek roots geo, meaning earth, and thermos, meaning heat) can be translated into power taken from the earth. This energy that lays inside the earth originates from the formation of the planet. It has been used in many ways from paleolithic times, nowadays is used to generate electricity. It’s a reliable and sustainable way of getting energy without warming the environment the only problem is that this way of extracting energy is limited to certain areas. There are still some warming gasses being released with this method of achieving energy but comparing to other ways this way is much better and environment friendly. It seems to be the perfect way to generate energy enough for our living, but only a small fraction of all the potential of this energy is being exploited since drilling and exploration for deep resources are very expensive. The evolution of technology and the price of energy will dictate if it will or it will not be possible to explore this resource properly.

6 As a conclusion I could say that a geothermal energy resource is great and with this new way of using Carbon Dioxide to improve even more the system, will be very positive on the environment and on the Sustainable Development of the Earth, all of us have to fight for this cause, and to protect the environment.

7 - Article - Geothermal Energy - Power Station - Sustainable Development ish/whatis.htm ish/whatis.htm - Sustainable Development

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