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ROMANIAN LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES CUSTOMS – without investigative competences BORDER POLICE – without investigative competences ANTIDRUG SERVICE NATIONAL.

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2 ROMANIAN LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES CUSTOMS – without investigative competences BORDER POLICE – without investigative competences ANTIDRUG SERVICE NATIONAL POLICE - ANTIDRUG SERVICE within Directorate for Countering Organized Criminality is the leading police unit tasked with the enforcement of the legislation related to drugs suply reduction Is one of the most stable anti-drug structures from the Black Sea region, without any significant legislative and organizational structural changes in the last five years

3 MAIN TASKS To conduct complex investigation against drug trafficking criminal organization, including controlled deliveries and undercover operations, under General Prosecutor’s Office– Directorate for The Investigation of Organized Criminality and Terrorism coordination With prosecutors specialized in fighting against drug trafficking To coordinate, support and control the teritorial antidrug units With over 300 police officers at central and territorial level Responsible for national and international police cooperation in the field of drugs supply reduction With an extensive experience in using international cooperation channels: - 47 Romanian country attaches and liaison officers all over the world - Europol, Interpol, DEA, SELEC, WCO

4 Romania Current situation Romania – Current situation Romania is mainly a transit country for heroin trafficking Combating heroin trafficking represents a priority at national level, although from February 2014, according with the new penal legislation adopted, we have a reduction of the punishments for drug traficking (about 50 %) From available data, there are important quantity of heroine smuggled through Romania with final destination Western Europe During the years, the big heroin seizures from Romania were related with the use of terrestrial routes The local market for the heroin consumption is still low. In the last years, the price remains at the same level, although the purity is higher (at street level reached 20-30%)

5 Heroin seizures in Romania Although the heroin seizures from Romania during the last years are under 120 kg/year, we have many investigations against criminal cells established in Romania as parts of big OCGs, the entirely network being involved in big scale heroin trafficking along EU countries. For example, operation MERSOY started in Romania at the end of 2012, with a seizure of 75 kg heroin in December 2013, near Bucharest. The same OCG is responsible for trafficking of 2 tons heroin seized in Greece in 2014.

6 HEROIN Trafficking routes into Europe HEROIN – Trafficking routes into Europe The Balkan route and its multiple branches continue to be used for the bulk supply of heroin into Europe; traditional Balkan route starts in Afghanistan through Pakistan, Iran and Turkey, splits after Bulgaria into three branches - northern, central and southern – and reaches Western and Central Europe; reverse use of Balkan Route for smugling synthetic drugs or cocaine (for example, seizure of 25 kg cocaine in Bulgaria in June 2014 and multiple seizure of synthetic drugs last year, also in Bulgaria) In the last time, the attention it’s given to another two routes: the Southern route through Pakistan and then through Africa so called the Caucasus route which is in fact the Northen Black Sea routes through South Caucasus Region and Black Sea countries: heroin is smuggled to Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and then via Russia, Ukraine or Moldova to European countries

7 HEROIN the Caucasus route HEROIN – the Caucasus route Large consignments of opiates are trafficked by land from Iran into countries in the Caucasus such as Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. Some heroin may also be smuggled into the Caucasus from Iran and Central Asia across Caspian Sea. Heroin may then be exported to Turkey or Russia,by sea or by land, or to the Ukraine and Moldova across the Black Sea. From Ukraine the heroin goes to Western Europe following three itineraries: via Poland, via Hungary and via Romania (directly or through Moldova).

8 HEROIN the Caucasus route HEROIN – the Caucasus route The first information regarding the use of the North Route of Black Sea appeared more then 10 years ago, being noted the growing importance of Ukraine as a transit country for heroin trafficking (Final Report prepared for National Institute of Justice, International Centre, June 2002, U.S. – Ukraine Research Partnership) The quantities seized in countries situated on this route increased in the last years, record seizures being registered – almost 589 kg heroin (2450 liters) in Georgia in 2014, around 500 kg heroin in Ukraine this year For Romania the first confirmation for an active Northern route of heroine trafficking was a seizures from January 2008 – 131 kg heroin, HALMEU BCP Romanian/Ukraine, truck with Turkish l/p All seizures made in this area have one or more common characteristic: – Turkish origin nationals as organisers – the use of vehicles and transport companies registered in transited countries

9 Romania Threats &Trends Romania - Threats &Trends  Due to the geographical position, Romania is a transit country situated at the intersection of two heroin trafficking routes: the Balkan Route and the Caucasus route. For Romania this last route is very important having in consideration the borders with Moldova and Ukraine and the ferryboat line Constanţa (Roamnia) – Batumi (Georgia) – Illicevsk (Ukraine) - Constanţa (Roamnia) starrting with Octomber 2014  Heroin trafficking is dominated by Turkish origin OCGs with strong connections in Romania. In many cases, this perpetrators have logistical basis in Romania and use Romanian transport/commerce companies as a legal paravan for the heroin trafficking, based on historical trade connections in the region  Involvement of Romanian citizens in serious criminal groups in Europe  Temporary storage of heroin in Black Sea countries for further transfer to West Europe

10 Conclusions  The heroin seizures from the region are a proof of the heroin trafficking through Black Sea countries, using different routes, with the increase use of the route through South Caucasus Region and Ukraine  The quantities transported in one shipment are bigger and the quality increased  We consider that heroin trafficking remains a big problem for the European countries, in spite of the decreasing of the addictives reported (which can be related in part with the changes of legislation)

11 Conclusions  International organized crime groups have exploited relatively weak law enforcement and loose border controls to replace traditional points of entry into Western Europe, where customs and law enforcement have become stronger. Ukraine is at a strategic crossroads between Southwest Asia (the primary heroin producing region) and markets in Western Europe.  Different priorities as well as legal and factual framework conditions from each countries are an obstacle to entirely dismatle a drug trafficking network  International cooperation is an imperative premise and a basis for success

12 EU Policy Cycle 2014-2017, EMPACT OAP HEROIN 2015 International workshop on combating heroin trafficking in Black Sea region, 16 th -17 th July 2015, Bucharest Victor Nistor Head of Unit for Countering International Drug Trafficking E-mail: Mobile: +40721259039

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