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Making Sport Happen. Richard Barrington Chief Operating Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "Making Sport Happen. Richard Barrington Chief Operating Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Sport Happen

2 Richard Barrington Chief Operating Officer

3 Format of Evening 7.00pmKey Note 7.30pmStart of 1 st Session Break 8.15pm Start of 2 nd Session

4 Sport England Small Grants

5 Who can apply? Constituted Not for profit Sports Clubs…..Voluntary Organisations... Local Authorities……schools…….NGB’s Must be open to all sections of the community

6 What is the purpose? More people playing more often Increased % of 14-25yr olds playing sport once a week Growth in once a week participation by everybody that is 14+ Reduced drop off 16, 18, 21 & 24 Growth in participation by 14+ individuals with a disability.

7 Criteria for funding Must fit with Sport England's strategy Applications must be for between £300 and £10,000 Delivered within a 12 month period Recognised Sport England sports Must be delivered in England Project start date must be at least 10 weeks after submission Must be new activity, new costs delivering new sporting benefit.

8 What can not be funded Must address the Sport England strategy. General running costs. Repeat or regular events and existing activities or repeat funding Items which only benefit an individual. Salaries. More than £10,000 to the same organisation in any 12 month period. Activities that the government has a legal obligation to fund eg. Curriculum sport. Construction or refurbishment of property. Fixed capital items.

9 Project Example A local Basketball Club is looking start a third team in the local league. To do this they need to increase their membership and need some funding to help subsidise the first 6 months of activity.

10 Plan IM Basketball session Facility Hire Equipment Coaches Fees CPD – Train up current players to help deliver in future – L1, SPC, 1 st Aid Marketing and promotion

11 Costings Facility(24 wks x £40)£960 Equipment£800 Coaches Fees (L1 + 2 coaches)£960 CPD (2 x L2 + 4 x L1)£1500 SPC and 1 st Aid (6 coaches)£480 Marketing and Promotion£500 Total £5200

12 Preparing your application Do you need (all) the money? Sub Committee or a group outside your committee Assign document gathering to one person Can you deliver what you are planning? Its easy to write a shopping list!

13 How Wesport can help Club Development plan Market Segmentation Add information to support bid Link to similar projects - Economies of scale Read and check application before submission

14 Wesport Funding Portal

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