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January 22 2016 9 am.  Acknowledgment of Receipt Form, Page 3  Request for Proposals – Submittal Form, Page 4  Cost Proposal Requested from the top.

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Presentation on theme: "January 22 2016 9 am.  Acknowledgment of Receipt Form, Page 3  Request for Proposals – Submittal Form, Page 4  Cost Proposal Requested from the top."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 22 2016 9 am

2  Acknowledgment of Receipt Form, Page 3  Request for Proposals – Submittal Form, Page 4  Cost Proposal Requested from the top evaluated firm ONLY  Exhibit A, Campaign Contribution Disclosure Form, Page 29  In-State/Veteran’s Preference Certification


4  Page 3 of the RFQP Document  This lets me know that you are interested in the proposal.  Must be submitted to me to receive all correspondence with this proposal.  Addendum Two emailed on 1/28/16


6  Sign and fill this out this form and acknowledge addenda  This will be the cover page of your proposal  Please send a copy of your In-State or Veteran’s Preference Certificate to receive that discount.  Proposals Due Date: February 10, 2016 at 2 pm  Mailing address: Central Purchasing Department 800 Municipal Drive, Farmington, NM 87402  Physical address: 805 Municipal Drive, Farmington, NM 87402  Please write the title of the RFQP and number on the outside of your package

7  Cost Proposals shall not be included in the Offeror’s proposal  This will be provided by the top evaluated firm within 48 business hours after the City’s request.  This is a firm, fixed price contract and the fee proposed shall remain firm and include all charges for the term of the contract  More information on the cost proposal and pricing is on page 18 of the RFQP document.

8  any prospective contractor seeking to enter into a contract with the City must file this form  must disclose whether they, a family member or a representative of your company has made a campaign contribution to a public official during the two years prior to the date on which the contractor submits a proposal prospective contractor to the public official exceeds two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) over the two year period.  Please sign and date even if no contribution was made


10  In-State/Resident Veterans Preference will be applied only to those Offerors who have been issued a certification number from the State of New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department and return a copy of their certificate with their proposal.  In-State/Resident Veterans Preference certification approval is required at the time of the proposal opening to be eligible.  New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department preference-certification.aspx

11  Actively engaged in the performance of:  arc flash analysis  field data collection  field training  non-PPE solutions to reduce arc flash hazard levels.  Registered Professional Electrical Engineer in the State of New Mexico skilled in and have recent experience performing and interpreting the power system studies  Biographies of key personnel  These individuals must be responsible throughout the period of the agreement and be available for public meetings, should it be requested.

12 May 2018 – all phases are to be complete If mutually agreed by both parties, there will be an option to extend this contract, not to exceed three years. Sample Agreement is Exhibit D, Page 36


14 Proposals must be organized in the following manner:  I. General Information  II. Project Team Members  III. Offeror’s Experience  IV. Design/Technical Approach  V. Cost Control  VI. Contractual Considerations

15  Submittal Form, Page 4 of the RFQP (Cover Page)  Exhibit A, Campaign Contribution Form  Conditions or Exceptions to the Draft Agreement  All items listed under Proposal Format Requirements


17  Grasp of Project Requirements  Design Approach/Methodology  Key Personnel and Roles  Pertinent Experience of the Firm  Consultant/In-House Resources  Discussion of how the firm will handle the planning, design, labeling, etc.  Discussion of time schedule to complete the preliminary work and final project

18  There is a sample agreement that starts on page 36 and is Exhibit D  Please read through this as the agreement that the City will enter into will be very similar to this.  Submit any exceptions to this agreement along with your proposal  Page 44, Item 13 list the Insurance Requirements that will need to be met for this contract.

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