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SIX DAY WAR A CHC 2D Canadian History Presentation.

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1 SIX DAY WAR A CHC 2D Canadian History Presentation

2 BEYOND CANADA like in every decade, Canada was effected by events in areas beyond its borders one great example of this is the Six Day War

3 WAR PACTS in 1948, Britain split Palestine into two territories those with high Jewish population (Tel Aviv, Haifa, West Jerusalem) would become the new State of Israel those with high Arab population rejected the idea and so Britain handed them to Egypt and Jordan to run Israel was attacked quickly after the separation was recognized by the United Nations in 1948

4 WAR PACTS Israel’s participation in the Suez Crisis, however, made things worse and there were many border clashes, particularly with Syria Egypt convinced Syria to sign a mutual defense pact against Israel in 1966

5 WAR PACTS when the new Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) killed three Israelis by mine, the Israeli Defense Force moved into Jordanian territory Egypt did not come to Jordan’s aid and Jordan accused Egypt of hiding behind the U.N.

6 WAR PACTS then Egypt got word from the U.S.S.R. that Israel was massing for an invasion of Syria — but this was not true Egypt cut off Israeli access to the Straits of Tiran, which was (according to the 1957 Suez agreement), an act of war Jordan quickly signed a treaty with Egypt for mutual defence against the Israelis should there be confict Iraq moved a unit into Jordan as did the Egyptians Egyptian PM Nasser was calling for war

7 THE RESPONSE Israel’s new government, formed 1 June 1967, voted to strike pre-emptively Egyptian air capabilities were taken out first then the Israelis pushed into the Sinai Desert, taking vast amounts of territory as the Egyptians either lacked the force to stop them or were retreating at Nasser’s command


9 when Jordan and Syria saw this, they tried to attack Israel Israel, in response, captured East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights

10 THE AFTERMATH six days after the war began, a ceasefire was signed when Israel refused to give the territory back without a promise of no further war, Britain began to lead the move to stop supporting Israel in favour of the Arab nations the United States countered that Israel was too close an ally — especially when Egypt in particular had an agreement with the Soviet Union

11 THE AFTERMATH Canada’s governments have been somewhere in between as part of N.A.T.O., Canada backed Israel Canada’s governments also backed Israel because of the similarities in beliefs, such as: democracy, gender equality, gay rights, etc. Canada’s opposition, however, backs Palestine because of the loss of territory and the need to help those who cannot help themselves fully

12 THE AFTERMATH anti-Jewish sentiment in Egypt transferred over to the U.S.S.R. as well Jews were punished severely programs began in Canada and the United States to help get Jews and other suffering groups out of the Soviet Union through diplomatic pressure and protests helping the suffering would be a key part of Canadian foreign policy in the 70s onwards Canada would also go in to patrol the Golan Heights after the 1973 ceasefire as part of the UN peacekeeping effort


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