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Commonwealth of Massachusetts Statewide Strategic IT Consolidation (ITC) Initiative Phase 3d Work Plan IT Consolidation Working Group Discussion Document.

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Presentation on theme: "Commonwealth of Massachusetts Statewide Strategic IT Consolidation (ITC) Initiative Phase 3d Work Plan IT Consolidation Working Group Discussion Document."— Presentation transcript:

1 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Statewide Strategic IT Consolidation (ITC) Initiative Phase 3d Work Plan IT Consolidation Working Group Discussion Document June 28, 2010 DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY

2 Working Group Meeting – Proposed Agenda for 06/28 1 Integrated Work Plan / Milestone Review - Phase 3c (10 mins) J. McElhenny 2 IT Consolidation Phase 3d Work Plan – Follow up (20 mins) J. McElhenny 3 IT Finance Discussion – Open / Close Process (15 mins) K. Luddy 4 Network Architecture Update (15 mins) J. Snyder 5 Discussion Topics for Next Meeting (July 12 th ) ( 5 mins) B. Block 3 -1-

3 We Are Here -2-

4 IT Consolidation Phase 3c “Goal Line” 50 20 Touchdowns! ”Red Zone” Helpdesk Svcs. Consol. in process @ EOHED & EOPSS. Desktop/LAN Svcs. Consol. In process @ EOHED & EOPSS. EOE Secretatiat level Portalization. EOEEA Time Sheet Application Implementation. IT Consolidation Roadmap Updates. Server Virtualization architecture. FY’11 Chargeback Rates developed. Service Catalog & Metrics. Transitioned PM staff to Commonwealth. Rolled out Benefit Tracking Program Enhancements. Strengthened IT Coordination between Gov Bodies. Shared Svcs. Language Approved. Dev. Billing Rates for Sec Svcs w/ Maximus. Ops. Models Dev. & MMARS workflow executed. 38 Wave 1 EOHHS staff to become ITD employees 7/ 1. Conducted ITIL Training - >1000 Trained. Launched PM class as 1 st “LEARNIT!” Training class. Coordinated NASCIO award submissions. Supported SDC Groundbreaking event. Spearheaded transition communications for Wave 1. PM Training Class profiled in email blast. Consolidated Helpdesk Svcs @ ANF & EOEEA. Consolidated Desktop/LAN Svcs @ ANF & EOEEA. Consolidated Badging Application @ MassDOT. Created IT Vendor Mgmt. Strategy & roadmap, workstream lead identified w/ focus to extend to Sec. Completed MITC build out and asset transition plan for EOHHS data Ctr. Migration. SDC Groundbreaking. Synchronized Infrastructure Consol Plans. Consolidated CHSB onto MassMail. Defined Arch. & Retention solution & Selected vendor. Reinitiated rollout of VoIP @ EOHHS. Completed Network Architecture Plan. Implemented Phase 1A Asset Mgmt. Plans. Procured Common Helpdesk Tool – Impl. in process. Delivered ITIL V3 Training Classes. -3-

5 Overview of 2 nd Draft of New Phase 3d Workplan April – June 30, 2010 As you review the status of the key milestones, consider: –Close out of Phase 3c over this week. –Provide quality updates w/ “complete” status or identified work items for carry over. –Final Phase 3c Dashboard meeting scheduled for Thu 7/1. July – September 1, 2010 Handout is a 2 nd draft only Please review and provide feedback by close of business Thu. 7/8 for final distribution during the 7/12 ITC Working Group Meeting. ‒ Email to Ben Block (, cc John McElhenny ( As you review the status of the key milestones, please consider: –Work items to be carried over from Phase 3c –Priority activities including specific milestone dates –New areas reporting: (i.e. SDC) Phase 3cPhase 3d Please see separate Phase 3d handout -4-

6 What Will Program Success Look Like on September 1 st ? Key Benefits Efficiency Effectiveness Information Security Secretariat IT Services Commonwealth IT Infrastructure Services Commonwealth Service Excellence 2. Helpdesk Services Consolidated: ANF, EOE, EEA & HED EOHHS Implemented: Fulfillment, Chg & Asset Mgmt systems MassDOT: Implemented new tracking systems and web forms 3. Desktop / LAN Services Consolidated: EEA, HED Standardized processes at HHS Detailed Planning at EOE 4. Web IA Completed Wave 1a Migrations: HED Completed Decommissioning Plan: HHS Completed Wave 1 migration: EEA Identified Project Manager & initiated needs assessment process: ANF 5. Application Services Staffing plan for PM & Apps support established: ANF Obtained Business Acceptance for Plan: LWD, EEA & EOPSS Established App Governance Model: HHS 6. Data Center Services EOHHS data center pilot completed EOHHS Wave 1a asset transition completed Wave 1b inventories and detailed planning completed 7. Second Data Center SDC Program Governance Completed 8. Network Services EOHHS VoIP implemented (x sites / x handsets) EOEEA Telecom Audit vendor engaged and Analysis initiated Governance & operational models defined MBI implemented RTNO Model 9. Email & Directory Services Hub Assessment completed Existing ITD Vault repurposed RMV Latency issues resolved 10. Service Excellence Reporting High Level Svcs Metrics Reporting on ITD’s HHS Bundled Svcs delivery FY11 Svc Catalog updated Service Excellence Re-platform Phase 1 implemented 11. IT Sourcing Strategy Initiated 11. IT Governance Benefits tracking measurement and reporting for Q4 delivered. Coordination processes between CIO Cabinet, ISB, TGB, ESB implemented. 13. IT Finance Secretariats executed & refined operating models and chargeback rates. Governance communicated re: billing & asset transfers. 14. HR/Talent Wave 1 staff transition process completed. IT Learning Program “LearnIT” launched. 15. Communications Ongoing Program Communications. Targeted communications to Secretariat stakeholders continued. 1. Program Management 12. IT Governance -5-


8 - 8 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Commonwealth of Massachusetts IT Consolidation Program IT Finance Update June 28, 2010 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY

9 - 9 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Agenda 1.Implementation of Chargeback Rates 2.Day 1 Readiness 3.Finance Focus for Phase 3d

10 - 10 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Implementation of Chargeback Rates 1.SCIOs should work with SCFOs to determine the appropriate split of IT staffing/salary between the -1700 and -1701 accounts -Funding levels in the -1700 -Ease of implementation (e.g., application staff from chargeback account, etc.) -Whether you will directly charge salary costs to federal grants, capital accounts, or trust accounts 2.While the finance team is still working out an implementation plan, it is likely that the -1700 will be assessed fringe for all salary costs, and this will be reverted to the general fund. The rates that Maximus has calculated includes fringe costs, so this should not result in under recovery. 3.In order to implement the rates, SCFOs will need to know all of the variables (e.g., # of FTEs, number of PCs/laptops). 4.SCFOs will “memo bill” agencies for their portion of salaries that they would have been charged from the -1700. SCFOs will send an actual bill to agencies for their portion of salaries from the - 1701. 5.Billing will occur monthly with a quarterly reconciliation

11 - 11 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Implementation of Chargeback Rates

12 - 12 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Day 1 Readiness  Staff -Transferred to correct accounts, both in budget and in HR/CMS  Contracts -Approved by SCIO -Encumbered, where possible -Capital project ISAs signed (typically by SCIO)  Bills -MMARS security established -Workflow for bills that will continue to be sent to agencies created -Final plan in place for bills that may remain with agency for the first part of fiscal year 2011  Chargeback -Secretariat established as a vendor in MMARS -Chargeback levels communicated to agencies -Fiscal staff has knowledge of chargeback process (ITI/ITA)

13 - 13 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Finance Focus for Phase 3d Continue implementation of operating models -Focus on EEA and LWD Begin implementation of chargeback rates Assist in asset transfers within Secretariats, where applicable Develop best practices procurement strategy for IT Evaluate potential alternative funding models for IT consolidation

14 - 14 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY THANK YOU!!! Thank you for: 1.Your patience 2.Your persistence 3.Your thoughtful feedback on our proposed approaches for funding IT 4.Gaining buy-in from your Secretariat and fiscal staff 5.Attending IT Finance Subcommittee meetings 6.Attending multiple rounds of meetings on chargeback rates 7.Providing the same salary data 17 times 8.Helping us get shared services authorization! 9.Not transferring assets yet. 10.Welcoming me as an honorary employee of ITD!


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