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Playing with Reality: Agency in Documentary and News Games Celia Pearce Northeastern University.

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Presentation on theme: "Playing with Reality: Agency in Documentary and News Games Celia Pearce Northeastern University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Playing with Reality: Agency in Documentary and News Games Celia Pearce Northeastern University

2 What the hell is a “documentary game?

3 Documentary: “ Factual, realistic; applied esp. to a film or literary work, etc., based on real events or circumstances, and intended primarily for instruction or record purposes. Oxford English Dictionary

4 Procedural Participatory Encyclopedic Spatial Janet Murray, Hamlet on the Holodeck (1997) Immersion Agency Transformation Characteristics of Digital Media

5 Fidelity Realism Narrate Portray characters Fixed outcomes Convey information Document events (with some exceptions) Model systems Exploration Create empathy Experiment Try scenarios Enable user-generated content What games don’t do well What games do well

6 September 12 Gonzalo Frasca

7 Ayiti: The Cost Of Life Global Kids

8 Career Moves Mary Flanagan

9 The Source Dartmouth Tiltfactor

10 Petlab & Area/Code


12 Colleen Macklin Parsons PetLab

13 Walden, a game Tracy Fullerton, USC Game Innovation Lab

14 Sortasoft

15 1066 Preloaded/Channel 4 (UK)


17 Global Conflicts Palestine Serious Games Interactive

18 Darfur is Dying Susana Ruiz

19 (Ricardo Miranda Zuñiga, 2002) Ricardo Miranda Zuniga, 2002

20 Use of Forceã Nonny de la Pena Escape from Woomera

21 Use of Forceã Nonny de la Pena Use Of Force

22 Layoff Mary Flanagan, Dartmouth Tiltfactor + RIT

23 Papers, Please Lucas Pope


25 Mainichi Mattie Brice

26 That Dragon Cancer Numinous Games

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