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Published byCornelia Malone Modified over 8 years ago
Orientation to CSTL: From Policy to Practice Sharing Meeting 2015 Tuesday 24 November CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING
Overview: New CSTL Materials Overall purpose To develop materials to support understanding of and commitment to the CSTL Programme, as well as to facilitate implementation at district- and school-level Defined target groups for each of the three sets of materials
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Three Sets of Materials Number 1 Booklet Programmes for 2 different facilitated sessions PPT Number 2 Resource File Facilitator Guide PPTs x 7 Number 3
Preamble This booklet was developed in response to calls for a resource that presents essential facts about the CSTL Programme It is intended for leaders and decision makers in education, officials at all levels, and those in partnership with education sectors across the SADC Region
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Target Groups and Purpose 1.Representatives from National Ministries of Education – all MS To create an understanding of and commitment to lead their CSTL Programme 2.Representatives from the other National Ministries – all MS To create an understanding of and commitment to participate in and support the CSTL Programme 3.Implementing partners of the National Ministries To create an understanding of and commitment to participate in and support the CSTL Programme 4.Members of CSTL National Coordinating Units To build capacity at national level to lead and manage the implementation of their CSTL Programme 5.Ministry officials, partners and others representing sub- national CSTL structures To build capacity at sub-national level to manage / facilitate the implementation their CSTL Programme 6.MS representatives attending Sharing Meetings To build consensus around and commitment to the SADC CSTL Programme
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Stand-alone Resource or Reference in a Facilitated Session For first three groups: half- to one-day programme – National Education Ministry officials – Other National Ministry officials – Implementing partners For other three groups: two-day programme – CSTL NCU members – Ministry officials, partners and others representing sub-national CSTL structures – Member State representatives attending Sharing Meetings Care and Support for Teaching and Learning Orientation for Education Ministries and their Partners
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Discussion Topics In your Member State, identify the important historical milestones relating to care and support for teaching and learning that your Ministry has either initiated or played a role in. Using the illustration above, consider which factors are barriers to education (access / attendance / participation) in your Member State and, importantly, identify any others that are specific to any area or any group of children and youth within your Member State. Are these education facts true for your Ministry and Member State? What is the actual data relating to enrolment, attendance and retention in your Ministry? Where possible give data for primary and secondary school and for girls and boys.
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Purpose To create an understanding of the SADC CSTL Programme To generate commitment to lead / participate in / support your CSTL Programme To build capacity to lead / manage / facilitate implementation of your CSTL Programme
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Session One: Introduction to CSTL Objectives To present an overview of the SADC CSTL Programme To examine factors that make CSTL unique To mark the progress of CSTL from the first small pilot project To identify Member State and MoE care and support milestones
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Care and Support for Teaching and Learning A unique regional collaboration to advance the rights of all children and youth to quality education Shaped by the participating Member States and led by their Ministries of Education Member States develop a national CSTL model to address the specific vulnerabilities faced by children and youth Resulting in reduction / removal of barriers to education and leading to improved education outcomes
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING The CSTL Concept Not a replacement for existing initiatives Instead–an overarching conceptual framework within which to initiate, coordinate and expand care and support activities for vulnerable children and youth Approved and adopted by SADC Ministers of Education in Zambia in 2008
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Realities Realities noted by the Ministers: In all Member States, the education rights of many children and youth are compromised Though there are commonalities across Member States, there are many important distinctions as well Schools and other learning centres are well positioned to identify vulnerable children and youth and to assist in accessing care and support services for them
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Conditions Conditions set by the Ministers: CSTL must incorporate both existing care and support programmes, as well as new ones Measures of success of the CSTL Programme must be in terms of education outcomes– improved access, retention and progression Education the core business of MoEs–so partnerships essential to access relevant care and support services for vulnerable children and youth
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Way forward Ministers agreed that: Mainstreaming care and support across all disciplines within education and at all levels will result in meaningful and sustained change, by ensuring that the responses that emerge fall within the scope and mandate of the sector
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Discussion Topic In your Member State, identify the important historical milestones relating to care and support for teaching and learning that your Ministry has either initiated or played a role in.
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Current Phase of CSTL 2013-2018 Goal Children and youth in SADC realize their rights to education, to safety and protection and to care and support, through an expanded and strengthened education sector response. Focus on: Children and youth affected by HIV&AIDS The sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of children and youth Children and youth – especially girls – who are marginalised
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Three Major Strategies Systems strengthening – to enable education sectors in Member States to respond to the prevention, care and support needs of children and youth, especially vulnerable girls Improved coordination and integration of services – to facilitate local services and safety nets that address HIV&AIDS, SRHR and other health needs of children and youth, especially vulnerable girls Policy harmonization and implementation – to promote and protect the rights of vulnerable and marginalised children and youth
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Session Two: Children and Youth in SADC Objectives To identify common vulnerabilities faced by children and youth in SADC To examine current education outcomes across the Region To interrogate the link between child / youth vulnerability and education outcomes
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Children and Youth in SADC Poverty is widespread Orphaning results in multiple risks and challenges HIV&AIDS epidemic means increasing poverty, stigma and discrimination, neglect and exploitation Further difficulties for girls and children and youth with disabilities Disproportionate number of children and youth who are deprived of essential care and the chance to develop their optimum human potential
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Education Rights Context for CSTL: poverty; hunger; poor health; lack of access to services like water, sanitation and energy; gender and other forms of inequality; parental illiteracy; orphaning and rural residency amongst other factors SADC Policy Framework on Care and Support for Teaching and Learning (July 2014) Children and youth across SADC have the right to education BUT: Many face barriers to accessing education; barriers to remaining at school; and barriers to achieving at school
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Intersecting Vulnerabilities Impacting on Educational Opportunities
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Discussion Topic Using the illustration above, consider which factors are barriers to education (access / attendance / participation) in your Member State and, importantly, identify any others that are specific to any area or any group of children and youth within your Member State.
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Education Realities Enrolment Pre-school enrolment rates low Primary school enrolment rates have improved but progression through primary school remains a problem Secondary school enrolments less than half that for primary schools Attendance 20% of enrolled primary school children do not complete their education Retention High drop-out between primary and secondary levels Secondary school completion rates lower than for primary schools Secondary completion rates also lower for girls than boys
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Discussion Topic Are these education facts true for your Ministry and Member State? What is the actual data relating to enrolment, attendance and retention in your Ministry? Where possible give data for primary and secondary school and for girls and boys.
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Session Three: CSTL Mandates in Policies and Regulatory Frameworks Objectives To examine global, African and regional policy and regulatory frameworks with provisions relating to care and support for teaching and learning To synthesize the mandate of Education Ministries i.r.o. care and support for teaching and learning To explore the concept of a package of essential services for vulnerable children and youth To consider means to monitor and measure care and support for teaching and learning
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Instruments Protecting Education Rights Provisions in: UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989 African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, 1990 Millennium Development Goals, 2000 Education for All, 1990 In Member State–Constitution, National Development Plan In sectors–relevant laws and policies
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING SADC’s Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan Improved education central to the realization of the Region’s economic and social development objectives CSTL is therefore a coordinating mechanism through which Member States can give effect to the realization of the goals, objectives, targets and commitments in the global, continental, regional and national instruments to which they are signatories
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Mandate for CSTL Increasing numbers of vulnerable children and youth Opportunities for care and support through schools So change–not in core functions of education–but change in how teaching and learning takes place CSTL presents both an opportunity and challenge to Ministries and their partners to embrace different ways of working that will access care and support for vulnerable learners, and, as a direct result of that, improve learning outcomes
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Discussion Topic In your Member State, what are the key provisions in laws and policies that provide the mandate for care and support for teaching and learning? Think about: Basic human rights and education rights National goals and targets that successful CSTL initiatives will contribute to Provisions for protecting children and youth, especially those who are vulnerable or marginalized
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Discussion Topic If you have a national CSTL model and package of essential services, in your Member State, what are the services for vulnerable children and youth in that package? If you do not yet have a national CSTL model in your Member State, what services for vulnerable children and youth should be included in a package of essential services?
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Monitoring Care and Support for Teaching and Learning Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (MER) Framework for CSTL is premised on the theory that: If education, care and support for vulnerable children is mainstreamed into the following aspects of the education system—policy, planning and budgeting, human resources, human resource development, curriculum, infrastructure, M&E And if a national conceptual framework, model and package of school-based care and support programmes and services are developed and partnerships are developed with government departments, UN agencies, NGOs and other stakeholders to implement the framework, model and package Then rates of school enrolment, retention and performance will improve and CSTL will contribute towards realizing the EFA targets and MDG.
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Examples of Indicators Material and welfare #(%) of schools providing/facilitating access to bursaries to assist with education related costs Water and sanitation #(%) of schools with sufficient sanitary toilet facilities to meet the needs of teachers and learners #(%) of schools with safe water to meet the needs of teachers and learners Nutrition#(%) of schools providing a daily meal to vulnerable learners Data is collected at regional-, national- and school-levels.
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Discussion Topic In the MER system and EMIS in your Member State, identify examples of indicators that relate to care and support for teaching and learning. Select examples from both school-level and national-level.
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Session Four: Mainstreaming Care and Support for Teaching and Learning Objectives To introduce the concept of and processes for mainstreaming care and support into education To present the mainstreaming resources developed to support CSTL Programmes in Member States To illustrate care and support mainstreaming with examples from selected Member States
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Mainstreaming–Key Concepts Mainstreaming is a management practice Mainstreaming has evolved into a recognized discipline Mainstreaming refers to a developmental approach that a sector, like education, can adopt to manage a range of risks Mainstreaming requires an understanding of the causes and consequences of identified risks and how they impact on a sector’s goals and targets Then mainstreaming provides the means to address them Mainstreaming implies change; but change that is always consistent with the core functions of the sector, utilizing the so-called comparative advantages of the sector
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Mainstreaming in the CSTL Context Mainstreaming care and support for teaching and learning at all levels and across all divisions and disciplines within education will address barriers to children and youth accessing education, remaining at school and achieving at school
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING CSTL Mainstreaming Resources The Regional Support Pack (RSP)—developed in 2009 Guides and supports Member States in the processes and practical steps to mainstream care and support in teaching and learning Tested with all 15 Member States Used in intensive training (initially with: the DRC, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland and Zambia)
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING The CSTL Road Map Used with the RSP Used to visually create a CSTL journey, sequencing the mainstreaming Action Steps in an optimal way for individual Member States Used as a planning tool CSTL Mainstreaming Resources (cont.)
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Discussion Topic What is your knowledge of and experience with the RSP? Has the process of customizing the RSP been done in your Ministry?
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Mainstreaming Illustrated Three examples 1.Swaziland–A national model and package of essential care and support services 2.South Africa–A national policy to standardize procedures for identifying and assessing vulnerable learners 3.Zambia–A national programme to build a cadre of staff with skills to deliver counselling and guidance services to vulnerable children and youth at school
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Swaziland: INQABA Based on an in-depth understanding of the vulnerabilities faced by its children and youth The pillars are: Protection and safety Psychosocial support Food security Health Water, sanitation and hygiene HIV&AIDS, gender and life skills Quality teaching and learning
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Delivery mechanisms In order to effectively mainstream these pillars into all aspects of education, partnerships to deliver key services have been created, with relevant ministries, implementing partners, NGOs and others Swaziland: INQABA (cont.)
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING South Africa—SIAS SIAS (Screening, Identification, Assessment and Support) policy adopted in 2014 Four steps in the SIAS policy: Screen all learners for learning and development breakdown Identify the barriers to learning and development (facing the learner) Assess the learner’s support needs (what support is needed; from whom; how often?) Facilitate the necessary support to meet all the learner’s needs Then develop plans of action–for the at risk learner, for the school and for the district
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING South Africa—SIAS (cont.) Additional aspects Identifies sources of information on the learner Gives guidance to education sector stakeholders on how to plan, budget and provide programme support at all levels of the education system Regulates the composition and operations of key coordinating structures required for the implementation of an inclusive education system–the “SBSTs” and “DBSTs”
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Zambia–Counselling and Guidance Services MoE’s decision that counselling and guidance are important aspects of the education system So have integrated these services into schools Particularly relevant in the current phase of CSTL, which emphasizes support for vulnerable and marginalized children and youth, who can benefit greatly from access to counselling and guidance services
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Zambia–Counselling and Guidance Services (cont.) Skills Development Programme Six-module practical diploma course launched in August 2013 by the Ministry in conjunction with REPSSI Course aims to change the way teachers interact with each other and with learners as well as how a school interacts with its school community Guidelines developed on the administration and management of guidance and counselling in the education system Result: psychosocial support mainstreamed into education, at school level
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING In Summary … Examples show how MoEs are changing, expanding and strengthening, in order to improve on their mandates of learner access, retention and progression At the same time meeting the CSTL goal of enabling children and youth to realize their rights to education, to safety and protection and to care and support
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Discussion Topic Describe an initiative in your Member State that advances the CSTL goal of an expanded and strengthened education response that enables children and youth to realize their rights to education, to safety and protection and to care and support.
CARE AND SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Conclusion CSTL is a unique collective response to the education challenges facing the SADC Region CSTL builds on the strength of regional collaboration and the sharing of experiences and knowledge, including both policy development and school level implementation, towards the common goal of achieving access, retention and performance in school for all children and youth, especially those who are vulnerable
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