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Created in 1996 to enhance museums and libraries nationwide and to provide coordination IMLS Statutory Authority for Digitization.

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2 Created in 1996 to enhance museums and libraries nationwide and to provide coordination IMLS Statutory Authority for Digitization

3 2003 LSTA $175 million LSTA $175 million MSA $25 million MSA $25 million IMLS Resources

4 IMLS National Leadership Grants for Libraries & Museums 2003 - $17 million

5 130+ to date 130+ to date 30+ per year 30+ per year IMLS Digital Projects



8 University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign IMLS Metadata Harvesting Project IMLS Metadata Harvesting Project

9 Search Across IMLS National Leadership Grant CollectionsIMLS National Leadership Grant Collections Book Bag Search History Book BagSearch History Must contain : Limit to : Sort by :  Display short results all on one page (max. 500 records)

10 Improve Knowledge Integration and Access IMLSGoals:

11 Preserve Knowledge and Increase Access

12 Integrate the Digital and Physical Experiences

13 Revolutionize Learning Revolutionize Learning

14 2003 IMLS Internet-2 Broadband Initiative Awards up to $500,000 Partnerships required Innovative use of library and museum content for learning

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