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Published byOsborne Tyler Modified over 8 years ago
EMIS Training Where Kids Count Report (WKC) 6/10/2016 1
This presentation is based on the information available as of May 2016. The EMIS Alliance presents this material in an effort to assist ITCs and Districts. The Ohio Department of Education has the final say on any discrepancies. 2
Overview + Outline What is the Where Kids Count (WKC) report? What does the report affect? 3
What is the WKC? A series of business rules implemented during the accountability calculations ODE initially assigns a WKC CODE and a WKC IRN, which may be modified by adjustments based on those business rules The first adjustment that matches the student's data is processed and any remaining adjustments are ignored 4 Technical Documentation Ohio’s Where Kids Count Business Rules Resources/Sections/Report-Card-Resources/WHERE-KIDS-COUNT.pdf.aspx
What’s it for? Source for Report Card Data Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) % proficient calculations Performance index calculations Attendance rate calculations K-3 Literacy Improvement Measure Gen Issues 5
Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) WKC rules determine which students are included in Reading and Math AMOs AMO compares district or school test scores with a state goal Each student sub-group is expected to meet each AMO 6 Closing-Measure Resources/Gap-Closing-Measure/Technical-Documentation-AMO- Calculation.pdf.aspx
% Proficient by Subject – Reading & Math Only Full Academic Year (FAY) students are included in the percentage of students per grade and test that scored at or above the proficient level on the test 7 2014-2015 Statewide Proficiency Calculations Card-Resources/Achievement-Measure/2014-2015-Statewide- Proficiency-Calculations.pdf.aspx
Performance Index Calculations Only Full Academic Year (FAY) students’ test scores are included Points are added for every level of achievement by included students more points being awarded for higher passing scores Note: Even included but untested students are in the calculation. Schools and districts receive zero points for them 8 2014-2015 Performance Index Score Resources/Achievement-Measure/Technical-Documentation-PI- Score.pdf.aspx
Student Attendance Rate Calculations Only Full Academic Year (FAY) students are included in the Attendance Rate Calculations The ratio of the number of enrolled students actually in attendance (Aggregate Attendance) for a Full Academic Year to the number of enrolled students (Aggregate Membership) for that school year 9 2014-2015 Attendance Rate Calculation Resources/Sections/District-Details/Technical-Documentation- Attendance-final.pdf.aspx
K-3 Literacy Improvement Measure Uses “Where Kids Count” rules to determine whether a school district or building is making progress in improving literacy in grades kindergarten through three Note: Because the calculation follows some students across two school years, some of the timeframes are modified from what is used for other accountability calculations 10 2014-2015 K-3 Literacy Improvement Measure Resources/K-3-Literacy-Measure/Technical-Documentation-K-3-Literacy- Improvement-Measure.pdf.aspx
Gen Issues The “Where Kids Count” accountability rules might generate a message like this on the Gen Issues report: 11 Documentation/FY15-EMIS-Validation-and-Report-Explanation- Docume/General_Issues91714.pdf.aspx
Quick Check The WKC rules affect the Report Card Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) % Proficient Calculations Performance Index calculations Attendance Rate Calculations K-3 Literacy Improvement Measure And Gen Issues The Where Kids Count report is a series of business rules implemented during the accountability calculations. 12
DATA SOURCES & DEFINITIONS Overview + Outline What are the WKC data sources? What is the Accountability IRN? What is Full Academic Year (FAY)? What is the Majority of Attendance IRN? 13
Assessment Type Code (FA060) MOA IRN (FN220) Accountability IRN (FN140) Fiscal Year Began 9th (FN110) State Equivalent Grade level (FD090) LEP (FD170) Disability (FD130) Disadvantagement (FD110) Homeless Status (FD150) Migrant Status (FD180) 504 Plan (FD140) Foreign Exchange Grad Plan (FD190) Admission Date (FS070) Withdraw Date (FS090) % of time (FS120) How Received (FS180) Sent Reason (FS200/230) & Sent % of time (FS220/250) Building IRN (FS160) FSFD FAFN WKC SIS Data Sources 14
Data Collector Errors on FS, FD, FN, FA Errors on data sources will affect WKC Level 1 and Level 2 Watch for FA missing test reports 15
What is the Accountability IRN (FN140) School age students need to count in a building other than the one they are attending if Student is enrolled for a full academic year (FAY) and Student is simultaneously enrolled in two or more buildings in the district or Student participated in a special program in a building other than the building that would be his/her “home” school based on attendance zones 16 Documentation/Current-EMIS-Manual/2-6-Student-Attributes_No-Date- Record-v6-0.pdf.aspx
What is Full Academic Year (FAY)? What is the Majority of Attendance IRN (FN220) A Full Academic Year means the student is continuously enrolled in a building or district from the Friday of the first full week of October 10/9/15 for FY16 through spring testing (3/19 or 4/13 for FY16) The Majority of Attendance IRN is the IRN of the building or district where the student was enrolled for a Full Academic Year. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DISTRICT TO REPORT THE MOA IRN 17
The table below can be used to determine each student’s ending date for the 2015-16 school year. 18 Documentation/EMIS-Change-Committee-Conference-Calls/draft-MOA-and-participation- dates-for-FY16-as-of-2-9-16.pdf.aspx
Students who were 1 st time 9 th graders before July 1, 2014 The bulk of FY16 12 th graders will count under the OGT not taking end-of-course with MOA date March 19 If they are taking EOC American History or American Government then MOA end date is April 13 Students who were 1 st time 9 th graders on or after July 1, 2014 The MOA end date is April 13 for HS students taking Next Gen Fall ELA and Math and not taking any Spring Assessments and also for those taking all Spring Assessments 19
Quick Check The WKC uses multiple Data Collector records FS FD FN FA MOA IRN vs Accountability IRN Does the software calculate MOA IRN? If not, who is responsible for data entry/calculations on these fields? Full Academic year Data for the WKC is submitted from the SIS data via the Data Collector 20
THE WKC REPORT Overview + Outline Review the rules that make a student count at the State instead of the District or a Building Filter by WKC Code 21 Where Kids Count Methodology: /Report-Card-Resources/Sections/Report-Card- Resources/WHERE-KIDS-COUNT.pdf.aspx
Download the WKC Data Collector, Period S, End of Year Student Collection Level 2 Validations, (WKC) Where Kids Count 22 WHERE KIDS COUNT REPORT EXPLANATION Revision Date April 8, 2013 Prepared by Office of Information Policy Documentation/FY13-EMIS-Validation-and-Report-Explanation- Docume/Where_Kids_Count_Report_Explanation.pdf.aspx
WKC COD E WKC CODE explanation MEANING RepExp 4-8-13WKC LEVEL 01 Student is enrolled in one building within a district for a full academic year. Student counts at the building where the full academic year criterion is met, AND counts at the district, and state levels, for the % proficient, performance index, and attendance rate calculations. 02 Student is enrolled in one building within a district for a full academic year, AND The district has determined that the student should be included in another building within the reporting district for accountability purposes. Student counts at the building level in the building indicated in the “Accountability IRN” by the educating entity, AND counts at the district, and state levels, for the % proficient, performance index, and attendance rate calculations. 03 Student is enrolled in the district, but not in one building within the district, for a full academic year. Student counts at the district level and the state level for the % proficient, performance index, and attendance rate calculations. 04 Student is NOT enrolled in either a building or a district for a full academic year. Student counts at the state level for the % proficient, performance index, and attendance rate calculations. 05 Student is placed into an institution either via a court- placement or a parent-placement. Student counts at the state level for the % proficient, performance index, and attendance rate calculations. 23
10 Student participates in a special education cooperative program in another district; and is in the educating district for a full academic year. Student counts in the resident/sending district for the % proficient, performance index, and attendance rate calculations. The student will count at the educating district for participation rate. 11 Student Participates in the Autism Scholarship or Jon Peterson Student counts in the state level calculations, if student has attendance or takes a statewide test in a public district. 12 A recently arrived Limited English Proficient student who has been enrolled in U.S. schools no more than 180 school days AND Not previously exempted from taking the spring administration of either of the State’s English language arts assessments (reading or writing). State level calculations: % proficient and Performance Index, and Participation rate for reading. 15 Student is accelerated in this subject and counts in a different building than the Majority of Attendance IRN. N/A for FY16 Student counts at the building level in the building indicated in the “Spring Test Administration IRN” by the educating entity, AND counts at the district, and state levels, for the % proficient and performance index calculations for that subject. 16 A recently arrived Foreign Exchange student who has been enrolled in U.S. schools less than 180 school days AND does not plan to graduate in Ohio. State level calculations: % proficient and Performance Index 24
Wrap Text Use Wrap Text to make first row (Title Row) match the data below the row Auto-adjust columns by double-clicking between column names 25
Freeze Panes in Excel Excel looks up and left. Example: selecting cell D2 will allow ‘freezing’ row 1 (up) and columns A, B and C (left) (frozen are highlighted blue in this example) From View, Freeze Panes, click the down carat, Choose Freeze Panes. 26
Add Filter in Excel Select all From Home tab, or from the Data tab, select ‘Filter’ Adds the filter to Row 1 If formats have been applied we can filter on the Cell Color, Font Color, as well as the contents To clear filters, use Clear 27
Filter for WKC *****, WKC 11 Student Participates in the Autism Scholarship or Jon Peterson RELEVANT SENT REASON will be AU or JP COUNTS AT STATE 28
Filter for WKC *****, WKC 12 A recently arrived Limited English Proficient student LEP = L are excluded, if not previously exempt LEP ‘exited’ can be included for up to two school years COUNTS AT STATE 29
Filter for WKC *****, WKC 16 A recently arrived Foreign Exchange student who has been enrolled in U.S. schools less than 180 school days AND does not plan to graduate in Ohio Foreign Exchange Grad Plan field is found on the WKC report from the FD record COUNTS AT STATE 30
Filter for WKC ******, WKC 04, withdrew < 3/19 Student is NOT enrolled in either a building or a district for a full academic year (FAY) Filter for withdrawal date before 3/19/16 Student does not meet FAY COUNTS AT STATE 31
Filter for WKC ******, WKC 04, enrolled > 10/9/15 Student is NOT enrolled in either a building or a district for a full academic year (FAY) Filter STDNT STAND START DATE (aka FS060 Effective Start Date Element) greater than 10/9/2015 for FY16 Student does not meet FAY COUNTS AT STATE 32
Filter for WKC *****, WKC 05 Student is placed into an institution either via a court- placement or a parent-placement RELEVANT SENT REASON = NP on WKC ENRL REASON CODE = P, Q or T on WKC COUNT AT STATE 33
Filter for WKC *****, WKC 6 Students that only receive services from a district (ENRL REASON CODE aka How Received Element = ‘6’, ‘F’, ‘I’) are not included in the accountability calculations for the reporting district or building COUNT AT STATE 34
Filter for WKC *****, WKC 99 Summer Graduates Sample: COUNTS NOWHERE WKC IRN WKC CODE MAJORTY OF ATTND IRN ACNTBL IRN LEP CODE STATE EQUIV GRADE LEVEL CODE ENRL REASON CODE FORGN EXCHG GRAD PLAN CODE RELEVANT SENT REASONSTDNT STAND START DATESTDNT ATTRIBS START DATE ??????99****** N12****2015-07-01 00:00:00.0 ??????99****** N12****2015-07-01 00:00:00.0 ??????99****** N12****2015-07-01 00:00:00.0 ??????99****** N12****2015-07-01 00:00:00.0 35
Things to consider Student had a change of SSID Student had a change of EMIS ID There is no substitute for sending the list of WKC students to the Principal to verify. 36
Quick Check Know the rules Freeze panes Use filters to apply the rules Anomalies Research in SIS Clarification from Building staff To verify which students count at the State level instead of at the Building or District, there are rules to follow 37
COUNTS AT BUILDING OR DISTRICT Overview + Outline Review the rules that make a student count at a Building or at the District Filter by WKC Code 38
Filter for WKC District IRN, WKC 10 Student participates in a special education cooperative program in another district; and is in the educating district for a full academic year Student counts in the resident/sending district for the % proficient, performance index, and attendance rate calculations The student will count at the educating district for participation rate MOA IRN is the Building but counts at District 39
Filter for WKC Building IRN, WKC 01 Student is enrolled in one building within a district for a full academic year. Student counts at the building where the full academic year criterion is met, AND counts at the district, and state levels, for the % proficient, performance index, and attendance rate calculations. THESE STUDENTS WILL COUNT AT THE ATTENDING BUILDING 40
Students with a How Received Element of “M” (Community School) will count at the community school if they meet the ‘Full Academic Year’ criteria If the Community School is a Conversion Community School the students also will be included in the sponsoring district’s accountability calculations unless the sponsoring district has completed a Dropout Recovery Conversion Community School If the Community School is a Start-Up Community School the students will NOT be included in any traditional school district’s accountability calculations unless the community school and traditional school district have completed a District Roll-Up of Affiliated New Start-Up Community School Performance Data FY205 form through the Office of Community Schools WKC District IRN, WKC 01 Community School 41
▪ Students attending a STEM school (How Received = “K”) are included in the STEM school’s accountability calculations and are included in the accountability calculations for their respective districts of residence STEM providers who direct the operations of more than one STEM school are required to receive a report card that aggregates the students’ data for all of the schools that they direct WKC District IRN, WKC 01 STEM School 42
WKC Building IRN, WKC 02, Accountability IRN Student is enrolled in one building within a district for a full academic year, AND The district has determined that the student should be included in another building within the reporting district for accountability purposes Student counts at the building level in the building indicated in the “Accountability IRN” (FN140) by the educating entity, AND counts at the district, and state levels, for the % proficient, performance index, and attendance rate calculations COUNTS AT BUILDING 43
WKC IRN District IRN, WKC 03 Student is enrolled in the district for FAY, but not in the same building within the district, for a full academic year Student counts at the district level and the state level for the % proficient, performance index, and attendance rate calculations COUNTS AT DISTRICT 44
WKC Building IRN, WKC 15, no longer valid No longer applicable for FY16. Will be removed from the report In the past, this meant student is accelerated in this subject and counts in a different building than the Majority of Attendance IRN Student counted at the building level in the building indicated in the Accelerated Assessment Accountability IRN (FB090) by the educating entity, AND counts at the district, and state levels, for the % proficient and performance index calculations for that subject COUNTS AT TEST ADMIN BUILDING 45
Quick Check What are the rules? Freeze panes Use filters to apply the rules Anomalies Research in SIS Clarification from Building staff To verify which students count at the Building or District instead of at the State level, there are rules to follow 46
Checking Student Information System (SIS) Data Overview + Outline Checking SIS data before reporting Checking SIS data against the WKC data Checking WKC data against the SIS data Using some Excel functions 47
Query the SIS data / Save in Excel Have the appropriate school year in context First Name Sent To 1 Reason Last Name Sent To 1 IRN EMIS ID Sent To 1 Percent of Time State Student ID * Sent To 2 Reason District Admission Date District Withdraw Date FS Sent To 2 IRN Sent To 2 Percent of Time Withdraw Reason EMIS State Equivalent Grade Level How Received Limited English Proficiency Percent of Time LEP Class Date Attending Building IRN Foreign Exchange Graduation Plan Majority of Attendance IRN Accountability IRN 48
Filter for How Received-Count at District / Building Filter for How Received *, 3, 7, 8, 9, A, C, S, U, W and Y IF % of time is greater than zero and student completed a Full Academic Year (enrolled before 10/9/15 and still enrolled until after test date 3/19/16 or 4/13/16) and No other rules apply THESE STUDENTS WILL COUNT AT THE ATTENDING BUILDING/DISTRICT 49
Filter for How Received-Count at State Filter for How Received 2, B, E, F, G, I, L, N, R, V, X WKC IRN, Majority of Attendance IRN and Accountability IRN should be ****** If not, further checking is required COUNT AT STATE 50
Filter for How Received-Count at State Filter for How Received P, Q and T WKC IRN, Majority of Attendance IRN and Accountability IRN should be ****** If not, further checking is required Relevant ENRL REASON CODE (How Received) = P, Q or T on WKC COUNT AT STATE 51
Filter for Sent Reason CT, JV, ES, PS, MR, OS or CR Counts at the resident district at the building/district level if they meet the ‘Full Academic Year’ criteria at the building/district level COUNT AT BUILDING / DISTRICT Filter for Sent to - Counts at Building / District 52
Filter for Sent to - Count at State Filter for Sent to Reason 64, FC, NP, OE WKC IRN, Majority of Attendance IRN and Accountability IRN should be ****** Note that if the Sent to Reason is not a “RELEVANT SENT REASON” it will not appear on the WKC report COUNT AT STATE 53
Quick Check What are the rules? Freeze panes Use filters to apply the rules Anomalies Research in SIS Clarification from Building staff To verify from our SIS Data which students count at the State, Building or District, there are rules to follow. Excel functions and formulas can help. 54
Copy SIS data to a new sheet in WKC report After SIS data is reviewed and corrected if needed Select all (Ctrl +A), copy and paste on a new sheet in the WKC Report Workbook 55
Custom Sort for VLOOKUP Sort both sheets by the SSID to prepare to use VLOOKUP 56
VLOOKUP Basics Ask these questions: Where do we want the data? That is the first cell in a blank column where the formula will be created What one piece of data can be found on both sheets? That is the Lookup_Value SSID is great for Lookup_Value If SSID is in column C and the first SSID is in Row 2, the Lookup_Value is C2 57
VLOOKUP Basics Ask these questions: What data do we want to include from the other sheet? That is Table_Array If using SSID, start selectin with the column containing the SSID and drag to include the columns to the right What do we want to bring back? That is the Col_index_num Range_Lookup is always FALSE 58
Fx (function) for step by step wizard 59
VLOOKUP District Withdraw Date Find the blank column at the end of the WKC report Format column “Short date” Name the column “W/D date” SSID is the Lookup_Value Pull in the District Withdraw date from the SIS data 1/0/1900 indicates no w/d date found Get rid of the formula Select the entire column and Copy While the column is still selected, click ‘Paste Values’ Find/Replace 1/0/1900 with n/a (this will come in handy later) 60
VLOOKUP FILL DOWN Once one good formula is created in the first cell Rest the cursor over the fill handle until it becomes a skinny plus sign ( + ) Double click Excel will fill down to the last cell where data existed to the left 61
Conditional Format Start Date Columns Highlight students not enrolled for FAY Select columns with Start Dates Add Conditional Formatting for cell value less than ( > )10/09/2015 (Friday of the 1 st full week of October) These students are not enrolled for a FAY 62
Conditional Format District Withdraw Date To Highlight students not enrolled for FAY If the District Withdraw date less than ( < ) 03/19/16 the student definitely will not count at the District/Building That’s the earliest date These students are not enrolled for a FAY The n/a with which we replaced the 1/0/1900 keeps them from taking this format Further refinement will depend on the test the student took (Refer to the table that can be used to determine each student’s ending date for the 2015-16 school year’) 63
VLOOKUP How Received and Sent to Insert two new columns in the WKC To the right of the ACNTBL IRN Name one How Received Name the other Sent to SSID is the Lookup_Value From SIS data, VLOOKUP How Received From SIS data, VLOOKUP Sent to 64
Excel Help to Understand the Rules- VLOOKUP Copy the rules and paste on a new Worksheet or type on a new Worksheet in the WKC Workbook Make sure to paste as text or match destination formatting Name the Worksheet “Rules” These columns will be the Table_Array Insert a column next to the WKC CODE on the WKC report Name the column “Definition” Use VLOOKUP and the WKC Code as the Lookup_Value because it exists on both Worksheets 65
Quick Check and Review To verify which students count at the State, District or Building, there are rules to follow Excel functions and formulas can help WKC CODE numbers convey how the WKC is determined SIS data is the source for elements not detailed on the WKC Use VLOOKUP to pull in SIS elements or help define WKC codes Using Conditional format to highlight dates after the first full week of October 66
PIVOT TABLES Overview + Outline Concatenate names to make a Pivot Table more friendly The data in the WKC with the SIS data pulled in using VLOOKUP gives a fuller picture Create a Pivot Table and use the results to generate a list to send to the Principals for verification and information 67
Concatenate Sometimes it is helpful for the Last and First Name to be in one cell. Principals appreciate this! & joins the cells “, “ adds the comma and a space “ “ adds a space 68
Pivot Table Once the WKC sheet has all the VLOOKUP, create a Pivot Table. Insert / Pivot Table Accept defaults What can go wrong? There is no header in every column in Row 1 There are blank rows in the data 69
Pivot Table-Set up 70
Pivot Table-Make a sheet for each Principal Copy the resulting worksheet into a new Excel Workbook and send it to the building Principal Filter for the next building, double click the Grand Total, and so on Be extra nice and copy the Pivot Table itself and paste it on a second sheet in the workbook for an at-a-glance view of Where their Kids Count. Or, create a new Pivot Table in each Workbook set up as before. 71
Quick Check The WKC data, plus what we pulled from SIS data using VLOOKUP, gives a fuller picture Creating a Pivot Table helps us generate a list to send to the Principals for verification and information Concatenating names helps Principals identify students Pivot Table can help verify the WKC data 72
Reflection WKC rules are the source for Report Card data Data comes from SIS reported through the Data Collector Filters, Conditional Formatting and VLOOKUP can help verify Student Information System data with the WKC report 73
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