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Spatial policy development and PH engagement Issues and experience Dominic Harrison Director of Public Health Blackburn with Darwen

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Presentation on theme: "Spatial policy development and PH engagement Issues and experience Dominic Harrison Director of Public Health Blackburn with Darwen"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spatial policy development and PH engagement Issues and experience Dominic Harrison Director of Public Health Blackburn with Darwen Twitter @BWDDPH

2 Ill health is a function of place & space as much as people & behaviours Source: Ben Barr University of Liverpool 2014 Change the people…. but the health risks remain ?

3 Do we really Know enough about what makes places healthy or unhealthy? Source: Due North (2014)

4 Kings Fund (2014) Public support for spatial & infrastructure public health action and investment Vs bio-medial & behavioural interventions

5 Amsterdam wasn’t always Amsterdam How the Dutch got their cycle paths. A mass die-in outside the Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum in the 70's. Source: @edcrooks 9.50 am 23/11/13

6 Time for a cultural change in place and space ? Source:

7 Spatial Planning & Health - Cultural interventions? Road safety & Speed : AustraliaPublic Utility of Streets: UK

8 Creating Healthy Places- Strategy 1.Social Determinants of Health Fund - £1m out of £13m to 9 other Directorates – delivery of evidenced based marmot interventions Plus accountability for 5 Public Health outcomes. Accountability through a Public Health Delivery Agreement. 2.Embedding capacity/ relational intervention : Senior Public Health staff linked to each Directorate. 3.Multiple ‘entry points’ for healthy place development : e.g using Health Overview and Scrutiny to develop Appreciative Enquiry approaches to Obesity & Food Poverty 4.Restructuring mainstream service delivery : Promoting community resilience including restructuring health and local government services into a locality delivery system with ISNA/HWB Strategy/service planning coming from ‘below’. 5.HIAP: Wide range of ‘health in all policies’ approaches – Social value, integration HIA/EIA, etc

9 Risk Factors or Risk Conditions Choice or ‘choice architecture’ LA Public Health Service Investment ‘Perspectives/Narrative ’ Not everything that is a public health investment comes with a public health label In fact 1.Public Health Directorate Headcount = less than 1% of all Council employees 2. Public Health budget = about 3.5% of total LA annual spend So Developing new models of Health Governance of total public services investment in ‘place’ is key….

10 What's the worst that could happen ? Source: @Darth_Harper 7.58pm 21May 2014

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