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THE FUTURE OF KINGSTON PARISH What matters to you? Kingston St Mary Community Plan Steering Group Community Planning Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "THE FUTURE OF KINGSTON PARISH What matters to you? Kingston St Mary Community Plan Steering Group Community Planning Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE FUTURE OF KINGSTON PARISH What matters to you? Kingston St Mary Community Plan Steering Group Community Planning Meeting

2 We have done this before! KSM Parish Plan 2008 It is time to look ahead again…from 2016 to 2026+

3 Community Planning Meeting

4 A Community Plan for Kingston St Mary Jane Birch Community Involvement Officer

5 What is a Community Plan? A shared vision for the community over the next 10 years. It involves detailed inclusive consultation to ensure everyone’s voice is heard Contains a detailed action plan for achieving this vision. Its up to the community what is covered and the actions it recommends.

6 What issues can it cover? Housing Health and well-being Crime Public transport Youth facilities Traffic and road safety Street lighting Litter Local businesses Church School Youth facilities Parish council Community facilities Children’s play Older people

7 Who should get involved? Everyone! Your involvement can be as part of the steering group, helping with survey design, posting through doors, making meeting notes, creating the action plan, promotion, social media, talking to neighbours....

8 Community Council for Somerset (CCS) support Project Planning Background information Effective inclusive consultation Survey and analysis Funding support – information, applications and critiquing applications

9 Thank You! 01823 331222

10 How does this apply to Kingston? KSM Parish Community Plan Steering Group Relationship to the Parish Council North Taunton (Staplegrove) housing proposal Progress so far 3 CPSG meetings & discussions with TDBC, CCS & SRYP (Cllrs Marsh & Bradshaw) Awards for All grant application (£7k) to fund survey work (David Stripp)

11 Would it be useful? Would it be useful to develop a Community Plan? Next steps Club/Societies questionnaire (Cllr Farnham) Household survey SRYP/youth engagement Analysis & review of whether we need a Neighbourhood Plan Plan drafting & consultation Community Plan 2017-18 to guide activity & spending in the Parish for the next 10yrs

12 KSM COMMUNITY PLAN STEERING GROUP VOLUNTEERS The CPSG currently consists of: Six volunteers from the community who responded to the Link Up article: Sarah Hancock Alan Hughes Nicky Perry Tony Serjeant David Stripp David Taylor Three Parish Councillors: Cllr Natasha Bradshaw Cllr Jacqui Marsh Cllr Sharon Farnham

13 What issues are important to you (1)? Street-lightingpavements, footpaths, housing areas Traffic & road safetytraffic calming scheme? Public transportbus use, bus stops, frequency of service Litterroadside, pavements, litter pick-ups Housinghow much, where, what type? Schoolvillage primary school use, proposed new school Older peoplecommunity support & facilities Health & well-beingfitness clubs, exercise facilities, air quality, noise, community spirit!

14 Children’s playplaying field & pavillion, elsewhere? Youth facilitiesdo we need any? Community facilitiesvillage hall, church, pavillion Local businessesgarage, broadband for home-workers Parish Councilsetting the appropriate precept Churchmaintenance, use Local club facilities equipment, space Crimecontact with police, neighbourhood watch What issues are important to you (2)?

15 How can you help (1)? Household Survey Share your views this evening to help the design. Be ready to answer it & encourage your friends. Help us to deliver/collect the survey. Link-Up distributors – we especially invite your co-operation. Help us to reach parts of the community (e.g. youth, children, elderly, commuters, visitors)

16 How can you help (2)? Use your skills & knowledge to be involved: Offer your time/skills - survey design, meeting notes, creating the action plan, promotion, social media, talking to neighbours... Join the Steering Group – we especially need a Secretary, youth rep? Participate in a working group (post survey). Complete your feedback form now & make sure you leave it with us!

17 Any Questions? Have a cuppa…in a moment!

18 Participation Event Three things that you: Love about Kingston Don’t’ like about Kingston Like to see improved Have concerns about

19 Participation Event (Example)

20 Many thanks for your involvement this evening. Please hand in your feedback form before you leave! If you are involved in a club/society, Cllr Sharon Farnham will give you a questionnaire to take to your next meeting.

21 Have a cuppa… & visit the 4 ‘post-it’ stations please

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