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2 The Parable Of The Dragnet
Matthew 13:47-50

3 A “summary” of Mt 13 kingdom parables
Sower Parable vv. 3-9 Hearts revealed that receive the seed Tares Parable vv The kingdom must co-exist with evil Treasure & Pearl Parables vv Ideal recipient is totally devoted Dragnet Parable vv Not everyone is the “ideal” recipient

4 The Dragnet Matt 13:47-50 Setting
On Western shore of Sea of Galilee; late in 2nd year of preaching During the Great Galilean Ministry Jesus is beginning a “2nd tour” of Galilee Lk 8:1 The last of the kingdom parables

5 The Dragnet Matt 13:47-50 The Parable A dragnet is cast into the sea
It gathers in every kind of fish in its path Once brought to shore, the entire catch must be sorted out The good is kept…the bad is thrown out

6 Not a casting net Floats Forms A "Wall" Weights



9 The Dragnet Matt 13:47-50 The Application
Jesus says this is how it will be at the “end of the age” (judgment) v. 49 The wicked will be eventually removed from the kingdom Ù a “purging” Application is different than from the Tares Parable (focus was on the world)

10 The Dragnet Matt 13:47-50 The Application
The “ideal” was emphasized in the previous 2 parables vv Sadly, that is not reality Many come to the kingdom with less than full devotion

11 The Dragnet Matt 13:47-50 The Application
Many come to the kingdom with less than full devotion True in N.T. days 1 Cor 1:11-13a 5:1-2 Gal 1: :1 5: Rev 2:4, 14-15, :1-2, 14-18

12 The Dragnet Matt 13:47-50 The Application
Many come to the kingdom with less than full devotion True in our own day Local churches struggle with members who are caught up in worldliness, pride, carnal thinking, etc.

13 The Dragnet Matt 13:47-50 The Application
The parable does not address situations where disciples are momentarily caught up in weaknesses & are overcome The parable addresses disciples who persist in worldly living after coming to the heavenly kingdom

14 The Dragnet Matt 13:47-50 The Application
What should local churches do re: such members? Rom 16: Cor 1:10 5:4-5, Gal 4: Tim 1: Tim 6: Rev 2:5, 16, Rev 3:3, 19

15 The Dragnet Matt 13:47-50 The Application
Yet, how are local churches limited? Tim 5: Acts 5:1-11 What will be the church’s “vindication?” Lk 12: Cor 4:5 Jude 15 The Lord's Dragnet

16 The Dragnet Matt 13:47-50 The Lesson
Have I come to the kingdom with a totally devoted heart? Am I the type of disciple that will eventually be removed from the kingdom?


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