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Mr. Brown 8th Career Development

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1 Mr. Brown 8th Career Development
Setting Goals Mr. Brown 8th Career Development

2 Standards MSCA6-6- Students will utilize the planning process to assist in the achievement of personal, social, financial, educational, and career goals. a) Identify and critique the difference between short-term, intermediate, and long-term goals. b) Describe actions needed to obtain short-term, intermediate, and long-term goals. c) Recognize how to modify and adjust their goals as growth and change occur.)

3 What is a Goal? Something you would like to achieve.

4 Goals Coke AD

5 The Purpose of Goals The purpose of goals is to give you direction and keep you focused on where you want to end up.

6 Baby Setting Goals

7 Who sets goals? Successful people
Michael Jordan-open link to read Michael Jordan’s excerpt from book!

8 Types of Goals Long Term Goals: 10-year, 5-year and 1-year goals
Short Term Goals: goals for the next 9 months, 6 months and 3 months Immediate Goals: 1-30 days from now Task –Write examples of each goal

9 Types of Goals Fixed: Goals with an outcome that is based on a specific date/time Flexible: Goals that have an outcome, but no time limit.

10 Types of Goals Education Financial Health Social Career Family Sports
Job Personal attitude Hobbies Public service Spiritual

11 Will I always accomplish my goals?
Learning opportunities and experiences Did you learn something? Was your goal too high? Re-evaluate Don’t give up!!!

12 Why Goals Fail The goal was not written down.
Rewards for achieving the goals were not given. The goal was unrealistic or not specific enough. The goal is not really believable or little commitment exists. Keep changing or switching goals with the weather The person who set the goal has not told anyone else for added accountability, help and support. The goal was not incorporated into a realistic plan that includes measurements, timelines and resources.

13 Realistic vs. Unrealistic Goals
Setting unrealistic goals can lead to feelings of failure, lowered self-image, and lowered self-esteem.

14 What makes goals unrealistic?
Untimely Requiring unavailable resources Too generally written

15 The Benefits of Setting Goals
Suffer less from stress and anxiety Concentrate better Show more self-confidence Perform better Are happier

16 Where do I start? Jot down a list of things you want to accomplish
Prioritize list

17 How to Set Goals Learning how to set goals is as important as knowing what the goal should contain.  What’s important to remember about setting goals is the correct F.R.A.M.E. of mind.  What is meant by “frame of mind?”  Each letter in the word “frame” illustrates the following:

18 F.R.A.M.E Fantasize - Dream your wildest dreams and make sure that your goals match your values. Ask yourself: what do you want to be doing in 1 year? 5 years? What kind of person do I want to be? Reality - Fantasies can become reality, depending on how hard you are willing to work for them. Aim - Define your goal(s) by striking a balance between Fantasy and Reality; set a high but realistic goal. Method – Be truthful to yourself by narrowing your choices or goals to the ones you really intend to accomplish. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Evaluation - Process the results, but don’t make it the last step; evaluation should be on going.

19 Setting SMART Goals If goals aren’t reachable, they aren’t worth making. All you have to do to set realistic goals is follow the SMART goals guidelines.

20 SPECIFIC What details do you want to accomplish?
“I want to do better in history” “I want to increase my history grade from an 85% to a 90%.

21 MEASURABLE All goals should have a way to evaluate whether or not they were accomplished. “I want to run the mile better.” “I want to improve my mile time by 30 seconds.”

22 ACHIEVABLE Goals must be something you are capable of reaching.
Which one would be a better goal for Atlanta Falcons? “I will help my team to win a Super Bowl” “I will recruit the best players in the league to have a successful football team next season.

23 REALISTIC having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected . Which goal is better for a teacher? “My goal is to discover a cure for cancer” “My goal is to inspire at least one student to become a doctor to research a cure for cancer”

24 TIME - BOUND Make sure that you have a time set as a “dead line” so your goal is not unending. “My goal is to be able to run a half marathon.” My goal is to run in a half marathon by next year.

25 Smart Goals

26 Examples Bad SMART Goal: I want to go to college.
Good SMART GOAL: By January 1st of 2009, I will have researched three colleges and applied to two colleges that I want to attend. I will attend one of the colleges I am accepted in, register for my first course and start by August My college plan fits with my ten year career plan.

27 Examples Bad example of a SMART goal: I want to have a lot of money.
Good example of a SMART goal:  I want to make one million within 10 years by starting an internet marketing business selling personal development products all over the world and by providing life coaching consultancy and conducting live seminars.

28 Example Bad example of a SMART goal: I want to lose weight.
Good example of a SMART goal: I want to lose 20 lbs by April 15th I will perform a half hour of cardio and half hour of strength training per day, 5 times a week and I will only eat starchy carbohydrates 3 times a week.

29 Final tips to Goal Setting:
Write down your goals and look at them often! If you achieved your goals too easily, make your next goals harder. Failure to meet goals only matters if you don’t learn something from your mistakes. Goal setting is am important method of: Deciding what’s important for you to achieve. Motivating yourself. Building self-confidence.

30 Assignment #1 The Me I See 25 Years From NOW Students will use their own paper to list, draw and label everything that they want or need 25 years from now. (what you can truly accomplish or have). That would make you 36, 37 or 38 years old at that time. Be Realistic

31 Assignment #2 List at least (5) SMART goals related to school, career, and/or personal for yourself, your future by length of time required to accomplish the goals and include a description of how you plan to accomplish each one. For each goal, explain your plan to obtain that goal.

32 Individual Goals: Get ready to write a long list of the goals you think would be important and worthwhile for you to accomplish. (a dream list handout) Now look at your list and ask the following questions: Career: Financial: Education: Family/home: Artistic: Religious: Physical/health: Achievement: Social:

33 Summary  1) Having a Goal is like a road map it gets you from one point to another 2) When you surround yourself with positive people it will help you in the long run 3) You must be your own motivator 4) Get organized 5) Motivation + Goal = Success


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