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Educational Publishing in WSOYpro Anita Seppovaara 2010 kaksi riviä.

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Presentation on theme: "Educational Publishing in WSOYpro Anita Seppovaara 2010 kaksi riviä."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational Publishing in WSOYpro Anita Seppovaara 2010 kaksi riviä

2 Working together it’s all about working together the publisher, teachers, teacher trainers and trainees, pupils, educational authorities, families in the publishing house: editors, authors, graphic designers, artists, marketing department, printing house

3 Succeeding in educational publishing Good contacts with teachers, teacher trainers and educational authorities Knowledge of current pedagogical trends Realistic view of schools' recources Realistic view of teachers nad learners Listening to expectations and needs Long tradition of educational publishing in Finnish publishing houses The trust of the authorities, the teachers and families The publisher has willingness to innovation and new solutions –helps teachers to find new methods to implement the principles of curriculum in their work

4 The role of the authorities The Finnish National Board of Education –laws, decisions, guidelines for education –gives goals and the core curriculum renewed about every 8 - 10 years –the schools write their own curriculum –decisions for taking part in international surveys as PISA –publishes and sells educational material for small groups

5 Key words in Finnish education policy quality –highly qualified teachers with master's degree –full autonomy in the classroom for teachers and students efficiency –individual support for students –special needs education integrated into regular education equity –equal opportunities –basic education is free –supportive student assesment –no national ranking lists internationalisation –Comenius programs for teachers and students and all other educational staff

6 Local authorities budgets for schools gives guidelines for local aspects in the curriculum The Universities educational research educational training for teachers; a master's degree also for primary school teachers organize international congresses

7 Product development early planning of a new book done by the publisher, commissioning editor, editors of books, marketing groups collecting basic information of the market; market surveys, questionnaires, discussions with teachers the latest curriculum of the subject gives basic guidelines for a new book studying new trends in education to guarantee good learnig results

8 the publisher must know when to start and what to do the publisher gives the budget and necessary facilities a teacher or an author might propose a new book to the publisher

9 The first steps with a new project to find the best authors! specialists in their own field innovative teachers with a leading role in their field the publisher puts on a team the editor represents the publishing house in the team

10 Teamwork getting to know each other going through basic information the current curriculum the team has to find new ideas new teaching methods remembering the right level for each age group brainstorming

11 Writing the manuscript it’s all about teamwork again! deviding the process of writing between the authors the authors write at home and send the manuscripts to the editor the editor sends it all to the other members for reading and checking

12 Meetings the team meets every 3 or 4 weeks all texts are read and checked by everyone discussing, giving feedback, commenting, suggestions for changes the texts are being improved and developed rewriting and correcting

13 The role of the editor the editor represent the publisher the editor is the leader of the project helping the authors finding information and the best solutions the contact person for all others working for the project keeps the project in the schedule!

14 The manuscript is ready everything has been rewritten and corrected several times the authors send the final texts to the editor for editorial work checking titles, numbering chapters, preparing indexes, contents lists and vocabularies, taking care of © matters, language revision, preparing illustration with the picture editor preparing the manuscript ready for layout

15 The layout the editor has prepared all the material illustration editor provides with the photos, the editor receives illustration from artists the graphic designer makes the layout a layout draft the team checks and proofreads the texts the cover

16 The process goes on... many corrections also at this stage proofreading, checking of layouts, illustration, indexes final day! everything to the printing

17 Recordings, electronic material, web there are many supplementary materials the editor organizes the recordings of language books and produces the audio material electronic teaching material extra exercises for pupils on the web pages

18 The book is ready! the book comes out and the editor is already working with other materials teacher’s guides, keys, test packs, audio material, web pages plans for marketing

19 An example of a product family in primary school English Wow!  Wow! Study Books  Wow! Busy Books  Wow! My Own Busy Books (for children with special needs)  Wow! Teacher’s guides  Wow! Keys  Wow! Keys; My Own Busy Book  Wow! Tests  Wow! Tests for children with special needs  Wow! Teacher’s CDs

20 Wow! Vocabulary CD  Wow! Listening Tests CD  Wow! Cool songs CD  Wow! Listen and learn CDs (for students)  Wow! CD-roms  Wow! Live DVDs  Wow! Flash cards  Wow! Netpages for teachers and students  Wow! Club for teachers by email


22 Marketing marketing planned with the marketing department big marketing campaigns marketing evenings for teachers giving information on the new books and materials teachers decide which books to choose a hard competition between the publishing houses

23 WSOY authors marketing in Estonia in Tartu University

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