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Ways of Monitoring Heart Function EXAMINING THE HEART.

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1 Ways of Monitoring Heart Function EXAMINING THE HEART

2  There are many diagnostic tools that are used to determine how well a heart is functioning. Some are very simple while others require greater technology and more sophisticated machines.  We will be using three relatively simple devices to monitor different things about the heart MONITORING THE HEART

3  To be able to identify the two major heart sounds using a stethoscope  To explain what is happening in the heart to make those sounds  To be able to measure blood pressure on a classmate  To explain what is meant by the two numbers given in a blood pressure reading  To explain what is happening in the heart during the systolic reading and the diastolic reading LEARNING GOALS

4  To be able to properly attach electrodes to a classmate and obtain an ECG reading  To identify the parts of an ECG reading  To explain what is happening in the heart during each portion of an ECG reading LEARNING GOALS (CONTINUED)

5 1.Watch the following video about stethoscope use 2. Put the stethoscope to your ear with the ear pieces facing forward. CAUTION: BE VERY CAREFUL NOT TO BANG THE SENSOR ON ANYTHING. IT COULD DAMAGE YOUR EAR! 3.Listen to the heart of a classmate; use the landmarks described in the video. Describe the sound(s). 4.Get your subject to take slow deep breaths and see if you notice any differences. THE STETHOSCOPE

6 5. What is happening in each of the sounds? 6. Time for 10 seconds and count the number of heart beats. 7. Calculate the HR in beats/min 8. RESEARCH: What types of disorders might a doctor tell from a simple stethoscope examination? STETHOSCOPE

7  View the following video conditions/high-blood-pressure/multimedia/how-to-measure- blood-pressure/vid-20084748 conditions/high-blood-pressure/multimedia/how-to-measure- blood-pressure/vid-20084748  With a partner, follow the steps from the above video and take his/her blood pressure. Repeat. Blood Pressure = ___________ (trial 1) Blood Pressure = ___________ (trial 2) BLOOD PRESSURE CUFF

8 Questions: 1.Explain what each of the numbers means in the blood pressure measurement. 2.Describe what is happening in the heart during systole. 3.Describe what is happening in the heart during diastole. 4.Describe 2 reasons why someone may have high blood pressure. BLOOD PRESSURE

9  The ECG measures the electrical activity in your heart  Electrical impulses stimulate the heart to contract and an ECG is a method used to check that the electrical signals are occurring and are taking place in the correct sequence ELECTROCARDIOGRAM (ECG)

10 Instructions: 1.Rub sections of right wrist and the inside of both elbows with isopropyl alcohol and allow to dry 2.Place electrode stickers on right wrist and the inside of both elbows (see instructions in Vernier probe box). 3.Attach electrodes to stickers. 4.Connect probe to computer and take a 10 second sample. Retry if signal is poor. 5.Detach the electrodes and complete 10 burpees. 6.Quickly reattach the electrodes and take another 10 second sample ECG

11 Label the following parts of this ECG readout:  P wave  QRS Complex  T wave SAMPLE ECG

12 Analysis: 1.Label the resting ECG readout 2.Explain what is happening in the cardiac cycle at each point that you labeled. 3.Measure the distance length of 1 cardiac cycle and determine the time. 4.After finding the time it takes to complete 1 cardiac cycle, calculate the heart rate in beats per minute. 5.Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the post-exercise ECG and compare your results. 6.Compare the events of a typical cardiac cycle (p. 300) with the ones in your ECG ECG

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