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Week 5 Drafting 1309: Basic CAD Andrew Amini Professor Drafting and Design Engineering Technology, HCC.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 5 Drafting 1309: Basic CAD Andrew Amini Professor Drafting and Design Engineering Technology, HCC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 5 Drafting 1309: Basic CAD Andrew Amini Professor Drafting and Design Engineering Technology, HCC

2 Quiz: Next Week 1 Quiz: February 21, 2015 Quiz will start at the beginning of class Review will be held today

3 Drawing Commands 2 Boundary-Creates a region or a polyline from an enclosed area. The Boundary Creation dialog box is displayed. If you enter -BOUNDARY at the Command prompt, options are displayed. The interior point that you specify uses the surrounding objects to create a separate region or polyline.

4 Drawing Commands 3 PLINE- creates lines having properties such as thickness and curvature. Polylines can be grouped together as a single object. Such as a square will act as one object instead of four separate lines. COMMAND: PLINE Specify start point: Pick the start point of the polyline Specify next point or [Arc/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: Enter the desired option or pick the next point of pline Options: Arc- switches from drawing polyline to polyarcs Halfwidth- Indicates the halfwidth of a polyline Length-Draws a polyline tangent to the last segment Undo-Erases the last segment drawn Width-Determines the width of the pf the polyline

5 Editing Commands 4 PEDIT- edits polylines, changes the location of individual vertices in a polyline, and converts a non-polyline object into a polyline. COMMAND: PEDIT Select polyline or [Multiple]: Pick the object Do you want to turn it into one? Enter an option [Close/Join/Width/Edit vertex/Fit/Spline/Decurve/Ltype gen/Undo]: J Select objects: Select the remaining entities Enter an option [Close/Join/Width/Edit vertex/Fit/Spline/Decurve/Ltype gen/Undo]: W Specifiy new width for all segments To convert simple lines and arcs into polyline use the join option

6 Editing Commands 5 To convert a polyline into simple lines and arcs use the EXPLODE command

7 Editing Commands 6 EXPLODE-converts blocks, polylines, associative dimensions, hatch, multi-lines or solid into individual entities COMMAND: Explode Select object: Select objects Note: Nested block-a block in a parent block. Explode one grouping level at a time. Tips: Undo Command will restore the most recent Explode command. Warnings: Once explode is executed, you can not unexplode

8 Editing Commands 7 XPLODE- breaks a compound object into its component objects with specified properties for the resulting objects. All- Sets the color, linetype, lineweight, and layer of the component objects after you explode them. Color-Sets the color of the objects after being exploded Layer-Sets the layer of the component object after being exploded. Ltype-Sets the linetype after being exploded Lweight- Sets the lineweight after being exploded Explode-does what Explode Command does

9 Display Commands 8 REGEN- regenerates current drawing from the viewport. COPYBASE- copies selected objects to the Clipboard along with a specified base point. This is to allow the user the ability to move different drawings between different files in autocad.

10 Drawing Aids 9

11 AutoCAD Command 10 TIME-Displays the date and time statistics of a drawing Current time. Displays the current date and time to the nearest millisecond using a 24-hour clock Created. Displays the date and time that the current drawing was created. Last Updated. Displays the date and time of the latest update of the current drawing. This date and time is initially the drawing creation time. The time is revised whenever the drawing file is saved. Total Editing Time. Displays the time spent editing the current drawing. This timer is updated by the program and cannot be reset or stopped. Plotting time is not included in the total editing time. If you quit the editing session without saving the drawing, the time you spent in the editing session is not added to the accumulated editing time.

12 Auto Command-Time 11 Elapsed Timer. Runs as another timer while the program is running. You can turn it on and off or reset it whenever you like. Next Automatic Save In. Indicates the time remaining until the next automatic save. You can set the time interval using OPTIONS or the SAVETIME system variable.

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