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Fact, value or Policy. FVP 1. President FDR knew in advance about the Japanese plan to attack Pearl Harbor and allowed it to happen.

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Presentation on theme: "Fact, value or Policy. FVP 1. President FDR knew in advance about the Japanese plan to attack Pearl Harbor and allowed it to happen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fact, value or Policy

2 FVP 1. President FDR knew in advance about the Japanese plan to attack Pearl Harbor and allowed it to happen

3 FVP 2. If FDR knew in advance about the Japanese plan to attack Pearl Harbor, he was wrong in allowing it to happen.

4 FVP 3. Using Facebook as a screening device for new hires is a violation of personal privacy.

5 FVP 4. The use of Facebook by employers for prescreening should be banned by law.

6 FVP 5. If trunk safety devices were standard equipment on all cars sold in the U.S., we could save several hundred lives a year.

7 FVP 6. A federal law should be passed requiring that trunk safety releases be standard on all new cars sold in the U.S.

8 Find The Fallacy Argument: America needs stronger workplace safety (OSHA) laws. Evidence: In 1931 6k people died on the job. In 1945 9k people died on the job. Thus, the more people are dying on the job and we need more government oversight.

9 Find The Fallacy Herbert Hoover was elected President in the Spring of 1929. The stock market crashed in October, therefore: Herbert Hoover’s economic policies caused the crash of 1929 and the Great Depression

10 Find The Fallacy Don’t listen to the hogwash about acid rain from the environmentalists. They are just a bunch of pot-smoking hippies and don’t know what they are saying all high and that…..

11 Find The Fallacy Who cares about gun control legislation when the economy is in the tank and all I want is to be able to get a job when I finish school.

12 Find The Fallacy NWMSCC faces a budgetary crisis for the Fall. The school will face closure unless a tough decision is made. The decision is that we will close unless we accept a 13% tuition increase or elect to close the Library to me the financial shortfall.

13 Find The Fallacy People and employees were picketing the Tobie Town bank complaining about low wages. The bank president made a statement that she pays her employees quite well and that the average salary is over 55k per year. Thus, she argues they should get back to work and be happy…

14 Find The Fallacy Mr. X is a terrible math teacher and don’t take his class. I took his class and failed My girlfriend took it and failed My bff took it and also failed Therefore, avoid Mr. X at all costs….

15 Find The Fallacy In November of 2008 gas was over 3.50 a gallon. Barack Obama was elected POTUS on November 4 th, 2008 Three days later, the price of gas dropped over.30 cents. BO caused the gas prices to drop

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