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Tubing Calculations Allowable Pressure as a function of Diameter.

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1 Tubing Calculations Allowable Pressure as a function of Diameter

2 Where: Test pressure shall be determined by Barlow's equation for thin hollow cylinders under tension. Where: Pinternal pressure (psi) tTube wall thickness (inch) SAllowable tensile strength in tube wall (psi) DTube outer diameter (inch)

3 %Jared Foley %Green Machine Transmission %11/21/08 dmat=[1/4; 3/8; 1/2]; %outter diameter of tubing (ihch) t=[0.035; 0.035; 0.035]; %tubing wall thickness (inch) S= 52939; %allowable tensile strength in wall (psi) P=((2*S).*t)./dmat; %allowable pressure of tube (psi) fprintf('Allowable pressure for %3.2f inch is %10.2f psi\n', dmat(1,1), P(1,1)); fprintf('Allowable pressure for %3.2f inch is %10.2f psi\n', dmat(2,1), P(2,1)); fprintf('Allowable pressure for %3.2f inch is %10.2f psi\n', dmat(3,1), P(3,1)); figure plot(dmat,P); title('Tubing Diameter vs. Allowable Pressure'); ylabel('Pressure (psi)') xlabel('Tubing Diameter (inch)') MATLAB Tubing Allowable Pressure Calculations

4 Allowable pressure for 0.25 inch is 14822.92 psi Allowable pressure for 0.38 inch is 9881.95 psi Allowable pressure for 0.50 inch is 7411.46 psi Calculation results

5 Pressure vs. Tubing Diameter

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