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Marseille 30 Dec ’13 KM3NET Marine Operations Catania - Status Klaus Leismüller.

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Presentation on theme: "Marseille 30 Dec ’13 KM3NET Marine Operations Catania - Status Klaus Leismüller."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marseille 30 Dec ’13 KM3NET Marine Operations Catania - Status Klaus Leismüller

2 Achievements Installation underwater sea cable, junction box and test tower off the coast of Catania at 2100 meters Installation underwater sea cable and junction box off the coast of Capo Passero at 3500 meters

3 Goals and Objectives Installation of test tower at 3500 meters off the coast of Capo Passero Installation of seafloor network and DU at Capo Passero Site Installation of a new termination frame at Capo Passero Site. Upgrade to manage 20 fibers and future requirements

4 Marine Operations 2013/14 1 x MO Q1 - Installation of test tower 2 x MO - Installation of 8 towers 1 x MO - Installation seafloor network Testing

5 Challenges Availability of suitable vessel at required time frame Availability of suitable vessel at required time frame Utilization rate of commercial vessels capable to handle equipment in the Med Sea at 90% Utilization rate of commercial vessels capable to handle equipment in the Med Sea at 90% Commercial Marine operation cost increased by 6% in 2012 and this trend will continue 2013 Commercial Marine operation cost increased by 6% in 2012 and this trend will continue 2013 Current day rates (Euro): Vessel 50 k, ROV+Crew: 10 k Current day rates (Euro): Vessel 50 k, ROV+Crew: 10 k Availability of ROV with rating to 4000 meters Availability of ROV with rating to 4000 meters ROV crew with adequate deep sea and fibre optic connection experience ROV crew with adequate deep sea and fibre optic connection experience

6 MSV Nautical Tide Multi Service Vessel Deck Space 252 sqm 80k hydraulic A-Frame with 4500m lift lines Deck Crane 30T,10T,5T Heavy work class ROV

7 Hammerhead II ROV Rated for 5000 meters Deliver/recover 16,000 lb 150 hp Fully equipped, manipulators, cameras etc. 6000 m umbilical winch LARS: Moonpool

8 Next steps Establish Marine Operations Manual to suit ALL future deployment/recovery/expansion activities Establish Marine Operations Manual to suit ALL future deployment/recovery/expansion activities Reorder LNS INFN/INGV ROV and develop long term relationship with an operator of choice Reorder LNS INFN/INGV ROV and develop long term relationship with an operator of choice Prepare future campaigns Prepare future campaigns

9 Thank You!

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