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MDDA Presentation on Strategic Plans 2005-2008 8 March 2005.

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1 MDDA Presentation on Strategic Plans 2005-2008 8 March 2005

2 Mandate The MDDA should:  “…(C)reate an enabling environment for media development and diversity … which reflects the needs and aspirations of all South Africans  “ Redress exclusion and marginalisation of disadvantaged communities and persons from access to the media and the media industry;  “Promote media development and diversity by providing support primarily to community and small commercial media projects…” ( Preamble MDDA Act )

3 Vision Each and every South African citizen should have access to a choice of a diverse range of media

4 Mission The MDDA is a development agency that will assist in building an environment where a diverse, vibrant and creative media flourishes and reflects the needs of all South Africans

5 The MDDA Team  Kanyi Mkonza (Chairperson)  Tony Trew ( Board Member)  Annand Chaytoo (CFO)  Libby Lloyd (CEO)- Apologies

6 Funding 2005/2006 R17.1m  R7m government  R5.3m Broadcasting partners  R4.8m Print partners Note that the broadcasting and print partners year runs from date of signature (between June- October). Thus funds are not all available as of 1 April 2005

7 Budget Highlights  Have fully utilised the R7m funding received from GCIS  Have entered into agreements with all partners  Predict that will keep to regulatory cap of 25% on administration in 2005/2006.  Predict that will exceed this cap in following years – despite increase from government –therefore seeking more funds from other donors

8 Budget Challenges  Funding Agreements do not include any inflation linked increase – costs go up but MDDA budget remains the same  Government projections include increase only for 2006/2007 of 6% = R420k  Solution: Developed plan to raise more funds from range of potential donors (including private and in terms of government to government agreements)

9 Budget Challenges cont  MDDA has to meet regulatory and funding agreements requirements Regulations divide funds between small commercial, community and research Funding agreements divide between print and broadcast Funding agreements specify that no more than 10% of funds should be allocated to administration and research Funding is on different cycles – govt on financial year, funding agreements on date of signature

10 Highlights of past year  Board approved support for: 63 different media projects 3 research projects  Three workshops held together with AMASA/AMF on advertising and marketing

11 Highlights of past year cont…  28 bursaries provided to small commercial and community radio managers to attend Wits and Rhodes University courses

12 Highlights of past year cont…  Together with Department of Communications and Sentech conducting research into which communities are not covered by a public broadcasting station at all or in preferred language  Have developed and sent out a research brief to determine extent of inclusion and coverage of issues for women, people with disabilities, children and the elderly to universities.  Research will inform MDDA interventions and strategies.

13 Regional breakdown The R8,3m does not include the seed funding support for community radio initiatives and nodal points ProvinceGranted %No. of Projects Eastern CapeR 1,2 m 14%13 Free StateR 586 k 7%6 GautengR 1,3m 15%11 Kwazulu- Natal R 1,6m 19%10 LimpopoR 1,1m 13%6 MpumalangaR 467 k 6%5 North WestR 249 k 3%4 Northern Cape R 288 k 3%5 Western CapeR 1,6m 19%7 Total R 8,3 m100 %69



16 Analysis of applications  MDDA received over 100 applications for funding  Applicants for grants to the value of R50m  Income for 2003/2004 was only R13.3m

17 MDDA is up and running  Staff employed (8)  Mentorship database established & MDDA will embark on a regional spread  Grant making procedures developed  All policies in place  Internal Auditors and Audit Committee established

18 Strategies for next 3 years Proactive approach MDDA will continue to respond to applications MDDA will develop through consultation and round tables strategies to resolve industry problems

19 Strategies for next 3 years Proactive approach MDDA will continue to work with AMASA/AMF and individual advertising companies to promote sector and increase adspend

20 Strategies for next 3 years Proactive Approach MDDA will together with sector develop promotional toolkits to promote the role of small media projects in the development of communities MDDA will together with other funders and sector organisations assist in getting reliable audience/readership figures MDDA will link with other org. to embark on research which will enable comm. media to develop skills in doing their own research

21 Strategies cont…  Training MDDA will continue with mentoring programme MDDA will develop partnerships to facilitate internships in marketing/advertising and between established media and new media MDDA will develop exchange programmes between best practice media projects MDDA will host resource mobilisation workshops in all nine provinces – increasing skills to mobilise resources from government, private sector, internal organisations etc

22 Strategies cont….  Research MDDA will finalise research into underserved communities (both geographic and interest) MDDA will work with SETA to evaluate impact of training in sector – for sector and contribution to developing media generally MDDA will research impact status of high school and student media MDDA will research regulatory and other ownership requirements for SMME’s and non profit organisations – and the impact on efficiency and viability

23 Strategies cont….  Communication MDDA is devoloping and implementing intervention startegies to focus on providing communication to communities in Northern Cape and North West Province MDDA will continue to raise awareness around issues affecting media development and diversity – through media, seminars, commenting on policies etc.

24 Strategies cont…  Leveraging support Have developed strong relationships with range of organisations including Univ Service Agency, Dept of Communications, ICASA, Open Society Foundation, AMASA, AMF, funding partners, NFVF etc Will continue to build relationships with other organisations: Umsobomvu Youth Fund, Telkom, Small Enterprises Dev Agency (SEDA), lottery to increase resources to sector

25 Strategies cont…  Review and reflection Continue with ongoing assessment, monitoring and evaluation of individual projects supported Review MDDA structures and tool kits to assess efficiency – internal and external evaluations in 2005 Conduct external impact evaluation against performance indicators in 2007

26 Strategies cont…  Low Interest Loans Will develop strategies and partnerships for provision of low interest loans in 2005 for implementation in 2006

27 Strategies cont  Operations Aim to increase funding base – through engagement with govt on government to government agreements, other donors, lottery etc CEO’s contract ends Aug 2006 – have put in place succession plan Plan to review legislation to submit to Parliament in 2006

28 Challenges  Capacity of sector to absorb funds – the sector needs training initially, then support.  Capacity of MDDA to implement plans – given only 5 operational staff.  Need to secure more funds to increase resources.  Funding not inflation linked and therefore the MDDA might exceed the regulatory 25% cap on admin. expenses.

29 Conclusion  Thank you

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