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University Of Seoul Ubiquitous Sensor Network Lab Query Dependent Pseudo-Relevance Feedback based on Wikipedia 2010.05.04 전자전기컴퓨터공학 부 USN 연구실 G201049005.

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Presentation on theme: "University Of Seoul Ubiquitous Sensor Network Lab Query Dependent Pseudo-Relevance Feedback based on Wikipedia 2010.05.04 전자전기컴퓨터공학 부 USN 연구실 G201049005."— Presentation transcript:

1 University Of Seoul Ubiquitous Sensor Network Lab Query Dependent Pseudo-Relevance Feedback based on Wikipedia 2010.05.04 전자전기컴퓨터공학 부 USN 연구실 G201049005 김 은 환

2 Ubiquitous Sensor Network Lab 1/14 서울시립대 University Of Seoul Electrical and Computer Engineering Contents  Introduction  Query Categorization  Wikipedia Data Set  Query Categorization  Query Expansion Methods  Relevance model  Strategy for Entity/Ambiguous Queries  Field Evidence for Query Expansion  Experiments  Experiments Settings  Baselines  Using Entity Pages for Relevance Feedback  Field Based Expansion  Conclusion

3 Ubiquitous Sensor Network Lab 2/14 서울시립대 University Of Seoul Electrical and Computer Engineering Introduction  The aim of this study is to explore the possible utility of Wikipedia as a resource improving for IR in PRF  For a long time query expansion has been a focus for researchers  relevant  irrelevant  Supervised method and Unsupervised method  3 types query  Query about a specific entity (EQ)  Ambiguous query (AQ)  Broader query (BQ) It has the potential to enhance IR effectiveness

4 Ubiquitous Sensor Network Lab 3/14 서울시립대 University Of Seoul Electrical and Computer Engineering Introduction  For all query expansion methods, pseudo relevance feedback (PRF) is attractive because it requires no user input  PRF assumes that the top ranked documents in the initial retrieval are relevant  However, this assumption is often invalid which can result in a negative impact on PRF performance  Meanwhile, as the volume of data on the web becomes much larger, other resources have emerged which can potentially supplement an initial search better in PRF  e.g. Wikipedia

5 Ubiquitous Sensor Network Lab 4/14 서울시립대 University Of Seoul Electrical and Computer Engineering Query Categorization  Wikipedia Data Set  A topic in Wikipedia has a distinct  Person  Place  Organization or miscellaneous  In addition, Important information for the topic of a given article may also be found in other Wikipedia articles  With the help of enriched text, we can expect to bridge the gap between the large volume of information on the web and the simple queries issued by users.

6 Ubiquitous Sensor Network Lab 5/14 서울시립대 University Of Seoul Electrical and Computer Engineering Query Categorization  Queries about a specific entity (EQ)  We mean queries that have a specific meaning and cover a narrow topic  The corresponding entity page is the page with the same title field as the query  Queries exactly matching one title of an entity page or a redirect page will be classified as EQ  e.g. “Seoul” Thus EQ can be mapped directly to the entity page with the same title

7 Ubiquitous Sensor Network Lab 6/14 서울시립대 University Of Seoul Electrical and Computer Engineering Query Categorization  Ambiguous Queries (AQ)  We mean queries with terms having more than one potential meaning  e.g. “Apple”  Broader Queries (BQ)  We denote the rest of the queries to be BQ because these queries are neither ambiguous nor focused on a specific entity  e.g. “Orange” A disambiguation process is needed to determine it’s sense

8 Ubiquitous Sensor Network Lab 7/14 서울시립대 University Of Seoul Electrical and Computer Engineering Query Expansion Methods  Strategy for Ambiguous Queries  Lee el al.

9 Ubiquitous Sensor Network Lab 8/14 서울시립대 University Of Seoul Electrical and Computer Engineering Query Expansion Methods  Relevance model  Language modeling framework

10 Ubiquitous Sensor Network Lab 9/14 서울시립대 University Of Seoul Electrical and Computer Engineering Query Expansion Methods  Field Evidence For Query Expansion  Supervised Method Training DataMachine LearningRegressionClassification  Unsupervised Method Machine LearningRandom Variable Bayesian Inference Clustering

11 Ubiquitous Sensor Network Lab 10/14 서울시립대 University Of Seoul Electrical and Computer Engineering Experiments  Experiment Setting  In our experiments, documents are retrieved for a given query by the query likelihood language model with dirichlet smoothing  Experiments were conducted using four standard Text Retrieval Conference (TREC)  AP  Robust2004  WT10G  Gov2

12 Ubiquitous Sensor Network Lab 11/14 서울시립대 University Of Seoul Electrical and Computer Engineering Experiments  Baseline  Query likelihood language model (QL)  Relevance model (RMC)  Relevance model based on Wikipedia (RMW)  All The test collection on test topics > Mean Average Precision (MAP)

13 Ubiquitous Sensor Network Lab 12/14 서울시립대 University Of Seoul Electrical and Computer Engineering Experiments  Using Entity Pages For Relevance Feedback  Note that in out proposed method, not all the queries can be mapped to a specific Wikipedia entity page, thus the method is only applicable  EQ  AQ

14 Ubiquitous Sensor Network Lab 13/14 서울시립대 University Of Seoul Electrical and Computer Engineering Experiments  Field Based Expansion  The first is to add the top ranked 100 good terms (SL)  The second is to add the top ranked 10 good terms, (SLW) each given the classification probability as weight

15 Ubiquitous Sensor Network Lab 14/14 서울시립대 University Of Seoul Electrical and Computer Engineering Conclusion  We have explored utilization of Wikipedia in PRF  Three types based on Wikipedia  Four TREC collection and topics  Finally, in this paper, we focused on using Wikipedia as the sole source of PRF information  However, we believe both the initial result from the test collection and Wikipedia have their own advantages for PRF  By combining them together, one may be able to develop an expansion strategy which is robust to the query being degraded by either of the resources

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