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6-1 William H. Brown Beloit College William H. Brown Christopher S. Foote Brent L. Iverson Eric Anslyn Chapter.

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Presentation on theme: "6-1 William H. Brown Beloit College William H. Brown Christopher S. Foote Brent L. Iverson Eric Anslyn Chapter."— Presentation transcript:

1 6-1 William H. Brown Beloit College William H. Brown Christopher S. Foote Brent L. Iverson Eric Anslyn Chapter 6 Reactions of Alkenes

2 6-2  The most characteristic reaction of alkenes is addition to the carbon-carbon double bond. The pi bond is broken. In its place, sigma bonds form to two new atoms or groups of atoms.

3 6-3 Characteristic Reactions

4 6-4

5 6-5 Reaction Mechanisms  A reaction mechanism describes how a reaction occurs and explains the following. Which bonds are broken and which new ones are formed. The order and relative rates of the various bond- breaking and bond-forming steps. If in solution, the role of the solvent. If there is a catalyst, the role of a catalyst. The position of all atoms and energy of the entire system during the reaction.

6 6-6 Energy Diagram An energy diagram for a one-step reaction with no intermediate.

7 6-7 Energy Diagram  An energy diagram for a two-step reaction with one intermediate.

8 6-8 Electrophilic Additions Hydrohalogenation using HCl, HBr, HI Hydration using H 2 O in the presence of H 2 SO 4 Halogenation using Cl 2, Br 2 Halohydrination using HOCl, HOBr Oxymercuration using Hg(OAc) 2, H 2 O followed by reduction

9 6-9 Addition of HX  Carried out with pure reagents or in a polar solvent such as acetic acid.  Addition is regioselective Regioselective reaction:Regioselective reaction: An addition or substitution reaction in which one product is formed in preference to all others that might be formed. Markovnikov’s rule:Markovnikov’s rule: In the addition of HX or H 2 O to an alkene, H adds to the carbon of the double bond having the greater number of hydrogens.

10 6-10 HBr + 2-Butene  A two-step mechanism Step 1: Proton transfer from HBr to the alkene gives a carbocation intermediate. Step 2: Reaction of the sec-butyl cation (an electrophile) with bromide ion (a nucleophile) completes the reaction.

11 6-11 Carbocations  Carbocation:  Carbocation: A species in which a carbon atom has only six electrons in its valence shell and bears a positive charge.  Carbocations: Are classified as 1°, 2°, or 3° depending on the number of carbons bonded to the carbon bearing the + charge. Are electrophiles; that is, they are electron-loving. Are Lewis acids. Have bond angles of approximately 120° about the positively charged carbon. Use sp 2 hybrid orbitals to form sigma bonds from carbon to the three attached groups. The unhybridized 2p orbital lies perpendicular to the sigma bond framework and contains no electrons.

12 6-12 Carbocations  The structure of the tert-butyl cation.

13 6-13 Carbocation Stability relative stability Methyl and primary carbocations are so unstable that they are never observed in solution.

14 6-14 Carbocation Stability We can account for the relative stability of carbocations if we assume that alkyl groups bonded to a positively charged carbon are electron releasing and thereby delocalize the positive charge of the cation. We account for this electron-releasing ability of alkyl groups by (1) the inductive effect, and (2) hyperconjugation.

15 6-15 The Inductive Effect The positively charged carbon polarizes electrons of adjacent sigma bonds toward it. The positive charge on the cation is thus delocalized over nearby atoms. The larger the volume over which the positive charge is delocalized, the greater the stability of the cation.

16 6-16 Hyperconjugation Involves partial overlap of the  -bonding orbital of an adjacent C-H or C- C bond with the vacant 2p orbital of the cationic carbon. The result is delocalization of the positive charge.

17 6-17 HBr + 2-Butene  An energy diagram for the two-step addition of HBr to 2-butene. The reaction is exergonic.

18 6-18 Addition of H 2 O Addition of water is called hydration. Acid-catalyzed hydration of an alkene is regioselective; hydrogen adds preferentially to the less substituted carbon of the double bond (to the carbon bearing the greater number of hydrogens). HOH adds in accordance with Markovnikov’s rule.

19 6-19 Addition of H 2 O Step 1: Proton transfer from H 3 O + to the alkene. oxonium ionStep 2: Reaction of the carbocation (an electrophile) with water (a nucleophile) gives an oxonium ion. Step 3: Proton transfer to water gives the alcohol.

20 6-20 Carbocation Rearrangements  In electrophilic addition to alkenes, there is the possibility for rearrangement if a carbocation is involved.  Rearrangement:  Rearrangement: A change in connectivity of the atoms in a product compared with the connectivity of the same atoms in the starting material.

21 6-21 Carbocation Rearrangements In addition of HCl to an alkene. In acid-catalyzed hydration of an alkene.

22 6-22 Carbocation Rearrangements The driving force is rearrangement of a less stable carbocation to a more stable one. The less stable 2° carbocation rearranges to a more stable 3° carbocation by 1,2-shift of a hydride ion.

23 6-23 Carbocation Rearrangements Reaction of the more stable carbocation (an electrophile) with chloride ion (a nucleophile) completes the reaction.

24 6-24 Addition of Cl 2 and Br 2 Carried out with either the pure reagents or in an inert solvent such as CH 2 Cl 2. Addition of bromine or chlorine to a cycloalkene gives a trans-dihalocycloalkane as a racemic mixture. anti stereoselectivityAddition occurs with anti stereoselectivity; halogen atoms add from the opposite face of the double bond We will discuss this selectivity in detail in Section 6.7.

25 6-25 Addition of Cl 2 and Br 2 Step 1: Formation of a bridged bromonium ion intermediate.

26 6-26 Addition of Cl 2 and Br 2 Step 2: Attack of halide ion (a nucleophile) from the opposite side of the bromonium ion (an electrophile) opens the three-membered ring to give the product.

27 6-27 Addition of Cl 2 and Br 2 For a cyclohexene, anti coplanar addition corresponds to trans diaxial addition. The initial trans diaxial conformation is in equilibrium with the more stable trans diequatorial conformation. Because the bromonium ion can form on either face of the alkene with equal probability, the trans enantiomers are formed as a racemic mixture.

28 6-28 Addition of HOCl and HOBr  Treatment of an alkene with Br 2 or Cl 2 in water forms a halohydrin.  Halohydrin:  Halohydrin: A compound containing -OH and -X on adjacent carbons.

29 6-29 Addition of HOCl and HOBr Reaction is both regioselective (OH adds to the more substituted carbon) and anti stereoselective. Both selectivities are illustrated by the addition of HOBr to 1-methylcyclopentene. To account for the regioselectivity and the anti stereoselectivity, chemists propose a three-step mechanism (next two screen).

30 6-30 Addition of HOCl and HOBr Step 1: Formation of a bridged halonium ion intermediate. Step 2: Attack of H 2 O on the more substituted carbon opens the three-membered ring.

31 6-31 Addition of HOCl and HOBr Step 3: Proton transfer to H 2 O completes the reaction  As the elpot map on the next screen shows: The C-X bond to the more substituted carbon is longer than the one to the less substituted carbon. Because of this difference in bond lengths, the transition state for ring opening can be reached more easily by attack of the nucleophile at the more substituted carbon.

32 6-32 Addition of HOCl and HOBr Bridged bromonium ion from propene.

33 6-33 Oxidation/Reduction  Oxidation:  Oxidation: The loss of electrons. Alternatively, the loss of H, the gain of O, or both.  Reduction:  Reduction: The gain of electrons. Alternatively, the gain of H, the loss of O, or both.  Recognize using a balanced half-reaction. 1. Write a half-reaction showing one reactant and its product(s). 2. Complete a material balance. Use H 2 O and H + in acid solution. Use H 2 O and OH - in basic solution. 3. Complete a charge balance using electrons, e -

34 6-34 Oxidation/Reduction Balanced half-reactions for the hydration, oxidation and reduction of propene.

35 6-35 Oxidation with OsO 4 glycol  OsO 4 oxidizes an alkene to a glycol, a compound with OH groups on adjacent carbons. Oxidation is syn stereoselective.

36 6-36 Oxidation with OsO 4 OsO 4 is both expensive and highly toxic. It is used in catalytic amounts with another oxidizing agent to reoxidize its reduced forms and, thus, recycle OsO 4. Two commonly used oxidizing agents are

37 6-37 Oxidation with O 3  Treatment of an alkene with ozone followed by a weak reducing agent cleaves the C=C and forms two carbonyl groups in its place. In the following example, the weak reducing agent is dimethylsulfide, (CH 3 ) 2 S.

38 6-38 Oxidation with O 3 The initial product is a molozonide which rearranges to an isomeric ozonide.

39 6-39 Reduction of Alkenes  Most alkenes react with H 2 in the presence of a transition metal catalyst to give alkanes. Commonly used catalysts are Pt, Pd, Ru, and Ni. catalytic reduction catalytic hydrogenationThe process is called catalytic reduction or, alternatively, catalytic hydrogenation. Addition occurs with syn stereoselectivity.

40 6-40 Reduction of Alkenes  Mechanism of catalytic hydrogenation.

41 6-41 Reduction of Alkenes Even though addition occurs with syn stereoselectivity, some product may appear to result from trans addition. Reversal of the reaction after the addition of the first hydrogen gives an isomeric alkene.

42 6-42 Reaction Stereochemistry  In several of the reactions presented in this chapter, chiral centers are created.  Where one or more chiral centers are created, is the product one enantiomer and, if so, which one? a pair of enantiomers as a racemic mixture? a meso compound? a mixture of stereoisomers? stereospecific.  As we will see, the stereochemistry of the product for some reactions depends on the stereochemistry of the starting material; that is, some reactions are stereospecific.

43 6-43 Reaction Stereochemistry  We have seen that bromine adds to 2-butene to give 2,3-dibromobutane. Two stereoisomers are possible for 2-butene; a pair of cis,trans isomers. Three stereoisomers are possible for the product; a pair of enantiomers and a meso compound. If we start with the cis isomer, what is the stereochemistry of the product? If we start with the trans isomer, what is the stereochemistry of the product?

44 6-44 Bromination of cis-2-Butene

45 6-45

46 6-46 Bromination of trans-2-Butene

47 6-47

48 6-48 Bromination of 2-Butene  Given these results, we say that addition of Br 2 or Cl 2 to an alkene is stereospecific. Bromination of cis-2-butene gives the enantiomers of 2,3-dibromobutane as a racemic mixture. Bromination of trans-2-butene gives meso-2,3- dibromobutane.  Stereospecific reaction:  Stereospecific reaction: A reaction in which the stereochemistry of the product depends on the stereochemistry of the starting material.

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