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Element: Cerium By: Cassie zoetjes.

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Presentation on theme: "Element: Cerium By: Cassie zoetjes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Element: Cerium By: Cassie zoetjes

2 The Element cerium I am the element Cerium
I was discovered by J.J Berzelius and W. Hisinger I am found in group Lanthanides I am in period 6 My atomic number is 58

3 Continued… I have 58 protons I have 82 neutrons I have 58 electrons
I’m important because I am known as the most abundant of the rare-earth metals I am found in different minerals including; allanite, monazite, bastnasite, cerite, and samarskite

4 Continued… * I am used to make: -heat resistant alloys -cast irons -Steel production -magnets -glass -petroleum refinement -etc.

5 Continued… * I’m used in the process of being used as a diesel fuel additive for the filtration of pollutants. I am also an ingredient in polishing compounds for glass, television faceplates, mirrors, optical glass, and disk drives. I am also used to de-colorize glass for certain applications. These applications include containers or tableware. I am usually added to products to provide shape control.

6 Cerium properties *Physical Properties: -soft -iron-grey metal -a little harder than lead

7 Cerium properties *Chemical Properties -very reactive -oxidizes slowly in cold water, rapidly in hot -can burn when heated or scratched with a knife

8 Cerium history Named for the asteroid Ceres
Discovered in 1803 by Berzelius and Hisinger Hillebrand and Norton prepared the metal in 1875

9 Cool facts * Cerium is one of the rare elements used to make carbon arc lights which are used in the motion picture industry for studio and projector lighting * It is also a component used to make flints or lighters * Cerium can also make special and rare metals * Abbreviated as Ce

10 Citations * Cerium. Los Alamos National Laboratory. Molycorp December Print. Jefferson Labs. #53 Cerium Chemical Elements. December Print. Lenntech B.V. Cerium Chemical Properties, Heal & Environmental Facts. December 15, Print.

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