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Track # Case Study Trail of the Coeur d'Alene Challenges.

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Presentation on theme: "Track # Case Study Trail of the Coeur d'Alene Challenges."— Presentation transcript:

1 Track # Case Study Trail of the Coeur d'Alene Challenges

2 2 Track # Scope of the Project  The project area consisted of a 72 mile long rail road right-of-way (ROW) within the Coeur d’Alene Basin  This equates to over –1,400 acres or > 2 square miles

3 3 Track # Background  Originally traveled by the Coeur d’Alene Indians  Evolved into an important rail line –Originally constructed by the Washington & Idaho Railroad Co. and the Northern Pacific Railway Co. –Carried silver and lead ore from Mullan, Burke, Kellogg to terminals on the Palouse prairie from 1887 – early 1990s.

4 4 Track # Trail Map

5 5 Track # Setting  The Coeur d’Alene Basin (1,500 sq. mi.) is impacted by lead from historical mining activities –Historical direct discharge of mine tailings to river system (EPA est. 61.9 million tons)

6 6 Track # Extent of the Problem  59 miles of the ROW had lead contamination throughout much of the ROW width and adjacent area – represented small percentage of the impacted area  Due to presence of sediments impacted by mining activities, volume of contaminated material could have exceeded 1,000,000 cy.  13 miles within the Coeur d’Alene Reservation had a more limited extent of lead contamination

7 7 Track # Practical Solution  For 51 miles outside of Reservation not previously remediated –Volumes made removal and disposal impractical –Impacted sediments within floodplain from historical mining activities made re-contamination likely –Best alternative – leave contaminated material in place and isolate with a protective barrier  For 13 miles within Reservation –Perform complete removal

8 8 Track # Keys to Practical Solution  Needed to maintain institutional control of ROW for protection and maintenance of protective barriers

9 9 Track # Resolution  Convert ROW to recreational trail under the CITU program and transfer to State and Tribe –Allowed for continued control of ROW under one entity –Provided economic benefit –Allowed future management of ROW corridor consistent with local priorities

10 10 Track # Challenges  Obtaining coorporation of multiple regulatory entities  Acceptance by the local communities (total population > 5,000)  Unique design requirements  Construction

11 11 Track # Cooperation of Multiple Parties U.S. EPA - Region 10 Union Pacific Railroad Coeur d’Alene Tribe Idaho Dept. of Parks & Recreation Idaho Dept. of Environmental Quality U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service U.S.D.A. Forest Service U.S. Army COE U.S. Dept. of the Interior U.S. Dept. of Justice Nine separate communities

12 12 Track # Key to Success  Communication –Weekly communication for over a year of planning and design  Recognition of different perspectives created by the combination of an environmental and recreational project  Flexibility

13 13 Track # Community Issues  Property issues  Crime associated with trail in “their backyard”  Disruption and inconvenience  Balancing special requests

14 14 Track # Solution  Communication  Numerous public meetings  Coordination and accommodation during construction

15 15 Track # Unique Design Requirements - Why an Environmental Remedy Includes Park Benches  Protective barrier provided throughout ROW within 13 miles of residential area  Outside of residential areas (39 miles) impacted flood plain sediments were present beyond the ROW  Design issue – manage risk to trail users from impacts outside of ROW: –A clean “corridor” created by a 20 foot wide asphalt/gravel trail –Clean stop and view and rest stops (oasis) to encourage trail users to stay on the trail and not enter lead contaminated areas

16 16 Track # Track Salvage Scope:Remove 64 miles of rail and ties & decontaminate ties (> 250,000) Tie Decon of Lead Contamination Removing Ties from Rail Bed Clean Ties for Salvage

17 17 Track # Protective Barrier Scope: Over 220,000 cy. placed

18 18 Track # Asphalt Scope: 66 Miles Placed Outside residential areas, 10 ft. wide asphalt and shoulder gravel served as protective barrier

19 19 Track # Trail Heads – Stop & Views Part of Risk Management

20 20 Track # Bridge Retrofit - Deck and Rail Scope: 35 Bridges

21 21 Track # Innovative Engineering Solutions  Modifications to the Chatcolet Bridge –3,146 foot long wooden trestle –Included a 220-foot swing span –Eligible for National Registry of Historic Places

22 22 Track # Chatcolet Bridge Scope: Incorporate 300 ton structure into trail – preserve boat traffic

23 23 Track # Raise 300 ton Structure

24 24 Track # Ramp Construction ADA Compliant

25 25 Track # Completed

26 26 Track # Positive Environmental Impacts

27 27 Track # Positive Community Impacts  Economic benefit  Recreational resource  Backyard industrial setting converted to park like setting

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