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Montserrat. Updates Most of the info online is concerned with 1995-1997.

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Presentation on theme: "Montserrat. Updates Most of the info online is concerned with 1995-1997."— Presentation transcript:

1 Montserrat

2 Updates Most of the info online is concerned with 1995-1997

3 1999 An eruption sent ash 12km into the sky. The dome began to grow again after this

4 2000 Mini collapse of the dome. Pyroclastic flows occured

5 2001 Collapse of the dome (dome was at its biggest yet) caused huge pyroclastic flows (45 million cubic metres of material)

6 2003 Top of the volcano collapses. Volcanologists had predicted the direction of the collapse so nobody was injured. 210 million cubic metres, biggest yet After this, the dome did not start to regrow so many thought that the eruption was over

7 2006 7cm of ash covered most of the island. Pyroclastic flows, 90 million cubic metres of material

8 2008 Debris scattered around 1km from the dome.

9 2009 Huge eruption, ash sent 10km high. Many lahars and volcanic bombs landing as far away as Plymouth

10 2010 Huge eruption (Bigger than 1997)

11 Nature of the Eruption Andesite Lava This thick lava was unable to flow. It resulted in the dome being constructed and ran down the volcano to the North West


13 Pyroclastic Flows 5 million cubic meters of hot ash and gas cascaded down the South of the Volcano, destroying most of the man made island features

14 Ash Huge quantities were erupted, covering Plymouth to depths of 1.4m. The ash also caused fires

15 Lahar Many of the island’s rivers mixed with the huge quantities of ash to form deadly mudflows

16 Q1 – Why is there a volcano on Montserrat? Q2 – Rank the volcanic hazards in terms of seriousness. Give reasons for your choices Q3 – On the next slide, look at the effects of the eruption. Use this info, and that on the handout to produce a venn diagram (Social, economic, environmental) Q4 – Why was the volcano so devastating? (Think about the geography, politics, nature of eruption etc)

17 Effects – Venn Diagram 19 deaths Airport abandoned Roads covered in mud, unpassable Port abandoned Plymouth abandoned Flooding of most rivers in South Montserrat Reduction in population from 12000 to 4000 due to evacuations Tourism ceases Farmland covered in ash Estimated 200 homes destroyed 7 injured, mainly from burns or breathing difficulties Trees flattened and burnt

18 Management – Pre-eruption Small scale monitoring has been taking place for many years (earthquake activity recorded in 1930’s and 1960’s) A report was written in 1987 to the Government of Montserrat explained that despite 350 years of inactivity, the volcano would erupt again, possibly I the mid 1990’s. The report was deemed to lack evidence and was ignored

19 Management – Pre-eruption The British Geological Survey set up a more detailed camp following the 1995 activity. This involved using a variety of measures (see previous lessons) as well as training locals in order to set up the Montserrat Volcano Observatory The 1997 eruption was predicted and evacuations were deemed to be fairly successful (see next slide)

20 Management - 1997 Warning systems had been set up, so that people could be warned to evacuate. Local media (TV/radio) Sirens Speakers for messages However, some people chose to stay and there was not a system in place to door knock and enforce people to leave You have details of the evacuations during the eruption from the previous lessons

21 The Government set up camps in the North. Temporary shelters were set up and up to 1400 people moved into them for several months. The Government was assisted by the Red Cross in setting up shelters and providing food and schooling. Troops from USA and the UK responded by sending aid and boats to evacuate people from the Northern Port. HMS Liverpool was sent to take people to various other islands UK Government sent an initial £17 to pay for shelter and water purification equipment

22 Management Long Term By 1998, the UK had pledged a total of $88m to Montserrat over a period of 10 years. This came as a response to critics who claimed the UK Govt had been slow to offer long term funding in the hope of depopulating the island as it no longer served any purpose. The plan was initially to rebuild 250 homes, schools and a hospital within 3 years.

23 Management Long Term UK pay £8.8m to rebuild the airport. This is heavily criticised by the UK Aid Watchdog. Why? Barely used. Felt it was cheaper to build a port as Antigua is only 34km away. Volcano risk in future may reduce population again, leaving less need for the airport

24 Many of those who were evacuated did not wish to return (especially the younger people who had seen the bright lights elsewhere) This left a top heavy population, heavily dependent on aid Around 7000 left in total. 4000 to the UK, the rest mainly to Antigua and Barbuda (closest islands) and a few to USA. Many have returned, but no accurate figures exist. Those who came to the UK were granted extended stay in 1998 and gained full UK citizenship in 2002. The South of the island is still an exclusion zone and is likely to stay that way for many years

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