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Jerimiah Mangum. Navy Enlisted:  Guaranteed Job  See the world  Somewhat safer than other branches  Great community  Very respectable Army Enlisted:

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Presentation on theme: "Jerimiah Mangum. Navy Enlisted:  Guaranteed Job  See the world  Somewhat safer than other branches  Great community  Very respectable Army Enlisted:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jerimiah Mangum

2 Navy Enlisted:  Guaranteed Job  See the world  Somewhat safer than other branches  Great community  Very respectable Army Enlisted:  Guaranteed Job  Good pay  Great community  Great tactical training  Very respectable

3 Navy Enlisted:  Physical Education/ Weights  Woodwork  Computer Applications  Auto Mechanics  Welding  History Army Enlisted:  Physical Education/ Weights  Woodwork  Computer Applications  Auto Mechanics  Welding  History

4  For both branches your training is completely paid for. When a member of the military is enlisted they are guaranteed specific training. Any training outside of the military will cost money, depending on the type of training.

5  All branches of the military are paid the same base pay depending on your rank/ rate. The rating/ or MOS that you are enlisted under decides what you will get paid. For example, if you are out in combat you will get significantly more than a basic mechanic. The reason for this is because you will get awarded special duty pay.

6  The length of time of the training will depend on what job you choose in the military. For both branches the average training time is about 5-13 weeks. If you are doing a specialty job then your training time will, in turn, increase. For example, if you were enlisted as a SEAL or a Ranger then your training would take 1-2 years.

7 NAVY  Could be on a ship for upwards of six months.  Dirty work if you’re a mechanic  Risk of death is moderate/ low, but possible.  Told what to do  Very structured ARMY  Risk of death is high  Out in the dirt frequently  Told what to do  May see others die  Very structured

8  I believe that Navy Enlisted is the best choice for me. I want to serve and fight for my country, but I do not want to do something that everyone can do. If I plan on serving 20+ years in the service, I would like to be apart of, what is my opinion of, the best team in the military.

9  Navy/ Army recruiters 

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