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WILLIAM HYRUM BENNETT MCCREARY Who Am I. BIRTHDATE I was born on January 10, 2000 around 4:32-4:37 in St. Catharines General Hospital, which is now closed.

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Presentation on theme: "WILLIAM HYRUM BENNETT MCCREARY Who Am I. BIRTHDATE I was born on January 10, 2000 around 4:32-4:37 in St. Catharines General Hospital, which is now closed."— Presentation transcript:


2 BIRTHDATE I was born on January 10, 2000 around 4:32-4:37 in St. Catharines General Hospital, which is now closed. George Foreman the professional, now retired, boxer was also born on January 10th

3 HOMES Throughout 15 years I've lived in 4 separate homes, 1 in Ridgeway for my first year of life, the first one in Crystal Beach which I lived until I was 10 then moved around the corner and up the street so, 5 minutes max walking difference, where I stayed until my mom's boyfriend Charlie moved in during the summer, then we moved to Fort Erie in mid October and that's where we currently live down the street from the Old Fort.

4 MY FAMILY My immediate family is my Dad, William, age 54, my mum Suzanne/Suzie age 43, my half brother Rannulfr (Old Norse translation of Randy) age 25, my older full brother Tyler age 18, and my younger brother Jacob age 12. I know our ages are quite diverse but I'm not getting into my stepbrothers or stepparents since, that will take another couple slides, or my dad's first set of kids.

5 FAMILY HISTORY This was quite easy for me because my family was researched a lot before I was even born, because my family was once part of a church that studies family history my grandmother ( mom's side) delved quite deep into it, same as my grandfather (my dad's side). We have found out we have: Irish, Scottish, Norwegian, German, Ukrainian, Russian and English. My family is quite diverse but the 2 most common roots are German and Irish, so these will be the focal point. Irish and German culture have one very good thing in common in my older brother's opinion ( the 25 year old), which is alcohol so, let's start. Germany has a lot of street meat vendors but unlike say ghetto Mexico, it isn't containing a virus or other nasty crap that will painfully and slowly poison you that may or may not be lethal. Ireland does love potatoes while Germany loves beef, pork, chicken meals with alcohol at any time so yeah, my brother was happy in Germany but stores opened in % am and stores closed at 6 pm so be fast and don't stumble along.

6 FAMILY HISTORY I got off topic in the previous slide, so, I'll try to stay on topic this time, so Ireland has a religious side, so on Easter on Good Friday they would fast meaning no food or drink until midday where they would take 3 mouthfuls of bread and 3 sips of water, 3 in honour of the Holy trinity (which I personally don't believe in a god but alright then). German Easter's are more Easter egg hunts, and receiving eggs and bunnies while children are told the Easter hare hides and brings eggs much like the Easter bunny here in the western continents. I don't like the Easter bunny just look. He is so creepy just like clowns.

7 MORE FAMILY HISTORY My father's last name 'McCreary' is originally Ancient Irish Gaelic (ha ha very funny) meaning son of Rory. And these are my families crests.

8 MY FAVOURITES My favourite sport to play would have to rugby or soccer (usually with family), and rugby to watch, my favourite band Would have to be My Chemical Romance, my favourite hobby would probably be listening to music, I've never went on vacation and I don't care, my favourite subject would have to be history(even though we haven't had it yet) or math. My favourite tv show would be the last one I watched which was Bones surprisingly, and my potential career paths would have to be a Cultural anthropologist or someone involved in trades like an electrician or mechanic.

9 OTHER FACTS ABOUT ME I was in a car crash in November I have size 14 mens shoes (I hate my feet so much) I hate clowns with a deep passion I still have a functioning Playstation 1

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