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Water Supply System And Other Plumbing Fittings

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1 Water Supply System And Other Plumbing Fittings
Part 2

2 Main Stages in Water Supply
In this lecture: Hot Water Supply: Direct, Indirect, Mains Fed Indirect Sanitary Fittings (both soil & waste and water supply): Cisterns, Sinks and Basins, Bath and Showers, Water Closets and Cisterns, Bidets, Wash Troughs, Urinals

3 Hot Water Installation
Direct System (pg 771) Simplest & least expensive Operation: Water is heated in the boiler Hot Water rises by convection to the hot water storage tank/cylinder Hot water from the boiler mixes directly with the water in the cylinder. Cooler water from the bottom of the storage vessel replaces hot water in the boiler.

4 Hot Water Installation
2. Indirect System (772 & 776) More complex than direct system Operation: Central heating unit is to be part of the hot water installation. Pipe layouts similar to direct system Indirect system: a separate small capacity feed cistern is required to charge and top up the primary circuit. Hot water storage tank = a heat exchanger.


6 Activity Sketch the diagram for both direct and indirect hot water supply reticulation system in the page 771 & 772. Use red for hot water flow and blue for cold water flow.

7 Sanitary Fittings Cisterns (775) Sinks and Basins (778)
Fireclay Sinks Metal Sinks Ceramic Wash Basins Bath and Showers (779) Water Closets and Cisterns (780) Bidets,

8 Glass Sink, Ceramic, Wood and Fireclay Basin

9 cast iron

10 sheet steel bath

11 acrylic bath

12 glazed fireclay shower tray

13 water closets


15 Bidets

16 wash trough

17 Urinals

18 Tutorial Read on the sanitary fittings on available resources. Write a short summary for each sanitary fittings mentioned in this lecture: What it is, what it looks like, what’s the purpose, how it works. Submit the tutorial Friday, 2nd March 2012.

19 End of Lecture Thank You

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