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 Board formed in 2009  Austin Recovery Center  Fundraising.

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2  Board formed in 2009  Austin Recovery Center  Fundraising

3  Hired the right guy – Roger Yoakum  Licensed  Open February 2013

4 What ARAD provides  Licensed intensive outpatient adult men & women  Designed to be equivalent of 30 day residential  Transportation  Lunch  5 ½ days a week  4 nights AA or NA

5 Business side of ARAD  Budget $185,000/year – Cost $250,000  One full-time LCDC  One part-time assistant  One counselor from TPC  Office space from TPC

6 What ARAD has accomplished  Treated 407 patients to date  42 readmissions  69% graduation rate  About 2/3 sober on follow-up

7 Partnerships & Funding  TPC  United Way  Brumley Foundation  Interfaith Campaign for Homeless  Mary E. Bivins Foundation  High Plains Christian Ministries Foundation  Central Church of Christ  Family Support Services

8 Partnerships & Funding Salvation Army Faith City Ministries Downtown Women’s Center Martha’s Home Another Chance House Domestic Violence Shelter TPC Respite Shelter

9 Lessons Learned  Our client referrals depend on the shelters  Admissions vary with seasons  Half of our drop outs come from shelter violations  The right guy (Roger) dictates the success of the program  Meals make a difference

10 The Future  1115 Waiver funding ($150,000/year) was critical to success  With funding ending, sustainability is questionable  64 bed fee-based residential treatment facility

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