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Research Councils UK and the research funding landscape Name Job title Research Councils UK.

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1 Research Councils UK and the research funding landscape Name Job title Research Councils UK

2 Research Councils UK (RCUK) Partnership of the UK’s seven Research Councils. Collective annually invest around £3 billion in research. Public funding mainly via the UK science budget. Accountable to Parliament via the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).

3 Research Councils UK (RCUK) Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Medical Research Council (MRC) Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)

4 Common objectives across the Research Councils Support basic, strategic and applied research Support postgraduate training Support research that contributes to a productive economy, healthy society and a sustainable world Manage and develop large facilities

5 Key areas of activity Funding research – response and directed. Knowledge transfer and economic impact. International. Research Careers and Diversity. Public Engagement with Research.

6 Productive economy Digital economy Resilient economy Global uncertainties Healthy society Lifelong health and wellbeing Connected communities Sustainable world Living with environmental change Energy Food security RCUK Framework

7 Cross-Council programmes Energy Living with Environmental Change Global Food Security Global uncertainties Lifelong health and wellbeing Digital economy

8 Summary RCUK is the partnership of the UK’s seven Research Councils. Individual research missions, but common objectives. Working together as RCUK to: –maximise opportunities at subject interfaces –forge new partnerships –raise the profile of RCUK –deliver an efficient service –maximise impact of research.

9 Research and funding landscape

10 Science budget allocations 2011 - 2015

11 Research Council allocations 2011 - 2015

12 Total Research Council allocations 2011 - 2015

13 Institutional concentration of funding

14 Collective strategic priorities

15 Working as individual Research Councils and together as RCUK we: provide leadership, shape the research landscape, incentivise collaboration and knowledge exchange, ensure that the UK gets maximum benefit, promote high level skills, develop and run the national research infrastructure.

16 RCUK Strategic Vision The Research Councils will: work more closely with HEIs other research organisations and the Funding Councils, steer collaboration to deliver enhanced outcomes and impact, locate and encourage excellence and capability, leading to greater research concentration where appropriate, develop collaborative approaches to managing demand for research funding.

17 Research “Promote high level skills both for the sustainability of the UK research base and for the benefit of society and the economy” Funding people, funding projects. Training for a highly-skilled workforce, economic growth and sustainability of the research base. Facilities and infrastructure.

18 Funding people, funding projects Complement other funders’ approaches. Establish the careers of the best early-career researchers. Develop future research leaders for UK needs. Balance the identification of excellent individuals against strategic considerations. Build capabilities to address societal and economic challenges.

19 Training for a highly-skilled workforce, economic growth and sustainability of the research base Attract the best into challenging and original research projects. Ensure critical mass in strategic areas. DTCs and approaches which deliver greater concentration and excellence. Emphasise high quality PhD provision in preference to support for taught masters courses. Freeze minimum stipends at £13,726 (for 2013/14).

20 Impact Increasing economic and societal benefits. Choosing research priorities. Embedding impact.

21 Questions? Thank you

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