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Care Home Market Provider Forum 26 th May 2016. Agenda Agenda items LeadTime Welcome and introduction Sukhdev Dosanjh – Assistant Director Commissioning.

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Presentation on theme: "Care Home Market Provider Forum 26 th May 2016. Agenda Agenda items LeadTime Welcome and introduction Sukhdev Dosanjh – Assistant Director Commissioning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Care Home Market Provider Forum 26 th May 2016

2 Agenda Agenda items LeadTime Welcome and introduction Sukhdev Dosanjh – Assistant Director Commissioning Adults Wellbeing 5 mins Minutes from previous meeting and actions Sukhdev Dosanjh – Assistant Director Commissioning Adults Wellbeing 10 mins CommunicationsCarla Preston20 mins Contract update Amy Pitt – Joint Commissioner Better Care Fund and Sukhdev Dosanjh – Assistant Director Commissioning Adults Wellbeing 30 mins Income falling below thresholdLaura Tyler Commissioning Officer10 mins MCA/DOLs updateJane Higgins – DOLS Lead15 mins Workforce developmentAmy Whiles20 mins AOBALL5 mins DONMThursday 27 th July Kindle Centre 14:00-16:00

3 Communication and engagement Carla Preston Engagement Lead The journey and conversations continue Need to keep the dialogue open with you Provider page – Have we got the right things on here? How do we get this established?

4 Over to you…… Ebulletin or emails or social media/blog? Style? Frequency? How long do we trial this for? What do we call it? Volunteers (2 or 3) to help us with the look and feel? Email:

5 Contract update Amy Pitt – Joint Commissioning Better Care Fund Manager On the 9 th May the council agreed to a 1% increase on spot purchase care home placements (excluding those still on the old higher ‘usual rates’). A letter confirming this will be sent to all providers. Providers will be able to see the terms and conditions of the contract on the 3 rd June for a period of 4 weeks before the procurement process begins. The new contract terms will start on the 5 th September.

6 Contract update Amy Pitt – Joint Commissioning Better Care Fund Manager In order to ensure a smooth transition you must return client contribution and if applicable third party contributions and invoice information must be sent back to the council by the 17 th June. Agreement on the transition dates will be communicated. You need to allocate time to complete the procurement process Monthly meetings with the Care Home Association If you want to discuss anything on a 1-2-1 basis please contact Laura directly to arrange.

7 Payment changes Period fromPeriod to Funds are cleared 725/08/201621/09/2016 06/09/2016 This payment is likely to include gross payments from the changes effective from 05.09.15 822/09/201630/09/2016 04/10/2016 This payment will only be for 9 days only (gross payments) 901/10/201631/10/2016 01/11/2016 This payment will be a gross calendar month payment 1001/11/201630/11/2016 29/11/2016 1101/12/201631/12/2016 23/12/2016 This payment is early due to Christmas and New Year 1201/01/201731/01/2017 1301/02/201728/02/2017 1401/03/201731/03/2017

8 Timeline Key dates: Contract terms: 3rd June – 1 st July 2016 (4 weeks) Procurement: 9 th June Workshops 10am – 2pm Leominster Procurement goes live:8 th July – 9th August 2016 Contract start: 5 th September 2016

9 Income falling below threshold Laura Tyler – Commissioning Officer -Current process? -What is your experience? -How do you currently finance assess self funders? -What information do service users/families/carers receive and agree to prior to admission?

10 Jane Higgins – Mental Capacity Act/Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Lead. Update on the recent audit that the Herefordshire Safeguarding Adult Board (HSAB) sent out to providers.

11 Amy Whiles-Workforce Development Manager Care to think again recruitment film - Herefordshire needs people to care booklet needs-people-to-care-booklet.pdf needs-people-to-care-booklet.pdf Apprenticeships For further information please contact:

12 AOB DONM: Wednesday 27 th July 13:30 – 15:30 Kindle centre

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