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Medical Careers Eden Area ROP

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Careers Eden Area ROP"— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Careers Eden Area ROP
Vital Signs Medical Careers Eden Area ROP

2 Vital signs Homeostasis
Measurements that indicate pts general state of health and homeostasis Homeostasis Stable condition of internal environment

3 4 vital signs are TPR BP Temperature (T) Pulse (P) Respiration (R)
Blood Pressure (BP)

4 TEMPERATURE Balance between heat loss and heat production in the body Factors affecting Temperature Age Environment Activity Time of day Emotions Physiological processes

5 Normal Values Oral/Tympanic (ear): 98.6°F Rectal: 99.6 °F Axillary (armpit): 97.6°F

6 Key Terms Febrile Afebrile Onset

7 Characteristics of Pulse
Rate: # of beats in one minute Rhythm: regular or irregular Volume: strong or weak Condition of arterial walls: bouncy/soft, hard/wire-like

8 Types of thermometers Glass Disposable Electronic Tympanic Temporal:

9 Pulse Felt as the arteries expand temporarily with each heart beat Characteristics Rate: # of beats/min Rhythm: regular or irregular Volume: weak or strong Condition of arterial walls: bouncy or firm

10 Adult: 60-90 beats per minute
Normal Values Adult: beats per minute

11 Common Pulse Sites Carotid: side of neck Brachial: antecubital space
Radial: thumb side of wrist Apical: left side of chest; 5th intercostal space

12 Define: Bradycardia Tachycardia
Key Terms Define: Bradycardia Tachycardia

13 Respiration Characteristics The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
1 inspiration + 1 expiration= 1 respiration Characteristics Rate: # of breaths/min Rhythm: regular or irregular Depth: deep or shallow

14 Adults 12-20 Breaths per minute
Normal values Adults Breaths per minute

15 Key Terms Define: Dyspnea Apnea Hyperpnea/Tachypnea Bradypnea

16 Blood Pressure Diastolic
Written as a fraction: Systolic Diastolic Systolic: pressure exerted on arterial walls during contraction of the heart Diastolic: pressure exerted on the arterial walls during relaxation of the heart

17 Adult Average: 120/80 mmHg Adult Normal Range: 100-140 60-90
Normal Values Adult Average: 120/80 mmHg Adult Normal Range:

18 Define: Hypertension Hypotension
Key Terms Define: Hypertension Hypotension


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