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Broomball Captain’s Meeting. Hobo Dough Deposit A $25 team deposit through Hobo Dough is required for each team This can be paid at the Wellness Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Broomball Captain’s Meeting. Hobo Dough Deposit A $25 team deposit through Hobo Dough is required for each team This can be paid at the Wellness Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Broomball Captain’s Meeting

2 Hobo Dough Deposit A $25 team deposit through Hobo Dough is required for each team This can be paid at the Wellness Center front desk After registration closes, the Hobo Dough deposit will increase to $30 $5 non-refundable Failure to pay the deposit will result in no further participation If there is no payment by the time the team plays it’s second contest, the team will not be able to play until the deposit is made through Hobo Dough

3 IM Leagues & Participant Eligibility All teams must be created on Each player must also be registered on before being added to a team. Students and Wellness Center members are eligible to participate in Intramural Sports Wellness Center members must purchase an IM Sports Pass at the Front Desk No more than half of the roster may be former Varsity athletes of a related sport. No more than half the players on the field may be former varsity athletes.


5 Drugs and Alcohol Policy No Individual under the influence of drugs and alcohol may participate in Intramural Sports. Any player believed to be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol may be asked to leave or ejected. Any team found to be under the influence may receive a forfeit, and any games won while under the influence may be forfeited.

6 Sportsmanship Sportsmanship rating scale: 1-5 Sportsmanship determined by officials and staff Must have season average of 3.5 or greater to be eligible for playoffs Will serve as the first tie breaker for regular season standings and playoff seeding Standings are determined by, in order: winning percentage, sportsmanship rating, point differential, points against Unsporting acts will result in a lower sportsmanship rating Repeatedly questioning calls, technical fouls, profane language, taunting, etc.

7 Ejections Any player ejected for any reason must leave the playing area immediately. If the player is ejected due to unsportsmanlike conduct, they must contact the coordinator of IM sports before returning to play. Any ejection due to unsportsmanlike conduct will result in the team receiving a “2” sportsmanship rating. More than three ejections on one team during a single game will result in a forfeit.

8 Forfeits & Defaults Teams should check IM Leagues each week to verify your team’s schedule A team unable to field the necessary amount of players AT game time will forfeit the contest. The first forfeit will result in a $10 deduction from their Hobo Dough deposit. After two forfeits, the team will lose the remainder of Hobo Dough deposit and be removed from the league In order to receive a Default, teams must contact either the Intramural Sports Coordinator or Sean Monnier by 2pm the day of the contest.

9 Weather, Events, & Postponement Any information about weather cancellations will come directly from the coordinator of Intramural Sports via IM Leagues. Any games which are cancelled may be rescheduled, depending on time and space availability.

10 Captain’s Responsibilities The managers are responsible for the conduct of his/her team. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be permitted. Make sure all roster additions have been made by 3pm of game day If a player is not added before this time, that player may not be allowed to play Making sure team has paid the $25 Hobo Dough deposit Pay before registration closes to avoid a late fee.

11 The Rink The whole rink will be split into two separate broomball rinks an east rink and a west rink. Green zones = Inbounding zones are aligned with the yellow cones on the ice Balls that go out of bounds will be played in the zone nearest the area the ball went out of bounds Substitution zone is between both blue lines

12 Equipment and Gameplay Helmets are provided Helmets must be worn by players on the ice at all times Goalies are required to wear a facemask All brooms will be provided by the Intramural Sports Program Ball will be played on a “three tap faceoff” at center ice at the beginning of each half and after each goal. Games are self officiated by both teams; however, the supervisor is there to assist with any calls and enforce penalties or unfair play.

13 General Rules Each team will consist of 6 players on the ice. Co-Rec 3 male & 3 female, 3 male & 2 female, 3 female & 2 male. A team may start with 4 players. 2 male & 2 female Game time will consist of two 20 minute periods with a 5 minute intermission between periods. Games and halves begin with a “three tap faceoff” Teams will switch sides after intermission Clock will run continuously No overtime during the regular season Each team is given three timeouts per game Ties are permitted in regular season

14 General Rules Playing the ball: Ball must be played with the head of the broom. The head of the broom may not be raised over the shoulders while playing the ball, doing so will result in a minor penalty. The broom may be raised over the shoulders during a shot, however any contact with the opposing team during a shot in which the broom was raised over the shoulders will result in a major penalty. The ball may not be advanced by throwing, kicking, or carrying. Checking, hitting, or tripping will not be tolerated.

15 General Rules Goalies: May only hold the ball for 5 seconds May not roll or play the ball past center ice. Are the only ones allowed in a 15 foot arc around the goal (5 normal paces) Must wear a facemask at all times

16 Penalties After Penalty has been committed-Award the ball to opponent to be passed in from inbounding zone at nearest the point of infraction. Violent penalties- If a game starts to get rough, players may be ejected by the Intramural Supervisor if they are deemed out of control and have committed a violent penalty.

17 Penalties Types of Penalties- Too many players Advancing ball by throwing/ kicking to a teammate. Goal-keeper throwing ball forward past center ice Goalie holding ball more than five (5) seconds Pick-up, throw, cover or trap ball with hands (If not goalie) Holding, or carrying ball Player in goalies crease Holding player or broom Unsportsmanlike conduct of persons other than players Delay of game, increases severity every time Injury from high broom Leaving feet to play opponent Throwing broom Defensive player in crease after warning Charging, roughing, elbowing, tripping, slashing, jabbing, with end of the broom Pushing, charging, body charging into boards of goal cage Foul against goal-keeper Unsportsmanlike Conduct by players

18 General Rules Inbounding: Any ball that is inbounded from an inbounding zone for any reason must be played by another player before scoring. Scoring: Any player may score a goal at any time. A goal must be played by the head of the broom only. A scoring ball may deflect off of a stationary body part /stick below the waist.

19 Playoffs Playoffs will begin February 16 th Overtime will be played during the playoffs to determine a winner 1 st OT – 5 minutes 2 nd OT – 3 minutes (Sudden Death) 3 rd OT - Shootout

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