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Welcome to the unit 9AUnit 2 Colours. Ask and answer 1. What colour is it? bluegreen red yellow blackgreyorange.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the unit 9AUnit 2 Colours. Ask and answer 1. What colour is it? bluegreen red yellow blackgreyorange."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the unit 9AUnit 2 Colours

2 Ask and answer 1. What colour is it? bluegreen red yellow blackgreyorange

3 2. What is your favourite colour? 3. Do you know what colour Eddie likes best? Free talk

4 (2) Why does Eddie like this colour? (3) Did Eddie feel happy when he wore the dress? Listen to the tape, answer the following questions. (1) Which colour does Eddie like better? Eddie likes blue better. Eddie thinks blue is boy’s colour. No, he didn’t. He felt shame.

5 Language points 1. would rather do sth 宁愿做某事也不愿 … would rather do A than do B 2. There’s nothing wrong with … =Nothing is wrong with… … 没什么毛病。 3. Sth. looks good on sb. 穿在你身上好看 =Sb looks good in sth.

6 1. 我宁愿呆在家而不愿去公园. I _______________at home ___________to the park. 2. 你的自行车没什么毛病。 ______________________ your bike. There’s nothing wrong with 3. 这件夹克衫穿在他身上看起来很 漂亮。 The jacket________________. He ______________the jacket. would rather stay than go looks nice on him looks nice in

7 Read it by yourselves and give us a performance with your partners.

8 Dialogue

9 Eddie and Hobo Eddie wants to ____ clothes. Hobo brings him two clothes, one is ____, the other is ____. Eddie thinks he _____ ______ wear ____ than ____, because ____ is girl’s colour. Hobo says there is _______ wrong ____ pink and helps Eddie put on a blue ____. Eddie feels shame but Hobo says blue _____ good __ him. wear bluewouldrather pink blue pink nothing with pink dress lookson


11 red orange yellow green blue indigo violet Colourful rainbow

12 Read Only Your Grandmother’s Books In Venice.

13 Conversation: Work in groups of two, talking about Rainbow. A: How many colours are there in a rainbow? B: … A: What are they? B: They are…

14 would rather…than Translation 宁愿 …… 而不愿 没什么毛病 天空中的彩虹 告诉某人关于某事 多少种颜色 穿在某人身上好看 how many colours tell sb about sth a rainbow in the sky There’s nothing wrong with… Sth. looks good on sb/ Sb looks good in sth.

15 Homework 1. Recite the dialogue between Eddie and Hobo. 2. Do some relevant exercises.

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