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Get to Ch. 9 in online textbook & update notebooks Monday, September 21.

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Presentation on theme: "Get to Ch. 9 in online textbook & update notebooks Monday, September 21."— Presentation transcript:

1 Get to Ch. 9 in online textbook & update notebooks Monday, September 21

2 Essential Questions What causes changes in the economy over time? How do depressions affect societies?

3 Online Textbook Get to Chapter 9 “Chapter Opener” In your notebook start a new “chapter/section”, label it: The Great Depression & update your Table of Contents Read through the “Chapter Opener” and write down key facts What does the word depression mean in everyday language?


5 Place & Time: US 1928- 1933 Click on the timeline on the bottom (a new tab should open) Look at the events on the World Timeline (red) “Bonus Army” ---click on the map with their march 12,000-15,000 WWI veterans & families 1924-promised a bonus by Congress, not full payment until 1945

6 Chapter 9 Vocabulary Stock market Bull market Speculation Margin Installment Bank run Hobo Public works Relief Foreclose Definition, sentence or picture *whatever helps you remember *Due Friday

7 Work Time Looking Ahead: Lesson 1-Due Tuesday Lesson 2-Due Thursday Friday-Vocab & Current Event

8 Tuesday, Sept 22nd *Take out your Sec. 1 Assignment *Notebook & Textbook will be needed in a bit

9 IMPORTANT TERMS/PEOPLE ▪ Go over Section 1 homework ▪ Open laptops/online textbook to Chapter 9 Section 1 ▪ Take out your notebooks: create a label for Herbert Hoover in your notes ▪ Click on his picture, read his mini-biography & write down some notes in your words

10 WHY CAPITALISM FAILED? ▪ Capitalism: investment & ownership of the means of production, distribution, & exchange of wealth is made & maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations ▪ Using the page numbers on the bottom, get to page 3-then click on the picture with New York Stock Exchange ▪ On the bottom are 4 grey buttons-click on each one and read the information ▪ As the panic grew, what did some brokers & investors do? Why do you think they did this? ▪ Why did so many people gather on Wall Street? Today does this happen as much? Why or why not?

11 CAUSES OF G.D. ▪ Get to page 4 ▪ Then click on the circle/flow chart with “The Causes of the Great Depression” ▪ In your notes, write down the causes of the Great Depression and put a star by the one you think had the biggest impact on American life (be ready to explain why)

12 LESSON 1 REVIEW ▪ Click on page 6-then Causes of Great Depression Fill in the Blank ▪ Time yourself, top score gets a prize! ▪ Homework-vocabulary *Due Friday with a quiz

13 Wednesday, Sept. 23 *Need notebooks & pen/pencil-laptops in about 10 minutes to Fusion Page T

14 Essential Questions What causes changes in the economy over time? How do depressions affect societies?


16 Connecting to Today pick a few athletes and put in a realistic salary for the year, like how much your guardian/parent makes write down their name and how long you would have to work in notebook m m write down 5-10 facts from the web page in your notebook Take notes & we will discuss as a class at the end (about 5-10 minutes) Links are on the Fusion page on the right hand side

17 Work Time You have work time for the following: Thursday: Chapter 9 Lesson 2 Worksheet (in your packet) Friday-vocabulary/quiz & Current Events (either email me or take a form from the shelf)

18 Chapter 9 Vocabulary Stock market Bull market Speculation Margin Installment Bank run Hobo Public works Relief Foreclose Remember: definition, sentence or picture-Due next Friday, Sept 25 th

19 Thursday, September 24 *Take out Lesson 2 & notebooks T



22 Hobo Stories On the Fusion page you will find 4 stories about hobos from the late 1920’s in the Chapter 9 Folder Pick one of the stories, summarize the person’s story on the blog post using full and complete sentences in your words Then use the Internet to find out more facts about hobos during the 1920/30’s and add those to your blog post (cite your source)

23 Friday, September 25 *Take out Current Event/news story T



26 Dust Bowl Choose two of the documents from the file in the Fusion folder about the Dust Bowl Fill out the graphic organizer using the document When you are done, work time for Lesson 3 which is due Monday

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