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Working Together for Our Future Wellbeing: Framework for Working with the Third Sector Anne Wei Strategic Partnership and Planning Manager Cardiff and.

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Presentation on theme: "Working Together for Our Future Wellbeing: Framework for Working with the Third Sector Anne Wei Strategic Partnership and Planning Manager Cardiff and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working Together for Our Future Wellbeing: Framework for Working with the Third Sector Anne Wei Strategic Partnership and Planning Manager Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Sarah Capstick Health and Social Care Facilitator C3SC

2 The Story so far …. First Framework produced in 2010 and subsequently refreshed Allows for whole sector conversation with the whole Health Board Steering Group meets regularly with Third Sector infrastructure representation Annual “Keeping in Touch” events to update and involve the whole sector

3 The Story So Far …… 4 Themes Health and wellbeing Engagement Service design/redesign Volunteering

4 Sept 2014 – launching the Shaping Our Future Wellbeing Programme What are the principles required to deliver sustainable, cost effective, integrated services, centred around the person and delivering the outcomes that matter to people? Where should the principles be applied? How should the principles be applied?

5 Working Together: Principles for Change Avoid harm, waste and variation Support people in choosing healthy behaviours Encourage self-management of conditions Enable people to maintain or recover their health in or as close to their own home as possible Create value by achieving the outcomes and experience that matter to people at an appropriate cost Adopt evidence based practice, standardising as appropriate Fully use the limited resources available, living within the total Minimise avoidable harm Achieve outcomes through minimum appropriate intervention Outcomes that matter to People Home first Empower the Person Promote equity between the people who use and provide services 12

6 May Time Line Working Together in 2015: Co-producing Change Strategic principles developed Key priorities identified 6 workshops completed Workshop output refined with clinical experts Vision for Cancer Care Vision for Dementia Care Vision for Long Term Conditions Vision for Dental and Eye Care Vision for Maternal Health Services Vision for Mental Health Services Service user and third sector feedback obtained 6 shared visions of the future created Aug Nov Dec Jan Feb MarMay 2014 2015 Visual minutes recorded

7 People at the Centre of Our Strategy “I want to stay close to my community and family.” “ What can I do to help myself” “A coordinated service, including out of hours, so I don't repeat the same story” “I want to have good quality care not just good enough care.” “I'm kept informed and I have a single care plan for everything”

8 Methodology

9 Emerging Themes Key role in influencing behaviour. Expand UHB volunteering. Third Sector as direct service providers. Co-productive service planning and design. H&SC Facilitators’ key role as intermediary and in signposting. Important role in service user and carer involvement in planning and as advocates for vulnerable groups. Wider and more diverse input of third sector organisations. Improve operational links between sectors. Improve commissioning processes. Greater sharing of resources, skills and expertise.

10 Conclusions Consistency of opinions suggests themes are valid representation of views and ideas Strong foundation of partnership working Some good examples of integrated service delivery and arrangements for joint planning General feeling that relationships have improved and moving in right direction, BUT Clear messages on where improvements are needed

11 What has happened since All of the themes and conclusions were then taken to the event on the 25 January for further discussion. Following this the UHB Third Sector Strategic Alliance Steering group have designed a new framework. Which will hopefully be approved in March 2016. Action plan for 2016/17 being developed



14 Questions

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