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Metro Denver CDT Meeting – June 2016 Denver, CO June 2, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Metro Denver CDT Meeting – June 2016 Denver, CO June 2, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metro Denver CDT Meeting – June 2016 Denver, CO June 2, 2016

2 Agenda Introductions/Announcements 2016 Results & Projections Homelink Pilot Updates Work group reports Strategic Review – Key Points – Access Points – CAHPS Expansion (Youth, Family, Structure) – Working Group Review

3 2016 Result/Projections

4 2016 Projection Assumptions All projections are from May-Dec 2016, reflective of current PSH resources only (no newly funded projects) Veteran projections including following considerations: – Assignment of VASH vouchers have been mostly allocated (then turnover only) – Limited capacity of project based developments specific to vets (ie NCS and Ruby Hill) – Based on 58% housing placement through CAHPS Chronic non-veteran projections include: – 6.5/month CoC resource turnover, 5/month for SIB – Remaining 16 PHB placements (then turnover only) – Allocation of some Metro 1 vouchers to SIB project

5 Homelink Pilot Update Pilot started early March, veterans only; pilot group keeping an eye to full community rollout Participating agencies: VA, VOA, RMHS, Senior Support Services, DRH Role Assignment/Process development continues to evolve 372 veterans in system, 60 housed, 84 match approved (for SSVF or HUD VASH), 13 pending approval NEW IN MAY: CDT Working group for Homelink

6 Homelink Roles Note: All users must have a unique login, managed centrally Form Entry User Housing Navigator Community Coordinator Matcher Housing Provider Super User Slate User

7 Homelink Timeframes (Tentative) Work Group Planning: June-August Updating ROIs with clients: June-August Training: September Data Transfer: September-October Community Rollout: Q4 2016 Other Populations: Planned 2017 Interested in planning? Homelink Working Group, Thursdays at 9-11am, DHS (non CDT meeting days)

8 Working Group Updates Reporting/Evaluation (Chris Christner) VI-SPDAT Version 2 (Angel Hurtado) Homelink Rollout/Access Points (Renee Crews) Interested in a workgroup? Email the group leader


10 Access Points

11 Access Points - Values The front end of our system must: 1. Provide access regardless of where someone is in the community or region (no wrong door/enough doors). 2. Provide regional coverage/promote regional collaboration 3. Gather high quality data (complete, timely, accurate). 4. Create connections and relationships beyond initial access. 5. Have the capacity for follow up. 6. Be nimble. 7. Be sustainable. 8. Promote regional collaboration.

12 Access Points - Standard Expectations Regardless of access point structure, there are standard expectations that should be created including, but not limited to: 1. Minimum threshold for what is means to be an access point. 2. Shared process on follow through. 3. Required training on the database (currently Homelink). 4. Shared definition and training around navigation. 5. TA around what it means to be a good access point and ability to troubleshoot when needed. 6. Develop ways of meeting virtually to allow for greater participation.

13 Access Points - Options Considered “Status Quo": Any agency can participate “Opt In”: Agency opt in process with clear expectations for follow through “County Autonomy”: Each county has autonomy to determine access points Identification of Sub-regions to facilitate the work and to collaborate on determination of local access points Work Group Recommendation: Collaboration between CAHPS and Sub- regions to determine access point structure in each area strategic to local context (theoretically upholds all values if implemented correctly)

14 Access Points-Recommendation Work Group Recommendation: Collaboration between CAHPS and Sub- regions to determine access point structure in each area strategic to local context (theoretically upholds all values if implemented correctly) Why it works: Takes into account local context across region while still ensuring collaboration. Allows CoC to collectively make strategic decisions on embedding resources and ensuring enough doors in each area. Increases chances of collecting complete and accurate data. Brings voice of client into process by responding to needs in each area. Enough structure but still nimble. Increased likelihood of sustaining system and regional approach.

15 Access Points - Recommendation (cont’d) Must Have: Strategic placement of regional navigators, mobile assessors, outreach+ Process for regular collaboration and feedback. Someone in each sub-region provides leadership. Ask for participation from Human Services, PHAs, etc. Focus on QA and oversight from System Level Directors. Continuously work together to free up resources and create flow in system. Create communication/map on decided upon access points. Oversight/Advisory committee needed to provide leadership. Challenge: Need a facilitated planning process for each sub region to make strategic decisions. Necessitates broader participation/collaboration in each sub-region. Will require concerted effort to maintain strong regional collaboration.

16 Access Points – Next Steps NOW: Process Map/ Current Flow Mapping of Access Points Develop system wide standards/values Review Data Quality Use data to inform process/ evaluation committee JUNE: Clear overview of what it means to be an access point Preserve/promote consumer voice Process to divide regions Address technological challenges across region Set initial goals/milestones for regions/population Identify local champions Identify specialty access points (ie: MHCD, MHP) MESSAGING AROUND STANDARDS AND EXPECTATIONS Consider role of 211 & mobile virtual assessment Identify gaps

17 Access Points – Next Steps (cont’d) JULY: Identify region specific leaders Develop structure template for regional level conversations AUGUST Higher level branding of CAHPS Plan for implementation across population Consider test sub-regions for rolling out populations Clearly articulate governance structure & feedback loop SEPTEMBER Recommendation to CoC board Develop policies and procedures for enforcing standards Secure resources to eliminate gap

18 Access Points – Structure Concept

19 Expansion of CAHPS Review of Upcoming Resources (MDHI) Current Status of Youth Pilot Current Status of Family Meetings

20 Expansion of CAHPS - Resources Youth and Family CAHPS groups are developing population specific housing inventories New CoC funded projects: – RRH for Families Aurora Mental Health Center/Aurora@Home, 20 families Boulder County Housing Authority, 40 families CCH, 100 families – RRH for Individuals and Families Family Tree, individuals and families, survivors of domestic violence, 25 households – PSH for Individuals and Youth Division of Housing, 90 CH individuals, 20 CH youth NOTE: These numbers reflect NOFA grant proposal submissions and numbers may change at time of contract

21 Expansion of CAHPS - Youth Determine prioritization Determine central place for data to be stored Meet on 5/27, determine meeting frequency Potentially form workgroup in preparation for PSH

22 Expansion of CAHPS - Family Family group begin tracking family placements; form group to begin collecting ROI’s and recruit new providers Report out by RRH Vet Pilot to Family RRH Service Providers (By Aug 1) Family and RRH planning Group (Aug -Sept) Planning Retreat (facilitated by Mel) ID what needs to change between vet pilot and family implementation ID RRH Resources and Access Points Determining Criteria for the appropriate/effective application of RRH How to tie in RRH to other interventions Plan and Implement system changes

23 Current Work Group Listing CAHPS Leadership Team –Work group for Communication and Branding CAHPS Community Design Team (CDT) –Work groups and subcommittees currently include HomeLink, Evaluation, VISPDAT 2.0, Case Conferencing, Alternate Process, CoC Housing Providers, Veteran Providers Youth CAHPS Family CAHPS Other contributors: MDHI Board work group, MDHI Coordinating Committee

24 Streamlining Working Groups – Next Steps What will we accomplish by September 30? Ask committee/work groups what value they see and what they perceive the committee’s role to be (via survey) (June) Determine clear purpose—how can we meet less frequently and still accomplish what we need to accomplish (July) Decide what meetings can be combined or merged (i.e. individual, youth and family meeting together for part of the time and then breaking out separately)—consult with leads for each group (July) Create a proposed reporting and tasking structure (August) Create expectations for committee members (accountability, attendance, participation) (August) Decide which meetings can be held electronically (phone, webinar, etc.) (August)


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