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Dallas County Community College District – The LeCroy Center Taking the Pulse of Online Learning: Using the Quality Score Card in the DCCCD ROOM X2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Dallas County Community College District – The LeCroy Center Taking the Pulse of Online Learning: Using the Quality Score Card in the DCCCD ROOM X2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dallas County Community College District – The LeCroy Center Taking the Pulse of Online Learning: Using the Quality Score Card in the DCCCD ROOM X2005 - Dr Terry Di Paolo 1

2 Agenda 2  Why are we doing this?  How does the scorecard work?  How will we be using it in the District?  What’s the timeline?  What happens next…

3 Sept2015 3  Compression Planning Session organized by DFAC and LeCroy  Identified two future priorities:  There needs to be a unified vision and strategic direction for online in the District.  Colleges and LeCroy would benefit from a written agreement about roles and responsibilities.

4 Externally 4  In recent years SACSCOC has issued specific guidelines and expectations for distance learning = increasing level of accountability for distance learning  The Quality Score Card increasingly being adopted (and recommended) to institutions as a framework for organizing their review of distance education

5 Why are we doing this? 5  Clear message – we need a way to examine where things are at now and begin the work of developing a plan for the future  Scorecard offers sound starting point  Discussed and supported by  VP Council  DELT  Presidents’ group

6 Quality matters vs Quality Score Card 6  Quality Matters – focuses on quality at the course level  Quality Score Card – focuses on quality at program level

7 The Scorecard 7  The Quality Scorecard Handbook 2014 (emailed to you)  75 unique quality indicators (items)  Originally designed to be completed by online programs  Indicators divided across 9 categories  The culmination of research and expert input

8 How DCCCD is using the score card 8  Focus is on 100% online curriculum only at each college  not specific online programs and not all types of online i.e. hybrid  We have re-ordered the categories and organized them into 4 groupings that deal with cognate areas and activity  We are going to deal with those categories one at a time as PHASES  We are going to work through these phases on the same timeline

9 Scorecard Phases and Categories 9 PhaseTitleCategories 1Infrastructure Institutional Support Technology Support 2Support for faculty and students Faculty Support Student Support 3Development and implementation of online curriculum Course Development & Instructional Design Course Structure Teaching and Learning Social and Student Engagement 4Evaluation and Assessment

10 How it works 10

11 What colleges deliver in each phase 11 1. Indicator Scores  Score for college AND assessment of how the District scores overall on that indicator 2. For each category – identify UP TO five things identified as needing “an immediate fix” in the next 6 months 3. For each category – UP TO five recommendations for future (think 2020) policy/strategy/practice/activity in this area

12 LeCroy Team 12  Look at most common score and the average score  Look at comments colleges provide for each indicator  Determine a District score based on the scores  Report on what appeared to stand out as take- aways for the District

13 Group activity 13

14 14 Colleges responses indicated it is unclear whether there exists a comprehensive governance structure for 100% online at the District level. While there is evidence that some colleges have created or attempted to develop their own governance structure for 100% online, there is no evidence of a uniform district level governance structure for 100% online.

15 Institutional Support Overall 15 1 The institution has a governance structure to enable clear, effective, and comprehensive decision making related to 100% online education. 1 2 The institution has policy and guidelines that confirm a student who registers in a 100% online course / curriculum is the same student who participates in and completes the course / curriculum and receives academic credit. This is done by verifying the identity of a student by using methods such as (a) a secure login and pass code, (b) proctored examinations, or (c) other technologies and practices that are effective in verifying student identity. 2 3 The institution has a policy for intellectual property of course materials; it specifically addresses 100% online course materials, and is publicly visible online. 1 4 The institution has defined the strategic value of 100% online learning to its enterprise and stakeholders. 2 5 The organizational structure of the 100% online curriculum supports the institution's mission, values, and strategic plan. 1 6 The 100% online curriculum's strategic plan is reviewed for its continuing relevance, and periodically improved and updated. 0 7 The institution has a process for planning and resource allocation for 100% online curriculum, including financial resources, in accordance with strategic planning. 1 8 The institution demonstrates sufficient resource allocation, including financial resources, in order to effectively support the mission of 100% online curriculum. 1 9 The institution has a governance structure to enable systematic and continuous improvement related to the administration of 100% online curriculum. 1

16 Recommendations for the short-term (6 to 9 months) 16 1. Review intellectual property policy (3) 2. Publish guidelines on student authentication (2)

17 Long-term recommendations 17 1. Develop a comprehensive strategic plan for online learning (needs to include human and financial resourcing and links to the vision and mission of the district) 2. Develop governance structure for online learning for colleges and district 3. Build in ongoing review of the strategic plan and governance structure to ensure continuing relevance and improvement

18 Scorecard Phases and Categories 18 PhaseTitleCategories 1Infrastructure Institutional Support Technology Support 2Support for faculty and students Faculty Support Student Support 3Development and implementation of online curriculum Course Development & Instructional Design Course Structure Teaching and Learning Social and Student Engagement 4Evaluation and Assessment

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