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Massage for Cancer Patients Amanda Bell Neuromuscular and Oncology Massage Therapist Napier City Massage Therapy.

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Presentation on theme: "Massage for Cancer Patients Amanda Bell Neuromuscular and Oncology Massage Therapist Napier City Massage Therapy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Massage for Cancer Patients Amanda Bell Neuromuscular and Oncology Massage Therapist Napier City Massage Therapy.

2 What is Oncology Massage?  A deeply relaxing form of massage, using gentle and slow strokes to promote relaxation  Adaptations are made for site, pressure and position  Does not aim to work out muscle kinks, but can include scar massage.  Is tailored to how someone is feeling on the day.

3 What does it do? How can relaxation help?  Gentle oncology massage can bring about the Relaxation Response which is "The relaxation response is a physical state of deep rest that changes the physical and emotional responses to stress... and the opposite of the fight or flight response."relaxation responsefight or flight response Herbert Benson, M.D.

4 The Benefits of the Relaxation Response  Our levels of the stress hormone Cortisol drop and the hormones, such as anandamide and dopamine that make us feel good go up when we relax  The effect is  Improved sleep quality  Better digestion and kidney function  Reduced pain  Reduced anxiety  It just feels good!!

5 Some Massage and Cancer Myths What beliefs do you have around massage and cancer?

6 Dispelling the Myths  Cancer CANNOT be spread by massage A gentle massage has as strong an impact on circulation as a gentle walk around the block Cancer cells are actually very fragile, and easily damaged by turbulence in the blood stream  Cancer cannot be passed to the person giving the massage  “Massage” does not have to mean deep tissue, remedial manipulation of the tissues  Not all cancer patients are fragile - some are coping with some very tough treatments!

7 Who Can Have Massage? There is NO ONE who can’t be touched

8 Who Can Give Massage?  With a little knowledge, anyone can! And it can be really beneficial for both the receiver and the giver.

9 Teaching the Carers  Being the loved one of a cancer patient can be a frustrating role.  Learning to massage their loved one at home can give a carer a sense of purpose and being able to do something positive.  It also promotes bonding and helps with the grieving process Giving loving touch to loved ones

10 For More Information  Amanda Bell  Napier City Massage Therapy    06 833 6162

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