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May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 1 1 st Quarter 2006 Presentation of Results May 12 th, 2006 Kåre Løchsen, CEO Alex Gundersen, CFO.

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Presentation on theme: "May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 1 1 st Quarter 2006 Presentation of Results May 12 th, 2006 Kåre Løchsen, CEO Alex Gundersen, CFO."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 1 1 st Quarter 2006 Presentation of Results May 12 th, 2006 Kåre Løchsen, CEO Alex Gundersen, CFO

2 May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 2 Agenda Q1 Highlights Financial Results first quarter Products and Markets Q’s & A’s

3 May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 3 Quarterly Highlights - Operation 37% growth in operating revenues  For regular customers (excluding bulk orders) better than the best quarter of 2005 EBITDA of 2.3 m, up from -0.2 m in Q1 2005 Net profit at 1.6 m as compared to -0.3 m in Q1 2005

4 May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 4 Quarterly Highlights - Market and Technology Solid development of sales to core customers for embedded solutions First installation of Dolphin SuperSockets in the UK  Collaboration with Capgemini and MySQL brought a major ticketing system on line  Significant performance gain using Dolphin with MySQL New cabling system in stock  Improvement for certain usage areas  Second Source Completed RoHS compliancy program a head of time All Open Source SW suite for large HPC clusters in operation  Partners, University of Zürich, Nicevt

5 May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 5 Quarterly Highlights - Stock Market Successful IPO and listing on OSE April 20 Expanded shareholder base  IPO from 220 to 337 shareholders  First weeks of trading, from 337 to 418 shareholders

6 May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 6 Going Forward Quarterly revenue reflects a solid base business Take advantage of the positive reception of SuperSockets in the MySQL community  Aggressive marketing into the database server market NumaChip project startup  Establishing partnerships  Recruiting

7 May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 7 Agenda Q1 Highlights Financial Results first quarter Q’s & A’s

8 May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 8 P & L – Key Figures

9 May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 9 P & L – Historic Development

10 May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 10 Quarterly Revenue

11 May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 11 Balance Sheet – Key Figures

12 May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 12 Cash Flow – Key Figures

13 May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 13 Cash Flow from Operations

14 May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 14 20 Largest Shareholders

15 May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 15 Agenda Q1 Highlights Financial Results first quarter Q’s & A’s

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