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Savona, 11 April 2014 WP 5: Communications. Where we are now Logo:Postcards: Header/footer & website:Templates:

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Presentation on theme: "Savona, 11 April 2014 WP 5: Communications. Where we are now Logo:Postcards: Header/footer & website:Templates:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Savona, 11 April 2014 WP 5: Communications

2 Where we are now Logo:Postcards: Header/footer & website:Templates:

3 Timeline - branding

4 Timeline

5 What we need to do next: Promote the project (own channels, media release, call for interest) – Apr/May ‘14 Decide on Special Interest Group – May/Jun’14? Conference attendance (general PPT to be uploaded) – May ‘14 Journal submissions (to agree on timetable, add journals, agree on guidelines) – May/Jun ‘14

6 Special Interest Group A/AExpertOrganisationCountryScientific Area, Expertise 1Stefan Melin Vattenfall Research Development ABSweden Electricity production distribution and sales; renewables 2Gabriele ComodiUniversità Politecnica delle MarcheItaly Energy efficiency; Decentralized energy generation 3Sauro LonghiUniversità Politecnica delle MarcheItalyDiagnostics; Control optimization 4Sakis GaligalisInternational ExpertGreece Energy efficiency, capacity building, renewables, smart grids, sustainable development 5Cathy Garner Innovation, expert at Knowledge Economy InnovationsUK Smart Urban Networks Creative Intangibles Knowledge Based Economic Development 6Tan Yigitcanlar Science and Engineering Faculty, Queensland UniversityAustraliaTU Urban & Regional Planning 7Dr. Sgouris SgouridisMasdar InstituteAbu Dhabi Socio-technical sys modeling incl. sus. transport sys & sys management

7 Journal submissions: Pap er no. Creatio n period ObjectivePaper topicAudience Responsibili ty Involved partners (suggestion) Possible journals / conferences 1 Mar. 2014 Obj. 1: To develop the OPTIMUS approach on the linking of Smart Cities with Energy Optimisation, 2 As above 3 May 2014 Obj. 2: To develop a methodological tool (Smart City Energy Assessment Framework) 4 As above 5 Jan. 2015 Obj. 4: To define, collect and semantically model data from different types and sources. 6 As above 7 Sept. 2015 Obj. 5: To develop the OPTIMUS DSS. 8 As above 9 Sept. 2016 Obj. 6: To validate the OPTIMUS approach, through real-life pilot cases in three. 10As above

8 DateEventLocationPartner to goCall for papers MonthlyBreakfast @ SustainabilityBrussels, Belgium 12-13 FebLet’s Go Zaanstad, Nehtherlands Zaanstad/NTUA 17-18 Feb CITIES Cities of Tomorrow investing in Europe Brussels, Belgium 27-28 Feb4th Annual Smart Grids Smart Cities ForumWarsaw, Poland 26-27 MarREM 2014 – Renewable Energy MeditarraneanRavenna, Italy 3-4 AprSmart GreensBarcelona, Spain 3 Jan 2014 7-11 AprGlobal Town Hall @ MetropolitanHannover, Germany 13-14 MaySmartCities Amsterdam, Netherlands 21-23 MayPlan it Smart - clever solutions for smart citiesVienna, Austria23 Dec 2013 4-6 JuneIntersolar EuropeMünich, Germany Sense One 13 Jan 2014 10 JuneEnergy Efficient Data CentresCambridge, UK28 Feb 2014 7-9 Jul The Fifth International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications Chania, Crete NTUA 14-16 OctSolar Power UKBirmingham, UK Sense One 22-24 OctSmart City Expo 2014Bolognafiere, Italy 19-23 NovSmart City Expo World CongressBarcelona, Spain Sant Cugat Events :

9 Thank-you!

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