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NPPF and Plan Making The Planning Inspectorate The Planning Inspectorate.

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Presentation on theme: "NPPF and Plan Making The Planning Inspectorate The Planning Inspectorate."— Presentation transcript:

1 NPPF and Plan Making The Planning Inspectorate The Planning Inspectorate

2 Overview  Localism Act has given authorities more power but also more responsibility  The bar has been raised in relation to plan making

3 New requirements  Plan must be “positively prepared”  Consider duty to cooperate  These in addition to justified, effective and consistent with national policy

4 Positively Prepared  Means objectively assessing development and infrastructure needs  Planning for those needs  Cooperating where necessary to meet the needs

5 Duty to cooperate  Two legs 1) Legal requirement. Section 110 of the Localism Act has inserted a new section (33A) into the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 2) Soundness question

6 Duty to cooperate  PINS cannot rectify any legal deficiency because it applies to the plan preparation stage  Preparation ends with submission

7 Duty to Cooperate  Duty does not exist for its own sake  Purpose of duty is to effect delivery of the plan  Therefore 2 nd leg is how effective is the cooperation

8 Development Plan Needs  One of the 12 core principles detailed in paragraph 17  Numerous other references to assessing needs in other parts of the NPPF  Evidence from regional strategy work may be adequate for the present  Critically review and update

9 Three Dimensions  Economic – contribute to building a strong, responsive and competitive economy. Clear message  Social role – note reference to housing supply and high quality built environment  Environmental role- protecting and enhancing natural, built and historic environment

10 Three Dimensions  Challenge is to balance the three dimensions  Not a new challenge

11 The Economy  Planning system must do all it can to support economic growth  Take realistic view of land requirements  Note support for the rural economy

12 Housing  Clear emphasis – Meeting housing need is a clear message  Must have a full, objectively assessed assessment of needs for market and affordable housing  Note reference to market demand and all types of housing – paragraph 159

13 Housing  5 year supply of deliverable sites requirement remains and is strengthened  Persistent under –delivery  No definition - consider market cycles  Is strategy correct if delivery is less than required

14 Environment  Green Belt protected  If necessary review boundaries in local plans - 83  Note provision for locally important green spaces – 76  Climate change important consideration  New provision for Nature Protection Areas 117

15 Viability  Increased emphasis  Take full account of relevant market and economic signals 158  Careful attention to viability -173  Take care about cumulative demands

16 Gypsy and Traveller Policy  Note new policy must be read in conjunction with the NPPF  Significantly more demanding  5 year supply of sites needed just like any other housing

17 Conclusion  Much of this reflects what should have been happening anyway  Getting plans in place is critical  No plan means increased vulnerability on appeal

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