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What we know. What we can do.. Are comprised of representatives of key social funders and providers of services to children and families:  Township of.

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Presentation on theme: "What we know. What we can do.. Are comprised of representatives of key social funders and providers of services to children and families:  Township of."— Presentation transcript:

1 What we know. What we can do.

2 Are comprised of representatives of key social funders and providers of services to children and families:  Township of Langley,  City of Langley,  Fraser Health,  Fraser Regional Library,  School District #35,  MCFD,  Aldergrove Neighbourhood Services and  Langley Community Services.

3  Langley as a healthy community where all children are supported to achieve their potential.  The purpose of the Strengthening Families Public Partners is to ensure a continuous process of collaborative planning and organization in support of an integrated service delivery system that meets the needs of young people(birth to nineteen years) and their families.

4 We envision a community where family and childhood vulnerabilities have been addressed Objective: a Langley where all children and families have the supports they need for children and youth to succeed. Unfortunately we’re not there now.


6 Population aged 0-5 years for Langley Communities, 2006 Community Total population Total 0-5 % 0-5 within community % within total 0-5 pop Aldergrove11,5459928.6%15.6% Brookswood/Fernridge12,9807746.0%12.2% Fort Langley2,3801195.0%1.9% Murrayville7,8404515.8%7.1% Salmon River5,9602824.7%4.4% Walnut Grove22,0451,6137.3%25.4% Willoughby13,0051,2059.3%19.0% Total Rural17,8058865.0%13.9% Total Twp93,0406,3526.8%100.0% City North14,0708185.8%52.9% City South9,2607347.9%47.5% 23,3401,5466.6%100.0% Total116,3807,8986.8%

7 Population aged 6-12 Years for Langley Communities, 2006 Community Total PopulationTotal 6-12 % 6-12 within community % within 6- 12 pop Aldergrove11,5451,23510.7%13.8% Brookswood/ Fernridge12,9801,2399.5%13.8% Fort Langley2,3802018.4%2.2% Murrayville7,8406398.2%7.1% Salmon River5,9604748.0%5.3% Walnut Grove22,0452,32510.5%26.0% Willoughby13,0051,1008.5%12.3% Total Rural17,8051,7269.7%19.3% Total Langley Twp93,0408,9519.6%100.0% City North14,0708325.9%46.3% City South9,26096710.4%53.8% Total Langley City23,3401,7987.7%100.0% Total Langley116,38010,7499.2%

8 Youth aged 13-18 Years for Langley Communities, 2006 Community Total PopulationTotal 13-18 % 13-18 within community % within 13- 18 pop Aldergrove11,5451,18210.2%13.5% Brookswood/ Fernridge12,9801,2189.4%13.9% Fort Langley2,38024610.3%2.8% Murrayville7,8407469.5%8.5% Salmon River5,9605769.7%6.6% Walnut Grove22,0452,19410.0%25.0% Willoughby13,0051,0047.7%11.4% Total Rural17,8051,6049.0%18.3% Total Langley Twp93,0408,7789.4%100.0% City North14,0708165.8%47.8% City South9,2608869.6%51.9% Total Langley City23,3401,7087.3%100.0% Total Langley116,38010,4869.0%

9 Families by Type for Langley Communities, 2006 Community Total Families Total Couple Families Total Lone- parent Families Lone Parents FemaleMale Aldergrove3,1652,58081.5%58518.5%485105 Brookswood/ Fernridge 3,8903,40587.5%48512.5%380100 Fort Langley63554085.0%10015.7%6535 Murrayville2,3251,98585.4%33514.4%24590 Salmon River1,7501,63593.4%1106.3%9020 Walnut Grove6,4405,70088.5%74011.5%625115 Willoughby3,7553,29087.6%48012.8%38595 Total Rural5,2004,65589.5%55010.6%345190 Total Twp26,97523,61087.5%3,36012.5%2,630730 City North3,7002,75074.3%95025.7%770180 City South2,6302,33588.8%29011.0%20585 6,3305,09080.4%1,24019.6%975265 Total33,30528,70086.2%4,60013.8%3,605995

10 VULNERABLE POPULATIONS  The highest percentage of new immigrants reside in Willoughby (25.7%), Walnut Grove (22.6%), Langley City North (19.5%) and Aldergrove (12.4%)  Langley has 155 Government Assisted Refugees (18% of Lower Mainland total)  Lone parent families are highest in Langley City North (25.7%), Aldergrove (18.5%), and Fort Langley (15.7%)  The highest numbers of Aboriginal residents live in Aldergrove (4.1%) and Langley City North (3.9%)

11  The highest percentage of population without high school graduation are in Aldergrove (16.9%), Langley City North (15.8%) and Rural Langley ( (13.3%)  More mothers with young children are working in Aldergrove (77.2%), Langley City North (68.4%) and Willoughby (68.4%)  More residents live in rental accommodation in Langley City (51%), Rural (21.8%) and Aldergrove (20%).  Families move more often in Willoughby (31%), Langley City North (24.8%) and Aldergrove (14.3%) VULNERABLE POPULATIONS

12 Families living in Low Income Situations in Langley, 2006 Metro No. % LICONo. % LICONo. % LICO Total Economic Families 26,5 60 7.0%6,3 35 15.6 % 557,2 7017.1% Male lone parent 6559.2% 235 25.5 % 14,42 022.2% Female lone parent 2,41 5 19.9 %905 38.5 % 64,08 035.0% LICO means Low Income before tax Cut Offs: Income levels at which families or persons not in economic families spend 20% more than average of their before tax income on food, shelter and clothing.

13 Langley DM Langley CY Total - Income status before tax Low income Other Total - Income status before tax Low income Other Total - Number of persons in economic families84,5306,07578,46018,4402,87015,570 Total number of children at home31,5902,78528,8106,4401,2255,220 Under 25 years28,6802,67026,0105,7551,1554,595 Under 18 years21,6902,25519,4354,6201,0453,575 Under 12 years12,9801,41511,5653,0107602,255 Under 6 years5,8806005,2801,5404101,130 25 years and over2,9101152,80068570615 Note: you'll have to subtract one subgroup from another to get only 12 to 17 yr olds. Same is true for 6 to 11 yr olds.

14 Children under 6 living in Low Income Situations in Langley Communities, 2006 CommunityNumber% LICO Aldergrove99511.6 Brookswood/Fernridge7609.9 Fort Langley1150.0 Murrayville4255.9 Salmon River2550.0 Walnut Grove1,5707.0 Willoughby1,21014.1 Total Rural7956.3 Total Twp6,17010.4 City North85542.7 City South7256.2 1,58525.6

15  Food Bank utilization jumped by 9.2% from 2008-2010.  The poverty rate increased to 12.5% in the same period.  the middle class has seen its share of after- tax incomes drop, from 17.5% in 1990 to 16.3% in 2008.  One in four Canadian children go to school hungry.

16  The average total accumulated debt per Canadian household crept above the $100,000 mark in late 2010. This represents a 78% advance in real terms since 1990 and a 46% hike since 2000, equal to about 150% of household disposable income.

17 Living Arrangements of Children Under 19 Years of Age Receiving Basic Income Assistance*--December 2008 Local Health Area Total Population Under 19 Children on Basic Income Assistance As a Percent of all Children under 19 Total Living in 2 Parent Families Living in 1 Parent Families Not Living With Parents Langley29,7111. British Columbia894,2372.

18 Number of Children receiving Under Age Assistance, Langley, 2008-10 JanFebMarAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecTotal 2008437 20093357129 11 121011106 2010109118 81076121011113

19  30% of BC children DON’T arrive at kindergarten meeting all the developmental benchmarks they need to thrive both now and in the future. This means that nearly one in three B.C. kindergarten children are at risk of failing to develop into the healthy, well- educated, innovative and productively- employed adults


21 Families by Vulnerability Type for Langley Communities Community EDI Lone parent (female) LICO Immigrant Families Aboriginal Families Rental No grad Working Mothers Aldergrove 54.6 485 11.6% 4.1%20%16.9%77.2% Brookswood/ Fernridge 27.1 380 9.9 % Fort Langley 24.3 65 0.0 % Murrayville 16.4 245 5.9 % Salmon River90 0.0 % Walnut Grove West 19.8 6257.0 % 22.6% Walnut Grove East 25.2 Willoughby 21.8 385 14.1 % 25.7%68.4% Total Rural 44.7 345 6.3% 21.8%13.3% City North 41.1 770 42.7% 19.5%3.9% 51% 15.8%68.4% City South22.22056.2 %



24 1. Establishing a Strategic plan to address the needs of vulnerable communities. 2. Working with the Langley Child and Youth Committee and its member agencies 3. Working with Langley’s Early Childhood and Middle Childhood Committees


26  Would establish a vision and goals.  Would set out desired outcomes that would begin to address community vulnerabilities.  Would work with existing committees to support their plans within the context of the community plan.  Would identify indicators, activities and responsibilities.  Would support accountability to the community.

27  With key community stakeholders and committees, establish a strategic plan to address vulnerabilities for children, youth and families in Langley.  Identify priorities for this year.  Work with ECD and MCM tables to take forward their agenda.  Engage Youth committee in further planning.

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