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M4D - Mobile Communication for Development Dr. Jakob Svensson & Dr. Caroline Wamala.

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Presentation on theme: "M4D - Mobile Communication for Development Dr. Jakob Svensson & Dr. Caroline Wamala."— Presentation transcript:

1 M4D - Mobile Communication for Development Dr. Jakob Svensson & Dr. Caroline Wamala

2 M4D - Mobile Communication for Development - The rise and uptake of mobile communication has been accelerating at a remarkable pace - Especially in developing regions

3 Global ICT development 2000-2010

4 Mobile Telephony - Over 5.3 billion connected by November 2010 - 80 % of world pop. access to mobile networks - 200 000 SMS sent every second

5 Developing regions are dominating

6 - 73% of total mobile subscriptions are in developing regions in 2010 - 68% penetration rate in developing regions - Countries in development/ transition adopt mobile technology more rapidly - Mobile telephony is better distributed among income levels than fixed phones and Internet - 99% of Internet subscriptions in East Africa in June 2009 where from mobile phones

7 What is Mobile Communication? The mobile phone is a device that lends itself to so much more than just mobile telephony, such as text-messaging, photographing, audio- and video- playing (Heeks & Jagun, 2007)

8 What does this rise in communication on mobile phones mean for its users, society and culture at large? - Depends on the context (Media Ecology) - Leaving Mass Society & Modernity behind - Perpetual contact (Katz & Aakhus, 2002) - Connected presence (Ling & Donner, 2009) - (re)negotiations of social structures e.g. Gender

9 How is the mobile phone understood to contribute to development? What imaginaries are dominant?

10 mHealth

11 mHealth mHealth

12 mHealth

13 midwives in rural Uganda regularly have to help mothers deliver using the light cast by mobile phones, held in their mouths to ensure the beams are directed where needed. mHealth

14 mMoney

15 mLivelyhood

16 mAgriculture Weather forecasts Crop/animal diseases Market access Social accountability in agricultural services

17 mGovernance

18 mLearning DR Math on Mxit Chat protocol on mobile phones – Launched in 2007 in South Africa, as of 2011 had a registered 20 000 students with over 100 virtual tutors.

19 mLearning

20 mLearning

21 What is Development? Economic? Happiness? Development is the capacity of individuals to not only assess, but to have the ability to transform, their situations (Sen, 1999) Capability approach theory 1- an evaluative tool to conceptualize, evaluate phenomena 2- developed by philosophers Amartya Sen & Martha Nussbaum 3- what people are able to do & be whether the means or resources are present.

22 A Dialetical Approach Whether access to, and use of, mobile phones will further development will depend on a) the way the usage facilitates possibilities for individuals and groups to transform the specific situations they find themselves in, b) how mobile phone practices are embedded within existing cultures, social systems and power relations as well as c) what kind of practices mobile phone use push for/affords.

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