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Secondary National Strategy SLNM Lancashire June 2006 Session 4 On-line test pilot 2006 Subject Leader Network Meeting ICT 16 th June 2006. Towards a statutory.

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1 Secondary National Strategy SLNM Lancashire June 2006 Session 4 On-line test pilot 2006 Subject Leader Network Meeting ICT 16 th June 2006. Towards a statutory test

2 Secondary National Strategy SLNM Lancashire June 2006 Key issues 1 The test will be statutory in 2008 – getting involved now is important. Pupils need to be prepared for the test. Pupils also need to acquire test techniques. Pupils need to be taught the PoS for ICT It is important that initial level assessments (ILAs) are accurate as the ILA determines which test tier a pupil is entered for.

3 Secondary National Strategy SLNM Lancashire June 2006 Key issues 2 Revision is an important signifier of pupil success in the test. Reviewing schemes of work for Key Stage 3 is necessary to manage the demands that testing brings. Curriculum managers need to plan for the test in the same way that they plan for mathematics, English and science.

4 Secondary National Strategy SLNM Lancashire June 2006 What’s in the test In any one test a pupil will come across at least 7 of the 9 ICT key concepts They will need to be familiar with file management, sending emails (including attachments) Analysis of the problem is a pre-requisite

5 Secondary National Strategy SLNM Lancashire June 2006 How is the test assessed? The assessment is based on how a pupil responds to the problem set. Each task will have a number of opportunities to demonstrate a level of attainment. Modelling task example: I need to know what price to charge in order to be able to make £250 profit on the school show. Rule, formula change, input, goal-seek, correct data, graphing, linking formulae, linking worksheets, including in report, sending email with attachment …

6 Secondary National Strategy SLNM Lancashire June 2006 Implications for teaching Pace Problem solving Progress Assessment – regular and focused Revision Experience Targeting and intervention

7 Secondary National Strategy SLNM Lancashire June 2006 Teacher assessment - issues There remains a problem in the relationship between pupil performance in ICT and their performance in E, M, Sc A focus on benchmarking is important AfL remains an issue in ICT departments

8 Secondary National Strategy SLNM Lancashire June 2006 Teacher assessment - issues Teachers need to have a clear understanding of where pupils are by the time they reach the end of Year 8 Planning for Year 9 Focusing pupil learning Grouping pupils to deal with misconceptions Looking at the L4 – 5 borderline Ensuring that ILA for the test reflects pupil capability accurately

9 Secondary National Strategy SLNM Lancashire June 2006 A brief snapshot from one LA Cohort size 05 % Lev 5+ % Lev 6+ No pupils L5+ ICT EnMaScMean of En Ma Sc Distance from mean 24545%23%11171%77%71%73%-28% 10855%23%5962%66%60%63%-8% 14187%40%12386%91%84%87%0% 12949%11%6386%82%84% -35% 18068%9%12261%67%61%63%5% 18570%48%13082%83%80%82%-11% 14770%8%10373%76%73%74%-4%

10 Secondary National Strategy SLNM Lancashire June 2006 Summary “Departments need to have reviewed and implemented schemes of work, to have planned for familiarisation and revision, to have secure and accurate teacher assessment in place and to recognise the difference between the ILA for the on-screen test and reported summative assessments. We need schools to plan for the on- screen test as a whole-school activity.” Elizabeth Newby – Regional Advisor (North West)

11 Secondary National Strategy SLNM Lancashire June 2006 2006 ‘on-line test’ Pilot Task Make sure that you have a representative cross section of experience in each group. Using the A3 table, (tutor resource 2) discuss in pairs your experiences using the headings provided. Annotate the table with a view to ‘handing it in’ for collation and future feedback to all delegates. Be prepared to share experiences, positive and negative, with other colleagues in the group.

12 Secondary National Strategy SLNM Lancashire June 2006 Background 1 This report is based upon data collected from 145 SNS ICT consultants from 9 regions. They were asked to reflect on their work with schools and to identify the readiness of schools for participation in the end of Key Stage 3 on-screen test in ICT. The readiness of schools was measured in four categories: Subject leadership Familiarisation and revision Teacher assessment Whole school readiness

13 Secondary National Strategy SLNM Lancashire June 2006 The data collection process Consultants were asked to indicate in what proportion of schools in their LA they believed the criterion under consideration to be “generally true”. They were also asked to contribute up to 3 statements exemplifying good practice in their schools and up to 3 barriers to improvement. Judgements were based on their existing knowledge of the schools, and as far as possible, provided answers which reflect the status of all the secondary schools in their LA.

14 Secondary National Strategy SLNM Lancashire June 2006 Subject Leadership: Data Criterion: Subject leaders are reviewing their schemes of work for Key Stage 3 in response to the on-screen test in ICT Percentage of schools in which the criterion is held to be generally true 100 to 7520.97% 74 to 5045.16% 49 to 2529.03% 24 to 04.84%

15 Secondary National Strategy SLNM Lancashire June 2006 Subject Leadership: Consultant Commentary Staff training Project approach to work Building in email and problem solving Building in familiarisation work in to years 7 and 8 Increase in time allowance to develop/enhance delivery in Y8 and Y9 Relationship to work in ICTAC Monitoring test to identify weaknesses Detailed in partnership plan Delivery of tasks by email across KS3 SoW reworked from 7-9 Good practice Lack of time No engagement and support from SLT Mixed messages about success for the test Limited entry from some schools – limits learning opportunities for department Skills only attitude to the test Literacy levels Misunderstanding the concept of ‘revision’ KS4 dominating SL time and allocation of staff Barriers to improvement

16 Secondary National Strategy SLNM Lancashire June 2006 Familiarisation and Revision: Data Criterion: Pupils are familiar with the test interface and have been given opportunities to practice and revise for the on-screen test Percentage of schools in which the criterion is held to be generally true 100 to 7517.74% 74 to 5046.77% 49 to 2527.42% 24 to 08.06%

17 Secondary National Strategy SLNM Lancashire June 2006 Familiarisation and Revision: Consultant Commentary Practice and familiarisation integrated into the timetable More than six weeks allocated to preparation and revision Collapsed timetable with booster and revision Homework and worksheets set Preparation via work sheets Staff familiarization work Whole school organisation to support revision Good practice Last minute mentality Late accreditation – it’s only a pilot Technical competence of support/technician” Insufficient time allocated Not planning outcomes they want from pilot Test exposure doesn’t provide evidence Major impact on pupil outcomes if more than half a term is spent on planning and preparing for the test Lack of teacher expertise – Teacher negativity and allowing their perception of the test to impede the progress of their pupils Barriers to improvement

18 Secondary National Strategy SLNM Lancashire June 2006 Teacher Assessment: Data Criterion: Teacher assessment is accurate and was used to make appropriate initial level assessments for the on-screen test Percentage of schools in which the criterion is held to be generally true 100 to 7520% 74 to 5051.67% 49 to 2523.33% 24 to 05%

19 Secondary National Strategy SLNM Lancashire June 2006 Teacher Assessment: Consultant Commentary Regular departmental Moderation Improvement of tracking systems All teachers have attended department and LA training Good practice Pupil Tracking is patchy Poor attendance at moderation meetings Lack of Transfer of data from Y8 to Y9 Block entry of pupils Not ready to give accurate levels in May Involvement of a limited range of pupils New and non-specialist teachers Unstable staffing Lack of SoW for KS3 in some schools Barriers to improvement

20 Secondary National Strategy SLNM Lancashire June 2006 Whole school readiness: Data Criterion: Senior leadership, examinations officers and subject leaders are aware of the implications of a whole cohort taking part in the on-screen test during the test window Percentage of schools in which the criterion is held to be generally true 100 to 7522.95% 74 to 5021.31% 49 to 2539.34% 24 to 016.39% 22.95% 21.31% 39.34% 16.39%

21 Secondary National Strategy SLNM Lancashire June 2006 Whole school readiness: Consultant Commentary Subject leader keeps SLT up to date Consultant briefings Effective examination timetabling Early involvement Whole LA model applied by all schools Students taken off timetable to take test Good practice SLT priority –doesn’t happen until 2008 Key Stage 4 teaching in Year 9 General lack of awareness in SLT Changing awareness into action Lack of awareness of admin requirements Technical awareness Capacity of ICT department/weak SL Priority of ICT in relation to En, Ma and Sc Not seen as a whole school issue Test is too early in the teaching year SMT - head in sand (not in our school) SMT – It’s the SL’s job Barriers to improvement

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