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Joints L Obj- what are the different types of joint? DO NOW: How good is your shoulder joint movement? Is it the same on both sides? Excellent = Fingers.

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Presentation on theme: "Joints L Obj- what are the different types of joint? DO NOW: How good is your shoulder joint movement? Is it the same on both sides? Excellent = Fingers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joints L Obj- what are the different types of joint? DO NOW: How good is your shoulder joint movement? Is it the same on both sides? Excellent = Fingers overlap Good = Fingers touch Average = Fingers are less than two inches apart Poor = Fingers are more than two inches apart

2 Starter Think, pair, share What is a joint? A place in the skeleton where two bones meet Where are the main joints in the human body? Knee, elbow, hip, wrist, ankle, neck

3 Outcomes… Recall the three types of joint in the body Describe the three types of joint and be able to give an example of each Describe the difference between tendons, cartilage and ligaments Explain how arthritis is caused

4 Preview of theTask Describe and compare the different joints within the human body. In this question you will be assessed on using good English, organising information clearly and using specialist terms where appropriate. (14 marks) Describe and compare the different joints and joint tissues within the human body. In this question you will be assessed on using good English, organising information clearly and using specialist terms where appropriate. (23 marks) Research either arthritis, ligament damage or joint replacements and be prepared to feedback to the class.

5 Information hunt- 10 mins Using the posters around the room gather information on your sheet that will help you answer the question Joints – Info to note Name Example Movement allowed Tissues – Info to note Name What does it connect to



8 Plenary -Peer Assess Swap books and award a mark for each of the following: Core and killer There are 3 types of joint in the body Fixed joint e.g. skull This joint can’t move The bones can’t grow Hinge joint e.g. elbow allows 180° movement muscles work in pairs to allow movement of this type of joint ball and socket joint e.g. hip allows 360° movement extra mark if no spelling mistakes extra mark if paragraphs used /14

9 Plenary -Peer Assess Swap books and award a mark for each of the following: Killer continued There are 3 types of joint tissue ligaments connect bone to bone tendons connect muscle to bone ligaments are elastic and stretchy whereas tendons are not cartilage forms at the end of ball and socket or hinge joints extra mark for use of three or more connectives /23

10 Feedback comments You need to say what went well WWW and what would be even better if EBI they had included. Remember you should give specific comments and your EBI comment should not give them the answer!

11 Examples WWW you have named all three types of joint in the body you have given examples of the different types of joint you have named all the different types of joint tissue and explained how they are different you have explained how much movement each joint allows you have written in paragraphs and spelt the keywords correctly EBI you had of given example of each joint you had of explained how much movement each joint allows you had of explained how ligaments and tendons are different you had of used more connectives and written in paragraphs RESPOND TO YOUR EBI COMMENT

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